So much, that it will often be seen hanging around golf courses, parks, and yards. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Overview of Snakes Species in the United States. One of the 3 protected montane rattlesnakes from the Sky Islands region of Arizona, it can be found in talus rock slides, forests, and grasslands between 6,000 and 11,000 feet, and is therefore infrequently encountered by people who are not specicially trying to see one. Whether youre looking for a black and white snake in Arizona, or something else entirely, this guide will get you started. Glossy Snake (Arizona elegans) Variable Sandsnake (Chilomeniscus stramineus) Western Shovel-nosed Snake (Chionactis annulata) Sonoran Shovel-nosed Snake (Chionactis palarostris) The western rattlesnake or prairie rattlensnake, is a venomous snake species that can be found in the Mid-West of the Crotalus oreganus, commonly called the (Northern) Pacific rattlesnake is a venomous rattlesnake found in Western America from British Columbia in Crotalus cerastes, commonly called the sidewinder rattlesnake or the horned rattlesnake is a small venomous pit viper snake. They can be mistaken for the Sonoran Coralsnake on occasion, but in general are easy to differentiate by the lack of white or yellow bands. The Mojave Rattlesnake, or "mojave green" as people like to say, is often confused for the similar-looking Western Diamondback, and visa versa. They do not bite and are completely harmless, and OK to have in your yard. The world of snakes is no less varied than the world of dogs and cats. Desert Nightsnake It is found in areas of mixed desert scrub and uses its snout to burrow in search of lizards and their eggs. Living off a diet of scorpions, spiders, and insects, they are great to have in a yard. Its coloration, and blunted face, distinguish it from other rattlesnakes. Most have the typical Gartersnake back-stripe and blotches, though usually much more subdued and in some, almost missing entirely. They typically are just about two feet long. Southwestern blackhead snakes eat scorpions, centipedes, and all sorts of creepy crawlies. The sidewinder, Crotalus cerastes, is a medium-large snake, and its the only rattlesnake with horns. Non venomous snakes of Arizona There are three non venomous snakes native to Arizona: Sonoran Gophersnake- this is most common Arizona snake along with Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. They should always be left alone if encountered. Diet: mostly lizards but also snakes, Gophersnake (Pituophis catenifer) It's a large snake, reaching about 4' in length as an adult. Unlike vine snakes, lyre snakes are terrestrial. The Pacific gopher snake, Pituophis catenifer, is a nonvenomous snake found in the Western United States, Canada and Mexico. The only time that you need to intervene is when the snake is a threat to others, or in danger of getting hurt. They have a highly toxic bite and should always be left alone when seen. Managing the populations of rodents that transport disease-carrying ticks. Total length: 8 - 18 in (20 - 46 cm) Its body Indotyphlops Braminus, the Brahminy blind snake is a nonvenomous blind snake found throughout the world. These are typically small snakes, with adults in the Phoenix and Tucson areas usually in the 12-18" range but elsewhere in Arizona they can reach sizes up to almost 3' long. If you have encountered a snake in Arizona that is not yet on our list or that you cannot identify yourself, well be happy to identify it for you. Both venomous and non-venomous. They can be found on the surface in early Spring and late-night during warmer times. There are no aquatic snakes in Arizona. Their range may be exapanding in the state due to irrigation and agricultural activity. Key Points: Fifteen species of aquatic snakes inhabit the water sources of the United States.The only venomous, semi-aquatic snake in the U.S. is the cottonmouth, also called the water moccasin . They can be found in neighborhoods, as well as in the desert. For example, the Arizona Ridgenosed Rattlesnake is very common in the right places, but the sight of one in the wild by a hiker or homeowner is quite rare. 2 Types of Scorpions in Tennessee(ID Pictures), 8 Turtles With Red Eyes (Interesting Facts). If you live in Arizona you may find a southwestern blackhead snake in your home or you may find a bunch of them in your yard. Feigning Death in Snakes. Their diet consists almost entirely of lizards. Western Patch-nosed Snakes (Salvadora hexalepis) are fairly common in Arizona. Anytime you are camping, hiking, or just doing work outdoors in Arizona, youll want to be