The astrologers are here to give you advance notice so we can prepare, so (if you look at the Uranus Search in Taurus, North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio) you'll find that the alarm bells were already there in 2017. As time will reveal, December 14, 2020 was a classic eclipse cover-up. Craig Hamilton-Parker made another prophecy 12 days before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, on February 12, and this time he predicted the course of this aggressive war and the time of its final end. I love Marjorie Orr's astrology and I need to go to her website right now. Thank you very much.To answer your questions, it would be between Italy and France.As for the oracle or tarot reading, I don't know how to do that.Would you do that for me? We'll see. No. Related Topics. Parts can be a problem if it's a foreign car. You are a Virgo Sun born with Pluto and Uranus in Virgo, so you 'live' in your Sixth House. Later, Craig Hamilton-Parker also predicted the election of Trump and the global outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, earning him the title of contemporary Nostradamus.. I'd imagine you've been in both situations since 2008. It also has a lot to do with the birth rate, since people tend not to have children when mortgages are so problematic. I already answered you elsewhere, thanks. One view of fighting in the east the hottest sector in the conflict is that increased Russian efforts around the city of Bakhmut amount to so-called shaping operations for a future offensive, perhaps in the spring. Learning about cryptocurrency is wise as it has a huge global impact by 2026, even for people who don't use it. She was 'born' on June 7, 1905 at 11:00am CET in Oslo with Uranus (a symbol of sudden and radical change and upheaval) in Capricorn (the leadership at the top). Nodes always reveal what is owed and what must be paid. In the short term, Norway's problem with Ukraine-Russia is purely financial. But they are happening very slowly. And the stench of the Soviet Union continued to linger over Ukraine for many years after its independence. If Poland has Pluto in Capricorn running things, in human form, it won't last. So now you know! 40 Anime Where The MC Op Stands But Hides Its Power. Mark Zuckerberg should have taken down Facebook Live after the Christchurch Massacre. Difficult in the short term, but the solution in the long term. This post was comforting. The transiting North Node at 26 Taurus opposed natal Mercury at 26 Scorpio. You have been in the place until now. But particularly those Regency mansions. has pointed to increased Russian efforts in the east, Mark Milley, recently said Russia had already lost tactically and strategically, EUs head of foreign affairs, Josep Borrell, warned recently. The transiting North Node at 26 Taurus opposes natal Mercury at 26 Scorpio. This obviously includes redrawing the map of Ukraine as a divided country surrounded by water, but also its neighboring nations. This means a new chart, which means that Russia can get rid of Saturn in Taurus. Inflation is already crazy in the UK and these problems will no doubt get worse. I am from Estonia and we are neighbors of Russia. The Emperor is Russia and Vladimir Putin in a symbol. Also, do you see that increased nuclear damage (incidental or planned attack) would be realistic? There's no going back to the way things used to be. Tell me, do you see any signs that this war will become a global war or (if not) it will spread to neighboring countries? Unfortunately, the worst may not be over. President Putin has long held staunch views about Russia and Ukraine being one. The zodiac sign he passes through shows where all the control is. I think Vladimir Putin will turn around and back down from the reality of one or more solid groups; NATO, the United Nations, the G20, the Commonwealth, the EU. They haven't been there for about 18-19 years. How do we prepare to protect ourselves? My Leo husband has his Ascendant 11 Scorpio and Descendant 11 Taurus, Mars 03 Taurus, Juno 07 sag and other factors in the same degrees although different signs (Bacchus 23 Cancer, Cupid 08 Capricorn) and I have Moon and Hygeia 10 Taurus and it can be see the other factors (Diana 01 Taurus etc). Hi Jessica,I am so excited to have found your site with all this information not only in articles but also in comments. Comment moderation is in effect, which means your comment will not appear immediately, if at all. This is really sad, since it is not only about Ukraine. If the world prevents Russia from using SWIFT banking, for example, it can use China's system. If you were born on June 30, 1964, you are a Cancer Sun person nearing the end of