That is what He became man for; as a man to live a life of trust in God, and so to show to us how we ought to live. And the reply was, "The body of a common man, doing a common work, and for a common reward." Has it these points? Daille. But what is it, that it is not enough for him to say, "Do ye put down all," but that he added the conjunction and said, "ye also?" 3. But it is not thus taken here as if Paul simply intended that in our actions and discourses we should always intermix the word Jesus, or at least preface it. While there are many falsehoods, Charles Haddon SpurgeonSpurgeon's Sermons Volume 61: 1915Some General Uses. The angry, sinful word again and again escapes, and the thought of God at best but follows it.II. And yet, after all, this is the most Christ-like ministry of all, for the Master Himself does not even appear in the work of the church except as her hidden Life Rev. 3). Even now the good is gaining the victory, and the King is Christ. We take it for granted and so forget it.1. Men have taken it into their heads to invent various systems of religion and if you look round the world, you will see scores of different sects; but it is a great fact that, while there is a multitude of false religions, there is but one that is true. As to ordinary matters men, e.g., think it unlikely they will die to-day because they have lived safely through so many dangers, and take it for granted that their food will nourish them because it has always done so. CHRISTIANITY IS A REALITY, AND DEALS WITH REALITIES.1. Such an object is consciously present when he chooses to reflect on it, but day by day in the toil and struggle he is not ever thinking of it, but he is pursuing it. TEXT: COL. iii. We shall not need to seek far to discover our risen Lord. where shall I begin to describe thine endless misery, who art condemned as soon as conceived; and adjudged to eternal death, before thou wast born to a temporal life? One offers it in his own name, he is sacrificing to selfishness; another offers it in the name of fashion, another in the name of respectability, but there can be no reality in our services unless offered in the name of Christ.(H. Thus, from what they look at and come in contact with, common things acquire uncommon glory.(T. save that lest they should not think that they did those evils and lived in them with impunity on this account, because their faith set them free from wrath, which cometh upon the sons of unbelief, doing these things, and living in them without faith. Are they evermore in his view and present to his thoughts? (4) Now suppose a man embrace Jesus as his Saviour let Christ's love become the acknowledged fact of His life, then it will become a constraining motive, and will not be contented with influencing some of his faculties, employing some of his time; from the nature of things it must have all Christ is mine, and I am His, and whatever I do, spiritual or secular, business or recreation, I must do all in His name. But whatever it be, reality is its necessary condition. "For Ye are Dead" (Col. Iii. Where, then, is there any room for dependence on God even with prayer for protection and blessing, since the feeling assumes that they will be granted without any prayer at all.2. The Bible says in Colossians 3:23-24, "whatever you do work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord not for men since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward it is the Lord Christ you are serving." What that verse says is that with your gift you can serve the Lord. All the wicked dealings and defilement of Ephraim is uncovered--and the Lord said: "I will be unto Ephraim as a lion." It were well for the Church and the world if we recognized more clearly this breadth of Christian duty. Again, is it a sacred or a secular work when a young girl, under a deep sense of duty, consecrates her life to attendance upon a suffering mother? Christ, therein revealed, has laid hold upon the whole of life. The belief in Christ is not only the unavoidable conclusion of a sound mind from evidence, but the only satisfactory way to account for the state of the world in which we find ourselves. (Acts 4:12; 1 Corinthians 1:12).2. "For Ye are Dead" (Col. Iii. Differently to be admonished are subjects and prelates: the former that subjection crush them not, the latter that superior place elate them not: the former that they fail not to fulfil what is commanded them, the latter that they command not more to be fulfilled than is just: the former that they submit humbly, the latter that they preside temperately. For the confirmation of faith. But can, one will say, all the little acts of life be done to Him? For this, which may be understood also figuratively, is said to the former, Children, obey your parents in the Lord: but to Leo the GreatWritings of Leo the GreatThird Sunday after Trinity Humility, Trust, Watchfulness, SufferingText: 1 Peter 5, 5-11. What people hate is being in earnest at all, and so they do not wish to pray for the grace of God lest they should have to be at the pains of using it. "Whether ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do it to the glory of God."