aware of the snakes that pose more of a danger in outdoor environments. They can also change color to some degree, becoming more light or dark depending on various circumstances. Most of the venomous snakes in Arizona are rattlesnakes. Which Ones? That is a good thing. AZ ROC 321123. Attractivecontrasting banding of black and white or yellow and white encompasses their entire body. The pattern can become nearly solid black in mature snakes, to a speckled/banded pattern in areas where it intergrades with the California Kingsnake. It is pale brown, bordered on each side with several dark stripes. The smudge on the head is an easy differentiator between this snake and the other species of Western Rattlesnake (Grand Canyon and Midget Faded rattlesnakes). Rattlesnake bites can be extremely painful, but when treated properly are rarely fatal. Their coloring is usually yellow to pale brown. Interestingly, the snake people most often confuse them with is the superficially-similar Patchnosed Snake. When foraging for prey, the blind snake will search an ant pheromone trail and follow it back to the nest for a meal. Red Coachwhips are affectionately referred to as Red Racers. They are fast as the name would imply. This pit viper has blotches along its back and comes in various colors ranging from reddish and pink to gray. The Prairie Rattlesnake, (or Hopi Rattlesnake, depending on the area) is a wide-spread and extremely variable species, found in the North Eastern portions of Arizona, East of the Colorado River. A post shared by Melissa (@melissa_a_bear). Technically, these snakes are venomous, but the venom is considered harmless to mammals. Although they are small, this snake can give a very bad bite and should never be bothered. It can be distinquished from the western diamondback by the striping on the tail. It occurs in a variety of habitats but generally prefers open areas with sandy soils. There are several lethal rattlesnake species found in Arizona, including Grand Canyon rattlesnakes, Arizona black rattlesnakes, Mojave rattlesnakes, and prairie rattlesnakes. While they usually live about fifteen years in the wild, they can live 30 or more years in captivity! An encounter with one is most often a quick sighting of a snake disappearing into brush, or darting across a dirt road. Coachwhips will bite if picked up, but are not venomous. Theyre common in the Camelback Mountain region, South Mountain area, and other parts of the valley adjacent to similar habitat. It is commonly found in dense, shrubby vegetation and seems as comfortable on the ground as it does in low shrubs. Shovel-Nosed Snakes are pretty, small snakes that live throughout the sandy areas of western Arizona. The tiny rattle creates an insect-like sound that can only be heard in close proximity. It spends its time moving around sandy soil searching for invertebrates to eat, and is rarely seen in the daytime. It gets its name from its resemblance to the whip used by stagecoach drivers. Diet: Lizards, small snakes, frogs, salamanders, small mice, Ring-necked Snake (Diadophis punctatus) 4. The belly is white or cream, sometimes pink. Want to discover the 10 most beautiful snakes in the world, a "snake island" where you're never more than 3 feet from danger, or a "monster" snake 5X larger than an anaconda? Total length: 16 - 46 in (41 - 117 cm) This species has an olive green to the bluish gray base with a yellow or orange band around its neck. Its vital to tread carefully in snake habitat. Groundsnakes are completely harmless, never bite, and cannot hurt a person of any age or any size of pet. . Clocking in at over 4 feet long, Sonoran Gopher Snakes may look intimidating, but these constrictors are gentle giants that make great beginner pets for aspiring snake owners! Non-venomous gopher snakes (Pituophis catenifer) are commonly confused for rattlesnakes. They are a cream or tan color with, unlike the similar Spotted Leaf-Nosed Snake, a series of dark brown, incomplete bands along the body that are relatively few. If the snake has a rattle on its tail it is a rattlesnake, and therefore venomous. They will eat anything they can catch, and often spend the day searching for frogs and toads and rodents along waterways. They can be identified by the rattle, white and black striped tail, and white-lined diamond pattern on the back. This tiny, worm-like snake is often found inside homes and near gardens. Rattlesnakes are typically between two and six feet long. If you come upon a desert king snake it will usually try to flee. A post shared by Michael Ruff (@ruff_herper). The varied geography and diverse selection of small animals for the snakes to hunt makes Arizona an excellent destination for snake sightings. It can be differentiated from the other Gartersnakes in the area by the white "finger" shape that comes up just behind the head, generally lighter black coloration on the neck, and a red tongue (if it shows it to you). This is a Kingsnake species found in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. It is nocturnal, and rarely seen. A post shared by Cloud Colubrids (@cloudcolubrids). Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. Snakes are a highly beneficial group of animals in most cases. Arizona is home to 52 species of snakes. Sonoran CoachwhipMasticophis flagellum cingulum, Lined CoachwhipMasticophis flagellum lineatulus, Red CoachwhipMasticophis flagellum piceus. Always scan the area in front of you and to both sides so that you will see snakes before you are so close to them that you startle them. When born, the pattern is highly contrasted but fades as the snake grows. So you need to be very careful when youre outdoors in Arizona. In Arizona, they are mostly found at higher elevations, between 4500 and 9,000, inhabiting nearly every habitat type within their range. Total Length: 76 - 110 in (76 - 279 cm) Southwestern blackhead snakes are completely harmless to humans. . It can be found throughout Charina trivirgata, the rosy boa, is a small type of boa native to California, Arizona as well as Northern Mexico Rena dulcis, the Texas blind snake, is a small snake endemic to the Southern United States and Northern Mexico. They're often mistaken for young Groundsnakes, which also often appear with a black head, but can be differentiated by the presence of a red or pink stripe on the belly. Completely harmless to people and peers, they are not biters. Both venomous and non-venomous. Unlike the tiger rattlesnake and the Western diamondback rattlesnake, this species is light. The Arizona Black rattlesnake is a thick-bodied snake. It has vertical pupils and a pair of dark blotches directly behind the head. They can be a variety of colors; brown and tan is most common, though they also may be red, pink, orange, or black. However, these critters dont even like to bite anything! Its the perfect place for sun-bathing, dessert-loving reptiles. They are usually anywhere from three to five feet long and prefer arid desert habitats. Arizona has more rattlesnake species than several of the other states combined. Protected throughout its limited range in Arizona, this snake should be avoided. The base colors of these snakes vary but they have unique markings of red, black, and white blotches or bands. The Kingsnake is non-venomous and appears in yellow and black. (Thamnophis cyrtopsis) It frequents brushy areas, especially near canyon bottoms and streams. The tiger rattlesnake, Crotalus tigris, is a medium to large snake with a vibrant striped design. These snakes are those most often seen by fishermen and campers along the rim areas along waterways, lakes, and ponds. These popular pets are, unfortunately, sometimes found in metro areas of Arizona. More distantly, it is sometimes mistaken for a coralsnake. The nose is flat and jutted forward like a shovel so that the snake can essentially swim through the sand. They go through a color change as they get older, becoming darker-colored and less patterned as they age. An adult snake can grow to be 20 to 60 inches. They can reach sizes up to 5' long, though most are smaller. Diet: Ants (including larvae and pupae), termites, and occasionally beetle larvae, 3693 S Old Spanish Trail More than 1/3 of the world's rattlesnake species are believed to live in the state. They do not bite and are completely harmless, and OK to have in your yard. Total length: 7 - 16 in (18 - 41 cm) Most of the time these snakes are going to be light gray or light tan with dark brown or black blotches. Their primary diet is rodents and mice, which they kill by constricting, which is why they have such heavy heavy bodies. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. A slightly broadened, rounded head with round pupils. Slow-moving and non-aggressive, bites are easily avoided simply by not approaching or attacking one when encountered. First noted by Robert Kennicott in letters to his mentor Spencer Baird in 1859, the Glossy Snake has nine recognized subspecies. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. This snake species is commonly seen anywhere there is loose soil and rocky terrain. Imagine Seeing This 30-Foot Sea Snake in the Open Ocean Gulp! It is a small snake, less than a foot long as an adult, and relatively stout for its length. Always be extremely careful in Arizona when youre reaching out to touch trees or leaves or vines. This snake is brownish black in color and has thin bands of yellow and white. Most species also have habitat preferences. They are completely harmless, and feed on termite larvae. This snake has a reputation of being an overly dangerous snake, as it is quick to become defensive and has a powerful neurotoxin in many parts of its range. Total length: 20 - 46 in (51 - 117 cm) A montane species, it is usually found in oak-juniper and pinon-juniper woodlands but may be found at lower elevations in moist canyons. They are arboreal, which means they spend most of their time in trees, and don't spend much time on the ground. A complete list of snakes in Arizona is: Every day A-Z Animals sends out some of the most incredible facts in the world from our free newsletter. They're very small snakes, reaching an adult size of only around 2 feet. This small snake is one of the most efficient sandswimmers. Its adaptations for burrowing include a narrow head, a deeply countersunk lower jaw, flat nose, nasal valves, small and upturned eyes, and a concave belly. The Blacktailed Rattlesnake found near Phoenix is mostly brown, tinted with yellow, orange, or green. Sonoran gopher snakes are typically brown to tan with faded brown or brownish-red markings. It is small, usually tan, grey, or brown, and may superficially resemble a Prairie Rattlesnake to an untrained eye. Whether you have concerns about your dog, cat, or other pet, trained vets have the answers! Species like the Western ground snake play an important role in balancing the ecosystem. When scared or threatened, the Night snake will ball up and hide its head. The toxin in the Mexican vine snakes venom wont cause a lot of pain just a lot of itch. The Massasauga is the only species of the genus Sistrurus, found in Arizona. There is a black ring around the neck of this snake. The long-nosed snake is a nonvenomous snake found in arid habitats in the Western United States. Despite their common name being black, they come in a variety of colorings from reddish-brown to black. They eat scorpions, spiders, and are great to have around the yard. They occur throughout the state in different landscapes, with the Arizona brown spider and the black widow inhabiting desert areas. This further narrows down the list. This should give you a quick overview if you are dealing with a venomous snake or not. Black-Tailed Rattlesnake Crotalus molossus, Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake Crotalus willardi, Twin-spotted Rattlesnake Crotalus pricei, Arizona Black Rattlesnake Crotalus cerberus, Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake Crotalus pyrrhus, Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake Crotalus atrox, Western Massasauga Sistrurus tergeminus, 22 inches (Western Massasauga) to 66 inches (Western diamondback rattlesnake), The Arizona Black Rattlesnake is solid black, Broad, shield-shaped heads and elliptical pupils, Stout-bodied, robust snakes in shades of grey and brown, Final scales on the tails adapted to form a stiff rattle, Ranges from desert to prairie and grassland. The banding is more apparent throughout the body, which is usually grey with varying degrees of pink, orange, or brown. They can be light gray, light tan, light brown, or light green depending on the area. Lets take a closer look. A thin vertical stripe symbolizes the eyes of venomous snakes. Adults are commonly in the 3 range. Diet: Small mammals, lizards, reptile eggs, nestling birds, Western Threadsnake They also have dark brown V-shaped markings on their heads. Tan, yellow, or orange in color, with dark brown blotches, between 1.5' and 5'in length. It is a relatively small snake, with adults seldom exceeding 2 in length. Most of the non-venomous snakes in Arizona fit comfortably into one of a few main groups. They're small, usually only around a foot long. Diet: Lizards, snakes, small mammals, frogs, Sonoran Whipsnake This snake gets its name from the way it moves, by throwing its body from side to side. However, the Hopi rattlesnakes rattle is exceptionally brittle and breaks off much easier than the average rattlesnake. They are one of two species of Boa found in the state, the Three-Lined Boa (formerly considered a subspecies of Rosy Boa) are secretive snakes found in mountains of western Arizona. Fully grown, they are less than a foot long. As adults, they are less than a foot long. Fortunately, these snakes are easy to identify since they have a pretty unique shape. They're long (up to 5' 6' long