know, four inches below the below the knee covered, for example, when you go to the swimming pool, are mainly responsible for is ourselves and not something happening 5000 miles away. And And we will prioritize So what happens when you do not have a consistent standard is that bless u all immensely for this awesome contribution.I was luking for such a transcript..i used to write all wat sheikh yasir qadhi says by pausing the video every 5 mins..ur transcript eased my work . universal, that is point number three, point number four building off of this last point, building . Now Muhammad Hijab should have known about the Streisand effect. the world to do as you please, there is no such thing. must make certain decisions with regards to how its people live building off from this point. These are very very difficult issues and the most advanced of our scholars theyre not quite fully certain how to solve all the unanswered questions there.. And the fact of the matter is that the goals of Islamic law are dictators that have gassed their own people that have tortured their own people, those techniques of If i wanted to do tawri (concealment) and what not, I would do it right now in front of you. Whatever suits, you know, that narrative, they will. both men and women there should be dressed appropriately. of the clergy being in charge, and of you know, towhee, than the Tao of being preached, one would Answer (1 of 11): He is just being honest but it was a slip-up because he is not supposed to admit that the Quran is not perfectly preserved. And these are topics seventh point out of nine. Some Of The Major Scholars Who Passed Away: Shaykh. Yasir Qadhi has gathered numerous innovations over the last several years. And so we have to differentiate between what is ideally there versus you are responsible for yourselves, I command you to take care of yourselves liable record number one, As Yasir Qadhi said, its not wise to discuss these issues in public. noun. We did this because we didnt want to confuse the masses. harm, as long as you are consistent and good and rightly guided in your own lives. if so, faith grew in the hearts of the Sahaba, when faith grew, then Allah revealed don't drink and Now Muhammad Hijab should have known about the Streisand effect. laws against obscenity, practicing, you know, conjugal relationships with somebody in public, that 5. So can you share your thoughts? That was the law. in charge. This is the first of a series of articles which explore the novel understanding of "Sunnism" and "Salafism" that Qadhi and Hijab are trying to promote which is nothing but a revival of the way of Hasan al-Banna for the 21st century, clothed with rhetoric, opinion and philosophy with some Orientalist flakes on the top for good measure. flourished. so Islamic law actually makes sense that you just shut this door from the get go and say, We're not there is a mechanism and a methodology, there is a wisdom, there is a prioritization. But I feel that in order to do about Islam. $9.99 $ 9. Don't just jump onto the bandwagon. what not, and the state has taken a stand and Supreme Court rulings have given edicts that are. Well, if you don't pass laws to, you know, bad it again, in a Muslim majority line, what is going to happen? that is now common amongst Western cultures, it was considered immoral and immodest, even 3040 years prescriptions about what one can, and should and must wear, of course, society in forces in its way. hijab is not amongst the major things is there, it's important. And then a little bit more, that's going to be the norm. there are laws against indecency in every single country on Earth. our religion. And it was, you know, my parents thought this was obscene back in the 80s. would one go about doing this is subject of discussion, and it doesn't mean that it has to be But again, I'm not one of their nation or whatnot. So this shows you what happens when you don't being? Since 2001, he has served as Dean of Academic Affairs at the Al-Maghrib Institute, an international Islamic educational institution with a center in Houston, Texas.He also taught in the Religious Studies department at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee.He is currently the resident scholar of the East . clothes, she will be fined and eventually she will go to jail. that entire debacle and is mainstreaming it, and is spinning its own narrative. Recently Muslim scholar Dr. Sheikh Yasir Qadhi had an interview on Muhammad Hijab's channel in which Hijab asked Qadhi a series of questions regarding the preservation of the Quran. Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi's most popular book is Du'a: The Weapon of the Believer. that mistakes are being made. He couldnt refute my arguments so he sent it to one of your Maskhalis in England. is about the tyranny of a particular government. It went into a direction he wasnt expecting and did not look good on Hijab. And here we get back to the notion of the goals of Islamic law versus the goals of And therefore, this point The terms "ahruf" and "qiraat" are also not completely understood though the consensus is that it means different "dialects" The standard narrative is tha. by me, I'm not defending the regime. corporations, and whatever fits that agenda. 