(T. Daille. (b)That we act according to His will. "But now do ye also," saith he, "put down all;" [1927] and he makes mention of several more evils of that sort. Whatever mystery a man makes of his object in life, spectators generally arrive at correct conclusions.2. This is the way with worldly people. It is this that gives them the right and title they have in Christian morality. If we were asked this moment if we were filled with the Holy Spirit, how many of us would dare to answer "yes"? It must therefore be concluded that He is not a creature, but very God. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. Guthrie, D. D.)The name of Jesus set in workDr. There is no act, however little, which Christ does not see and .touch, and which may not tend as much to His honour as the songs of the Seraphim; there is no affection, talent, energy on which He does not put His hand and say, "That is mine," and which may not be transformed into a worship as sincere as that of the communion; no step we can take in life over which He does not watch, and which may not be made a step on the road that brings us nearer Him; no time here or hereafter when it will not be a delightful duty to "do all in the name of the Lord Jesus." By grace through faith in Him we are eternally joined with the Lord Jesus, identified with His righteousness, in union with Him, and a member of His body. 3. All the wicked dealings and defilement of Ephraim is uncovered--and the Lord said: "I will be unto Ephraim as a lion." But our Lord, being God, became man, bore our sins and carried our sorrows, grew up through our life, and tasted death for every man. He exhorts to holiness;10. to put off the old self, and put on Christ;12. exhorting to charity, humility, 18. and other duties.Dictionary of Bible ThemesColossians 3:171512Trinity, equality of2224Christ, the Lord5629work, ordained by God5636work, and rest5909motives, importance8223dedication8409decision-making, and providence8676thanksgiving8809richesColossians 3:1-173254Holy Spirit, fruit ofColossians 3:12-177125elect, theColossians 3:15-176746sanctification, means and results8352thankfulnessColossians 3:16-173218Holy Spirit, and praise5549speech, positive8666praise, manner and methodsLibraryThe Peace of GodBaltimore, U.S., 1874. (4) Now suppose a man embrace Jesus as his Saviour let Christ's love become the acknowledged fact of His life, then it will become a constraining motive, and will not be contented with influencing some of his faculties, employing some of his time; from the nature of things it must have all Christ is mine, and I am His, and whatever I do, spiritual or secular, business or recreation, I must do all in His name. He is your King. (2) Our thanks cannot be grateful to the Father except addressed and presented by Christ. That is no religion which we cannot carry with us wherever we go; into our pleasures and sorrows, our business and closets.(J. (3) Owing to a mixture of these we find Christian precept and practice widely sundered. So in like manner the name of Jesus (Acts 4:7; Matthew 7:22; Matthew 24:5; Matthew 18:20). It is not in our power to act as we please, or for our own ends (Romans 14:7-8).2. We find it perfectly impossible to draw a sharp line. In the realm of spirit as of matter when we see a great result we know that behind it is a great cause; and we may search the world and we shall not find a power over human hearts comparable with that which lies in this name. Do all in the strength of Christ. Do St. The peace of God. It is not egoistic to say so, for filling to overflowing is utterly and completely God's work--it is all of grace. It is His presence by His Spirit in the hearts of His people which is the motive power of their holy life. Stewart. And apart from these who learns, in the midst of his conscious and acknowledged besetting sin, to ask for the grace of God? When He had done that upon earth, He went to heaven, that He might do more than show us, might give us, and live in us that life of trust. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. A good fable for the world, and just as good a fable for the Church. It is this: "Christ must live it in me." Here we may fall into opposite mistakes. Faith and Love Towards Christ. All duty gathers its significance and blessedness from its relation to Christ. The merest crystal fragment, that has been flung out into the field and trampled on the ground, shines like a diamond when sunbeams stoop to kiss it. The Spirit moves all, and upon this the difference between man's actions depends. [1923] Surely it was a wholesome alarm that believers might not think that they could be saved on account of their faith alone, even although they should live in these evils: the Apostle James with most clear speech crying out against that notion, and saying, "If any say that he have faith, and have not works, shall his faith be able to save him?" IIEaster Wednesday Also Suited to Easter Tuesday. What are some of the worldly things we are . 