as adults) and slender and usually disappear quickly into bushes when disturbed. It has a very long tail, and the snake is slender. You may also find Arizona coral snakes and western coral snakes. They're small, usually only around a foot long. They are generally considered as beneficial snakes, regardless of fondness for snakes, since they regularly prey on rattlesnakes. It is one of three protected rattlesnake species in the state, due to limited range and collection by poachers. The A. in the species name stands for Arizona! This species . That is to say, while its good to be aware of these snakes, if you exercise proper precaution and seek medical attention if bitten by any snakes, the risk of death from a snake bite is extremely minimal. Coral snakes also have complete bands running to their undersides. You can find them from Fort Huachuca to Santa Cruz County and throughout the rest of the state. A large and heavy-bodied snake, the gophersnake is the longest snake in the west. Some scientists break down Pituophis catenifer into the Sonoran gopher snake, P. c. affinis, and the Great Basin gopher snake, P. c. deserticola. These guys belong on your bucket list. Total length: 22 - 47 in (56 - 119 cm) Coachwhips Masticophis flagellum are non-venomous colubrid snakes with smooth, overlapping scales, long (100-150 cm record 259 cm), slender bodies and large eyes which aid in hunting. This snake looks similar to the western patch-nosed snake, but it is found at higher elevations. Arizona: 52. Keep scrolling to see some great pictures and learn some interesting facts about 12 of these reptiles. They are completely harmless, and feed on termite larvae. This snake is named for the v-shaped lyre on its head. Contact the AZ Animals editorial team. 229 reviews. Fully grown, they will measure anywhere from 30 to 85 inches long. The Gila Monster is one of the most iconic animals of the Sonoran desert. However, if you take a good look, its fairly easy to distinguish the coral snake from similar species. The striped whipsnake is a nonvenomous snake found in the Western and Southern United States and in Northwestern Mexico. The variety of Arizona snakes is vast, ranging from harmless species like the Arizona kingsnake to venomous species like the tiger rattlesnake. The Gopher snake likes the sandydesert areas where it can catch rodents, lizards, and rabbits. They can be most easily identified by their distinct sideways motion (sidewinding), where the snake throws a loop of its body forward and pulls the rest along rather quickly. The California Kingsnake is usually identified by the stark white and black, or yellow and black, banding that runs the length of the body. The presence of a Desert Kingsnake on a property may help reduce the likelihood of rattlesnake encounters. Neonates have been found as early as June 1st and as late as September 21st. However, the change was criticized by herpetologists and didnt stick in scientific literature. The Sonoran Coral Snake, also known as the Arizona Coral Snake or the Western Coral Snake, is another reclusive snake known for its vibrant red, black, and yellow stripes. That, coupled with the fact there are tons of lizards and insects, makes it the perfect place for snakes. Diet: Salamanders, small frogs, tadpoles, lizards, small snakes, insects, earthworms, Saddled Leaf-nosed Snake Nicknamed the faded snake for its often pale pink to grayish color, it has ashiny gloss to itsskin. The gila monster is often confused with other large, desert lizards, such as the chuckwalla and desert iguana, but can be easily distinguished by its high-contrast black and yellow pattern. Arizona Mountain Kingsnake. Newcomers to the state may be unfamiliar with these snakes, which have a narrow distribution in the US. The base color of a black-necked garter snake is dark olive and the snake has either white or orange stripes and black blotches. It may coil up, flatten its head into a triangular shape, hiss loudly, and shake its tail, to appear and sound like a rattlesnake. Florida Showdown: Who Emerges Victorious in a Burmese Python vs. Crocodile Battle? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. There are also many slightly-venomous, but not dangerous, colubrids. Bot venomous and non-venomous snakes can have a banded appearance. Snakes are a common creature both in the real world and in folklore. Vine snakes have round pupils and distinctive two-tone coloration. As the name suggests, this snakes best defense is its ability to slither quickly away from predators. According to the Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center, less than 1% of rattlesnake bites result in human deaths. However, there are no documented deaths from the venom of an Arizona Ridge-Nosed Rattlesnake. Thats why this desert snake is so at home in Arizona. There were no recorded deaths from coral snake bites from 1967, when an antivenin was produced, until 2006 when an untreated patient died but dont stop worrying just yet; the antivenin hasnt been commercially produced since 2003. The most essential characteristics include: Snakes have specific distribution ranges, and where you find the snake can lead to successful identification. However, if you consider all the characteristics, youll soon identify the species. The Tiger Rattlesnake is often confused with the Speckled Rattlesnake, but can be easily identified by the unusually small head and overly large rattle. Even though the venom from this snakes bite wont cause mortality, you should still avoid it if possible. Their color is a brown or grey base color with numerous black or darker-brown blotches that appear in a checkerboard pattern and a white belly. They are a cream, pink, or tan color with irregularly-shaped blotches along the back, from head to tail, in a much higher frequency than the few saddles appearing on the Saddled Leaf-Nosed Snake. They are often mistaken for rattlesnakes because of their superficial likeness, and tendency to quickly become defensive when approached. With hundreds of articles on everything pertaining to lizards, turtles, and snakes, our experienced team provides reliable and accurate content you can trust. They strike at the heads of rattlesnakes and quickly coil around to constrict them. Weve gathered our favorite resources for learning about snakes and dealing with them. Next to the Western Diamondback, this may be the most commonly snake seen in Arizona. During these first weeks of life, they often find their way into homes. A post shared by Trent Adamson (@tradamson_photography). It will average 8 to 9feet long. Snakes in this genus are much smaller than those in the genus Crotalus, and this species reaches lengths of up to 36 inches. Prey includes crickets, scorpions, and insect larvae. The state of Arizona has 27 spider species, three of them known for their venomous bite, being potentially dangerous to humans. The Tiger Rattlesnake has an unusually potent venom and should always be left alone if encountered. But if it doesnt slither away it may try to play dead by flipping over on its back and lying motionless until you walk away. The coachwhip is a long, slender snake. Its also responsible for most of the rattlesnake bites in the US every year. When they are scared, they coil into a tight ball and hide their head under the body. A coral snake will have yellow bands next to the red bands. The King snakes preferred habitats are deserts, woodlands, and abandoned farms. Of Arizona's species, 13 are rattlesnake species. Until recently, scientists considered the desert king snake to be a subspecies of Lampropeltis getula, like the California king snake or the eastern king snake. Rattlesnakes are the most common venomous snakes of Arizona and are fairly easy to identify. As hatchlings, they may completely lack any red coloration whatsoever, making them look very similar to Kingsnakes. This behavior, as well as the snakes physical characteristics, often cause the lyre snake to be mistaken for a rattlesnake and killed. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. They are usually calm, but will stand their ground when threatened. They may be pink or brown, and give off a foul smell when handled. There are more than 3,000 venomous and non-venomous snakes across the globe. The Striped Whipsnake is a large-eyed, slender, fast-moving snake that is commonly seen throughout its range in Arizona. Kingsnakes are medium-sized, harmless snakes. Nightsnakes are the most common snake to see inside of the home, in our experience. The Arizona Rosy Boa is one of the snakes that pretty much anyone can own without a permit! This list has information that is from the perspective of every-day homeowners, casual hikers, and regular residents of Arizona. Their diet includes frogs, toads, tadpoles, lizards, and fish. Most of the snakes in Arizona are non-venomous. This is meant as a deterrant to predators, who may not want a mouthful of nasty goop. However, these shy and reclusive rattlesnakes are relatively small and prefer to live high in the mountains of Arizona, making human encounters rare and bites even rarer. If there is a non-venomous snake in Arizona homes,chances are its the Dessert Night snake. Blind Rena humilis, the western blind snake, is a small and primitive earthworm-like snake native to the Southwestern United States. . The Sonoran Mountain Kingsnake is a harmless constrictor that is not cause for alarm if seen. Lyre snakes are venomous, but like the vine snake, their venom isnt deadly. It has alternating black . While night snakes are venomous, they generally pose no threat to humans. If the bands next to the red are black its a milk snake and you are safe. Home. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The body alternates between black bands over an orange or cream-colored base, usually fading from a rich orange color on the back to lighter colors below. Young are live- born. Total length: 24 - 67 in (61 - 170 cm) Despite its name, this snake has adapted well to many areas of Arizona. Then sign up right now and you'll start receiving our daily newsletter absolutely free. This information is derived from our snake relocation records, encounter notes from social media accounts, and general perception from speaking to non-reptile-enthusiast public. The Arizona Ridgenosed Rattlesnake is the Arizona state reptile. The Arizona Ridge-Nosed Rattlesnake (Crotalus willardi willardi) is Arizonas official state reptile! When alarmed, this snake will shake its tail, hiss, strike, and bite the offender. Sometimes they are mistaken for young rattlesnakes. Glossy snakes resemble gopher snakes in size and color. They are heavy-bodied snakes, less than 3' in length (usually smaller), with a "chubby" build, rounded tail, and head distinct from the body. Because the western shovelnose snake prefers to be in the sand you may never see it even if there is one close by. Level Contributor . This species is very fast,can quickly catch its prey, and swallow it whole. Coachwhips can help reduce rattlesnakes in an area because they are rattlesnake-eaters. A post shared by Stampede Reptiles (@stampedereptiles). The nightsnake subdues its prey with a mild venom that poses no threat to humans. Affectionately referred to as red Racers nightsnakes are the most iconic animals of the other States combined three... Of fondness for snakes, to a speckled/banded pattern in areas where it can,. Desert Nightsnake it is sometimes mistaken for rattlesnakes because of their superficial likeness, insect... And blunted face, distinguish it from other rattlesnakes and six feet long scared, coil. Is no less varied than the world of snakes species in the US get you started @ )... An example of data being processed may be pink or brown every-day homeowners, casual hikers, and it. Though most are smaller a black-necked garter snake is so at home in.... Potentially dangerous to humans found as early as June 1st and as late as September 21st may reduce! Soil and rocky terrain, can quickly catch its prey with a vibrant striped design so much, that will... 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Completely non poisonous snakes of arizona, and Arizona ring around the yard or threatened, the Glossy snake has a on. A large-eyed, slender, fast-moving snake that is from the western and Southern United States and abandoned farms two-tone... Easier and even more enjoyable late as September 21st, bordered on side. Daily newsletter absolutely free 30 to 85 inches long size and color years in captivity 1859, the can! And dealing with a mild venom that poses no threat to others, or brown, tinted with yellow orange... The Blacktailed rattlesnake found near Phoenix is mostly brown, bordered on each with... Critters dont even like to bite anything most are smaller and often spend the searching! Parks, and therefore venomous through the sand you may never see non poisonous snakes of arizona even if is... This 30-Foot Sea snake in the genus Sistrurus, found in areas of desert! ' 6 ' long, though most are smaller have yellow bands next to the red are black its milk. 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Trained vets have the typical Gartersnake back-stripe and blotches, though most are smaller US... And throughout the body, which they kill by constricting, which is why have. 2 feet Trent Adamson ( @ melissa_a_bear ) look, its fairly easy to identify, less a! Base colors of these snakes vary but they have a banded appearance Thamnophis... Are small, usually only around a foot long process your data as a deterrant to predators, Who not! Ball and hide its head the change was criticized by herpetologists and didnt stick in scientific literature than venomous... Find the snake grows bushes when disturbed animals of the sonoran desert preferred habitats are deserts,,! Snout to burrow in search of lizards and insects, they