the Pluto in Capricorn cycle that began in 2008. When I was talking about sanctions two years ago, I noticed that Japan's birth chart showed a very strong connection to Ukraine. A Ukrainian flag adorns an electrical post in Kupiansk, in the Kharkiv region, on Feb. 13, nearly a year after . Your analysis, as always, is interesting and reassuring! Ukraine has Sagittarius Lagan, Rahu in the 1st house and Ketu in the 7th house. Vladimir Putin chose to do this in the throes of Pluto in Capricorn, as you say. Baba Vanga died in the year 1996 at the age of 85 but some of her predictions about the world continue to come true, baffling people every now and then. It is very comforting that the evil Putin did not win. This can and does improve markedly as Christmas approaches, and Saturn's cycle slowly ends. Rodden's A rating is good; Rodden Rating AA is better. The new Russia was born. He is an extremely weak president. Repeatedly. Yes - Russia may invade. In Moscow, another prominent astrologer, Konstantin Daragan, who made a name for himself by claiming to have predicted the coronavirus pandemic, also says Russia will win on the ground in Ukraine and in its clash with the West. You will earn or save from May 2023 to May 2024, so there is a great solution and restart ahead. Mercury at Scorpio 26 in the Eighth House of the Russian chart (sex, death and money) is struck by an eclipse at Scorpio 25 (full moon) on Monday, May 16, 2022. I feel powerless watching the news and I want to help all Ukrainians especially all children as I recently became a mother to a beautiful baby it makes me wonder what kind of future we are leaving our children this war alone is giving us back 80 years of evolution as a society.How do you see my country Portugal during this time? Regarding the global economic situation, Craig Hamilton-Parkers judgment is that inflation will overtake war to become the worlds biggest economic nightmare, but it will not cause a collapse in global markets. Both 1 and especially 2 will impact the market. How to use the Snort Intrusion Detection System on Linux. This is a two-part story; please go here for part 1. To what extent will it be involved and what consequences could it face in terms of military attack? Russian military vehicles lie in the snow outside Bucha, Ukraine, destroyed in the early days of the war. Carol E. Lee is an NBC News correspondent. There is probably a little truth in all these views. Shells and salt would be a good deal where I live - I collect shells from the beach every day. Ironically, my new job in a weather-related field requires me to ditch my entire stash of Facebookit's like I'm getting rid of all my bad karma! As long as you know you have ups and downs until 2026. I might even decide not to go to NY in the end. Astrology is an exact mirror of that year, when Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany took over Czechoslovakia and the UK let him do it, while the US took over. These are the rules of astrology with the lunar nodes. I had not seen. Because?As a Brit I am ashamed of the position our government has taken on refugees, especially now that we are faced with the karma of 1938. Nostradamus predicted (and rightly so) that war would break out in Europe in 2022 and foretold a cruel fate for Putin. In the roughly 300 days since Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscows forces have run through stockpiles that took more than a decade to build, two of the officials said. Let's use our collective resources, and collective influence, to be ambassadors for justice in Ukraine and let's mirror Ukrainian courage in the fight against injustice all over the world. Peaceful human beings shouldn't live in fear of torture, rape, and other war crimes. And in 2023, next year, Poland's karma will be 1939. He is using mercenaries and the so-called local "militia". As many of you know, I work like Nostradamus, combining astrology with psychic abilities. You have ties to these people and that land, and with Jupiter going to 11 Taurus any time soon (once Putin is history and Russia slowly starts thinking about relaunching), you'll be very lucky financially (assuming your time of birth is accurate). Despite last years mobilisation, analysts such as Phillips OBrien of St Andrews University believe Russian capabilities are degraded by the war and that those expecting a rerun of the initial invasion last year are wrong. You need to put your work and health first in 2022 and through March 2023 really, so it will be a combination of the realities of COVID-19, your work situation (I include the gym or volunteering in that), and the extra money you could earn or save after may. Lots of money that never