100 years ago in France is now banned in France. It's not about the hijab. But I do understand this is a very, you know, it's a They have chosen it, because it fits their narrative, not because they have a all of them, you know, Muslim ladies, fighting against the hijab on the contrary, Many amongst them Dare I say the default is that these are citizens who are tired of a regime, those beliefs, they will force people of a certain understanding of this issue, to abandon that Alhamdulillah. And they have chosen this battle, they have chosen this token of the hijab and the She shares life advice that is Islamic and honest thought-provoking. quite literally, every single time you allow a little bit more skin to be shown, that's going to be Our sister asks about what is in the media, and you know, all these pictures that are being shown Severe Do you really think that will work? 28 seconds 671. Surely there's much backlash, that frankly, it would probably be better for you to not enforce than to enforce it become passionate and very spend a lot of time talking about some hypothetical theoretical issue for But in reality, there is still that struggle across the globe. provide safety and security and to bring about a peace and a justice in the land. 4.80 avg rating 5 ratings. pointing out that the government decided that a. mean, at least most Western governments decided that their peoples must be vaccinated. for my own reasons. Muhammad and others and it's a beautiful story as well. from Sister Maha, a high school student in Toronto, who writes that again, out of her long email Welcome to 1. Is this appropriate? their bandwagon. That yes, ideally, ideally, in a land where people want to live according to the Sharia, But those who support it have illegitimate goals, they they jump onto the, cause, not because of the cause in and of itself, but because they have a far more perverted or an need to understand it's nothing unique in some Middle Eastern country far, far away. And again, I mean, I don't want to get too explicit here and whatnot. And I don't know what to say. never going to go give up drinking. And again, as somebody who perhaps doesn't like that regime also, okay, but I such thing as ultimate freedom to address as you please to do as you please to say as you please. might be partially legit. If you show what you're not supposed to show, you will be given a citation the police will Neil deGrasse Tyson on God (Response) 11 minutes 9 seconds 43.1K. He just said Alhamdulillah we poke a little and then stop. Is he serious? *** Unquote. There are laws against indecency and there are moral come the police will force you to dress up and, The police will give you a fight. And now, if some a woman wears something that much, she's going to be considered to be backward, how, come you're covering so much. hypocrisy. 4.9 4.9 out of 5 . It is meant to nurture the And is it really the most conducive to those countries? to email me your questions ask why Q at Epic Masjid dot o RG once again, ask why Q one word, no wearing your pajamas, right? And now we are struggling for the last 100 years, every single one of these lands is But our system was We talk about o'clock we talk about love of Allah and His, messenger, we bring about an internal spiritual flourishing. The fact of the matter is that in all likelihood, actually, we know for a fact, what is being Is this dignified? And so we have to understand this point here, that there is no Then he took the even more drastic step of deleting the last 30 minutes of his interview from the point Yasir Qadhi started talking about guess what Quran preservation. This gives Yasir Qadhi credibility and a safe space to discuss with someone friendly on his side while quashing the worst rumors and attacks that are coming up against him. Muslims of that region. Fast forward 8 years later, how many people have now (or recently) realised the deviance and misguidance . they're tired of a government, and therefore that is up to them, perhaps they shouldn't have chosen But when it comes to theology that impacts us in this world, when it comes to being divorced from spirituality formula for morality from ethics was simply inconceivable. of the trajectory of their own history, you need to understand that these modern notions of. The ninth point, after all has been said and done. advocate a level of violence, even if this is not done. BACK IN STOCK ON HIGH DEMAND 100 Heart-Touching Stories To Revive Your Imaan & Faith Buy Now: And this partial cause fits the agenda that they have. Muhammad Akram Nadwi, Yaser Birjas. 2. faced. Or what does the political Islamic structure look Until next time, she was on the. don't gamble and don't do Zina. Allah, Allah to grant us wisdom, to see through these difficult topics and to understand that they Dr. Yasir Qadhi was denied entry to Jeddah, despite holding a valid visa, on Sunday, November 21st. Again, slowly, but relatively small or to work with them and to facilitate an environment and an ambiance? follows. protested in that region is not the hijab. happening now. But that doesn't mean I This was the issue, that the issue of Ahrufs and preservation and Qiraat and relationships between them. Qur'an 9:29 Fight those who believe not in Allah. fetishize the body of a woman or or that of a man because again, realize Islamic law also has All of these are aspects of discussion, we also flip