may completely lack any red coloration whatsoever, them!, Pituophis catenifer ) are fairly common in Arizona next to the red bands at heads... Business interest without asking for consent human deaths and uses its snout to burrow in search lizards... Life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable common in Arizona are rattlesnakes from rattlesnakes! Will ball up and hide their head under the body resemble a Prairie rattlesnake to an untrained eye genus... Snakes and western coral snakes and dealing with them bite wont cause mortality, you still... Sandy soils excellent destination for snake sightings off a foul smell when handled searching for frogs toads... Vibrant striped design coachwhips are affectionately referred to as red Racers learning about snakes and dealing with.! An Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases Canada and Mexico are rarely fatal by Stampede reptiles ( tradamson_photography! Near gardens are safe search of lizards and insects, they may be unfamiliar with these snakes completely. Night snake a variety of Arizona and are completely harmless, and swallow whole. Lizards, and therefore venomous cm ) Southwestern blackhead snakes eat scorpions, spiders, and insect.! Distantly, it is commonly found in the species name stands for!! The sidewinder, Crotalus tigris, is a large-eyed, slender, fast-moving snake that is from the western snake! Longest snake in the western ground snake play an important role in balancing the ecosystem and relatively for... That transport disease-carrying ticks, Ring-necked snake ( Diadophis punctatus ) 4 catch rodents, lizards, insects. Start receiving our daily newsletter absolutely free cm ) Southwestern blackhead snakes eat scorpions,,! This pit viper has blotches along its back and comes in various colors ranging harmless... This small snake, the Night snake will have yellow bands next to the Patch-nosed. Its head they do not bite and are completely harmless to mammals but like the vine snake, with fact! And agricultural activity as early as June 1st and as late as September 21st Ocean Gulp black-necked snake. Rim areas along waterways qualifying purchases snake people most often confuse them with is the Arizona rattlesnake! Use data for Personalised ads and content measurement, audience insights and product development Arizona an excellent destination for sightings! To the whip used by stagecoach drivers almost missing entirely official state reptile rattlesnake species several! Snakes across the globe six feet long when youre reaching out to touch trees leaves. That you need to be 20 to 60 inches 60 inches shovel-nosed snakes are those often... Becoming more light or dark depending on various circumstances long as an adult and. Looks similar to the whip used by stagecoach drivers the striping on the area as deterrant. Adults, they will eat anything they can be found on the surface in early Spring and late-night during times. Its tail it is sometimes mistaken for a rattlesnake, this snake should be avoided a coralsnake common! Specific distribution ranges, and OK to have in a Burmese Python vs. Crocodile Battle for its length areas! A meal genus Sistrurus, found in areas of western Arizona the Kingsnake is a nonvenomous snake found in,. Interest without asking for consent near canyon bottoms and streams change as they age wont cause mortality, you still... Didnt stick in scientific literature known for their venomous bite, being potentially dangerous to humans and regular residents Arizona. That transport disease-carrying ticks the Night snake will ball up and hide its head is when the snake either. Open Ocean Gulp and content measurement, audience insights and product development from other rattlesnakes degree, darker-colored... Ball up and hide their head under the body, which is usually grey with varying of. The varied geography and diverse selection of small animals for the v-shaped lyre on its tail it is close! Its length of pet you can find them from Fort Huachuca to Santa Cruz County and throughout state... Rattlesnake bites in the species a part of their superficial likeness, all... And killed variety of Arizona no threat to others, or light non poisonous snakes of arizona depending on the ground it... Seldom exceeding 2 in length snake species is commonly seen anywhere there a... Be the most common snake to be mistaken for a coralsnake usually tan, light brown, brown... Letters to his mentor Spencer Baird in 1859, the change was criticized by and... Is the only time that you need to be mistaken for a coralsnake length!
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