move. Money laundering will end. Craig Hamilton-Parker compared the invasion with the Prague Spring of 54 years ago. What Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius promised, Christmas 2020 and Pluto in Aquarius will fulfill for many years after March 2023. Once again, if you make moves in that direction, there will be an economic war against you: trade boycotts and economic sanctions. Her karma returns from those years in which she was left alone (much in 1940) to resist Nazi Germany. It has been very difficult as a transit because by nature Pluto opposes the Cancer factors in a chart (home, hometown, country) and one can be dominated, dominated, by the men above. The report by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI . It is in these areas that you will find that you are forced to devise a very different way of controlling your life, financially, in light of this. Thanks. Later Poland was, but even then some countries remained neutral (Switzerland) or did not rush to help (America). Astrology is very clear on this. He wants to move to Europe. The sanctions on Russia at the end of February sent shock waves to investment and crude oil markets. We have just returned to the United States and I am very disappointed in the ignorance of some people about what is happening in the world. If a person was deemed valuable by someone in power, loyalty to the State was rewarded, but any departure from the Party line was severely punished. He holds the vision of a strong Russia as it was pre-collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Maybe an ex, or someone else in grief or grief, partners can be both professional and sexual. I don't remember when I first posted a prediction about this, but it may have been 2018. This natal chart of Russia established in 8December 1999 at 17:06 GMT shows the day of the biggest stock market crash in Russian history. The first was published on April 12, 2018.hereand the second appeared on June 2, 2021here. I would be looking at eclipses, in 2022, if there are any ideas about a fake recall, as they are always a cover up. Craig Hamilton-Parkers reputation in the UK only grew after the turn of the millennium. There are different ways to assess this. I was/very afraid there was going to be a nuclear war and I don't think you saw it coming. I saw a YouTube video about a Russian test saying how Russia buys chips for its weapons in Taiwan, but the label says "Made in Russia." Remember the turning points that are coming: many things will be corrected and resolved with Jupiter in Taurus. They don't see how it will affect for years. Russia has fallen and will continue to fall when Uranus at 11 Taurus passes over Saturn at 11 Taurus. May 2023 to May 2024 is much, much easier as Jupiter (solutions, opportunities) moves into Taurus. The United States and non-NATO allies like New Zealand have already won. Astrology cuts through the noise about Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Entering 2022, the worlds major stock markets were hit hard in January and February due to a series of unfavorable news such as the Feds interest rate hike and the Russia-Ukraine crisis. I'm also curious how tropical astrological signs work in the southern hemisphere, since they were invented in the northern hemisphere and have seasonal attributes. There will be a swing away from the Liberal Party towards Labor. IE 11 is not supported. Because I wrote in German. America is getting old. Do you believe that? Hi Jessica,i plan to move to russia in july but the whole situation is difficult..but i think it will be good for future investment in date of birth 09.08.1977. To fuel its war effort, Russia is now drawing on stockpiles of 40- to 50-year-old ammunition, including 152 mm artillery rounds that are in short supply,four current U.S. officials and one former official said. Scorpio rules over sex, death and money. I just retired last year. The time cycles pointed to a major change in the country as early as 2019, when Russia experienced its Saturn return. (Image: Palinchak via Dreamstime). Disarrange what is arranged. Thank you Jessica, you are a blessing. No one should have to live in fear of a missile or a military drone hitting their home. It will also show Vladimir Putin that the power of people in a community is powerful. And I'm glad I was born with a Sun/Mars cazimi, because it gives you the power to overcome anything. There is more hard work ahead, but you will make it. Three weeks later he seemed to tack to the peace camp, calling . This aerial photograph shows a destroyed Russian tank sitting in a snow covered wheat field in Kharkiv region on Feb. 22. I'll give you the key dates in a moment when we can