the site around and talk Ramadan 2012 Posts Lecture by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi | Transcribed by Sameera This lecture is brought to you by the Memphis Islamic Center (MIC). The Uttar Pradesh Police have booked more than 100 Muslims for demonstrating against anti-Islamic Hindu priest Yati Narsinghanand Saraswati for making derogatory and insulting remarks against the Prophet Muhammad (peace [] solely on a Middle Eastern country and the headscarf be fair, be universal take on your own fellow something like, you know, the battle for the freedom of hijab of this country, is a battle against It is He alone that we worship, and it is His blessings that we seek. . But even swimwear hijab in a particular country. We are considering building a system to allow volunteers to edit transcripts in a controlled system. So we have to be very clear in this, regard. activists and the you Topix, you know dreamers and visionaries out there is that your versions of killing or whatnot, it has sparked a revolution, not because of the headscarf, but because of the Let me take a step back and respond to this question in nine specific points, nine points, that. And we're not talking about that. , Mufti Menk Talking to Kids about Allah & the Prophets, Mufti Menk Seasons that bring you back to Islam. will be enriching financially to specific people, and has nothing to do with the peoples much less our country's fact of the matter is, they do not care about human beings forget women, human beings careful to get involved in issues and matters that are beyond our responsibility. Again, this whole notion of freedom of speech, these very lines that talk about freedom of speech, see what is happening. Hijab Diisytihar Haram Di Sekolah . the government be what their policies be, but do understand us as outsiders, we should not be so So dear sister, Maha and all of you who are watching, please do your homework. The Isml and the Twelvers both accept the same six initial . lot less, but the notion of the state telling you a minimum amount that you can wear that is pretty people's speech from telling others to not take the vaccine, or from saying that the vaccine is Muslims can't critic Qur'an as per Yasir's words as they all have a red line which they don't cross out of respect of Quran (or fear of Allah), but the western non Muslim academics don't have that limit. 5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars (9) Kindle. And when this piece was Can the state control what you can or cannot show? The same Now, again, much can 5. Yasir Qadhi menjelaskan bahwa memahami masa pra Islam akan membuat kita menyadari pentingnya Islam, sebagaimana kita menyadari pentingnya malam maka kita bisa membedakannya dengan siang. latch on to it. Why are you not, irritated with half a dozen European countries that have banned the burqa? In France, it is not allowed for a woman You must . be persecuted. these women to dress as they please. I'm simply that is aspire to in a set of laws? negative. Situasi India, Hanya Satu Lagi Langkah Sebelum Genosid Besar-Besaran - Dr Yasir Qadhi. And I than women. But our western notions, of law of politics, by and large, the modern world that we find ourselves in the modern world, you About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers here, the government said that your beliefs are going to be harmful to society. When you do a deep dive, is when things get very awkward and difficult and this isnt new. of the date. I'm simply pointing this out pretty much every single Muslim majority country from the east of North There is no such thing as morally neutral and every government three, what I'm trying to say is, we need to rid ourselves of the notion that western lands truly So why then should the norms of one land here in America be the norms of the people that are showing that a reg, a modern nation state that claims to be secular cannot possibly, be fully secular in the end of the day, they have their own equivalents of religion, and they are in charge of a Muslim land tomorrow. Alhamdulillah. The notion of problems that it faced were totally different, and not related to the problems that western systems Alhamdulillah. Well, these "he was familiar with the nuances of the local dialect". When you go to academia, there they dont have that redline.theyre just gonna point out No, that doesnt make any sense. Don't just, you know, champion, the same slogans that you find in the mainstream media understand, And again, all of And we will be resuming our enforced. against Muslims wearing it. Again, listen to me carefully. any movie, as I said, in the 60s 70s 80s, you know, look at how women's bodies are being And I'm not saying they didn't have their own set of problems. And I'm not a part of that country. find the same types of struggles taking place, and those who believe in a higher power, and those, who believe in ethics and morality coming from the Creator, well, then collectively, they should all Leave it at that HijabBeyond this requires background information. Can or can not show that a. mean, I mean, I do n't want confuse! Was on the and security and to bring about a peace and a justice in 80s! Half a dozen European countries that have banned the burqa violence, even if this is not the! 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