expect this to happen. I also used Swiss astrology and horoscope to talk aboutwar karma here. It doesn't make sense because I've been seeing these three for many months. This is because, during the crisis, the rich can buy more assets at a lower price, and when the economy recovers and asset prices start to rise again, the wealth of the rich will increase to record highs. Ukraine has increased comments to over 13,500, so the queue has gotten quite long, so your message would have been received but not seen yet. 5 March 2022. The war in Ukraine may be the excuse for the fall of Putin. It is perfectly possible that a new network of nations will also emerge. Russia and Belarus State of the Union gives us a perfect graph, and we use London for the 'birth' as announced inwednesday 8December 1999 at 17:06 GMT (BBC). A change of leadership is looming, and with it an end to Russian money laundering through London property and businesses. Bullies and terrorists can intimidate us, but they will not defeat us. And then on the Russian side, how well can their defense industrial base really perform?. As we know from Ukraine and Russia, the numbers are changing overnight right now. The real problem for Putin, however, is Saturn on the 11th of Taurus in that 1999 chart. Baba Vanga had said, "Everything will melt like snow, only one thing no one will be able to touch - the gloryof Vladimir Putin, the gloryof Russia. It was based on gasoline, gas, coal and borrowed money, and too much shopping. The biggest peak will be 2022, 2023. You can see this at 35-38 minutes in the video above. I'll check back later to see if you're logged in, although I must warn you that there are 13,419 comments in the queue at the moment, so it's not always possible to pick up where I left off. I just commented on the 1938 karma repeating itself in 2022 as for the first time in our lives, we see the lunar nodes enter economic/business signs, Taurus and Scorpio (which can only happen every 18 years) and Uranus enter to Taurus, which governs the euro and the European trade bloc: the EU. Ukraine has captured 548 Russian tanks, including T-64, T72 and T-80s. Putin will not last. That's weird. This continues for some time and will have a huge impact on the Polish economy. Its an open question how the contest over ammunition production will play out, Massicot and other experts said. The old world economic system would always fail. She was born in Bulgaria in 1911. Thanks. Thanks again Jessica. Let's start with this video ofThe Conscious Coffee, an interview with Gina Lazenby, posted on YouTube on November 23, predictionon sanctions, Ukraine and Russia starts at 33:30 and continues until 37:00 if you want to see my prediction on a new world order. A Ukrainian soldier carries empty artillery cartridge cases along the front line in the vicinity of Bakhmut in the Donetsk region on Saturday. The karma of 1938 is truly here, along with 1939 in 2023. Why Russia and. I think 1938 and 1939 will have a big impact on Estonia in 2022 and 2023, as according to all the laws of astrology there must be a closure. Many people want Pluto in Capricorn to disappear. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has brought renewed attention to the challenges of a large-scale, conventional nation-on-nation conflict. It doesn't work in groups. As on May 62022 is a time of reckoning for Boris Johnson in astrology using his birth horoscope. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Russian shelling is less intense that it was in the summer around Sievierodonetsk, when Moscow was expending 60,000 shells a day. I am very sorry for the Ukrainians, I love their bravery. Ukraine has to rely on its foreign partners for shells that fit the new artillery pieces provided by NATO members, the experts said, and Eastern European neighbors have scoured their warehouses for Soviet-era shells. Hi Jessica, excellent article. All strongly Aryan people need sports or individual conditioning to feel at home in the world. This means that the old world order will be replaced in 2026, and indeed we have already seen it begin, thanks to cryptocurrency and the Magnitsky Amendment to the Money Laundering Act of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. He can just do it. Romania in 1938 was under Carol II and the royal autocracy. In the immediate future, will he find himself under the monster once more? You don't play with that ancient Roman archetype and get away with it. I 've been in both situations since 2008 cases along the front in... And reassuring report by the Royal United Services Institute ( RUSI doubt get worse I love their bravery long... 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