1). Without Him we can do nothing, with Him every thing (1 Corinthians 15:10).4. Thanksgiving is one of the most necessary and universal offices of a Christian. Now, this definite, absolute and final putting off of ourselves in an act of death, is something we cannot do ourselves. (3) You are to give Him your time and services in teaching the ignorant, etc. It is to them a mere night of stars to wonder and gaze at, not a sun to light them to their daily work, and warm their hearts with love. 3. (1) There is a wide difference between persons who pursue objects which only appear real to them, and those whose objects are absolutely real. All divine truths may be reduced to these two heads,--faith and love; what we ought to believe, and what we ought to do. IT IS A DISTINCTION WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN UTTERLY FOREIGN TO THE MIND OF AN EARLY CHRISTIAN, AND IS QUITE OPPOSED TO THE SPIRIT OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. TEXT: COL. iii. The belief in Christ is not only the unavoidable conclusion of a sound mind from evidence, but the only satisfactory way to account for the state of the world in which we find ourselves. 3 For ye died, and your life is hid with Christ in God. The church is full of half dead people who have been trying, like poor Nero, to slay themselves for years, and have not had the courage to strike the fatal blow. "Ephraim is joined to idols, let him alone." "For ye are dead" (Col. iii. 4 When Christ, who is our life, shall be manifested, then shall ye also with him be manifested in glory. He exhorts to holiness;10. to put off the old self, and put on Christ;12. exhorting to charity, humility, 18. and other duties.Dictionary of Bible ThemesColossians 3:171512Trinity, equality of2224Christ, the Lord5629work, ordained by God5636work, and rest5909motives, importance8223dedication8409decision-making, and providence8676thanksgiving8809richesColossians 3:1-173254Holy Spirit, fruit ofColossians 3:12-177125elect, theColossians 3:15-176746sanctification, means and results8352thankfulnessColossians 3:16-173218Holy Spirit, and praise5549speech, positive8666praise, manner and methodsLibraryThe Peace of GodBaltimore, U.S., 1874. J. W. Buxton, M. A.As a petition to the Queen can only reach her through the hands of a minister, so we can only approach God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. He is nothing to them; they do not want Him. The church is full of half dead people who have been trying, like poor Nero, to slay themselves for years, and have not had the courage to strike the fatal blow. Colossians 3:16 Sermons: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your heart to God. Great, moreover, is the power of charity, beloved brother, which binds hearts one to another in mutual affection with the Saint Gregory the Greatthe Epistles of Saint Gregory the GreatHow Servants and Masters are to be Admonished. For Charles KingsleyAll Saints' Day and Other SermonsMay 5. So the apostle means (a)That we refer all to His glory. The letter of your Holiness, which we received at the hands of the bearer of these presents, so expressed priestly moderation as to soothe us, in a manner, with the bodily presence of its author. When He had done that upon earth, He went to heaven, that He might do more than show us, might give us, and live in us that life of trust. He eats and drinks to the glory of God, who does so not for pleasure, but for strength for God's service; He sleeps to God's glory, who rests in Christ, hoping to rise to do Him honour; he does his daily task to the glory of God who plies it under the eye of God, and does it or not as and how he thinks God would have it done or not.3. J. W. Buxton, M. Works that are the same as to external action are good in one and bad in another. "Your Life is Hid" (Col. Iii. iii 15. (Admonition 5.) "If Ye Then be Risen" (Col. Iii. A strained and exaggerated view of religion has been put before them, alien from their habits of thought, and by no means supported by the example of its professors.II. 4 When Christ, who is our life, shall be manifested, then shall ye also with him be manifested in glory. Yes, silver and gold and gems conspired together to mark out this name on the paten, or the chalice, or the shrine; the manufacturer of Limoges worked it out in his enamel; in the monastery potteries they burnt it in on their tiles; in convents they embroidered it on chasuble and cope; in the glorious windows of churches the light came in, sanctified, as it were, and hallowed by the name of the True Light; the poor peasant was encouraged, with his clasp knife, to consecrate his house by carving the same name on the hutch of his door or the barge-boards of his roof; the name of salvation could not be out of place among the dwellings of those who looked to be saved; the name which to adore will be the work of eternity, could never be out of place for the meditation and the worship of earth.(Dr. Macgregor, D. D.)Things sacred and things secularJ. A. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. "Let the peace of God rule in your hearts." (a) As to their inward influence on the man himself. Hast thou ever deeply loved parent, bride, husband, or child? And who looks down upon us? For this, which may be understood also figuratively, is said to the former, Children, obey your parents in the Lord: but to Leo the GreatWritings of Leo the GreatThird Sunday after Trinity Humility, Trust, Watchfulness, SufferingText: 1 Peter 5, 5-11. If they indeed have risen with him, he argues that they should leave the grave of iniquity and the graveclothes of their sins behind, and act as those who are endowed with that superior life, which accounts sin to be death and corruption. The same as to their inward influence on the man himself ye eat or drink, or ye... Apostle means ( a ) as to their inward influence on the man himself Buxton M.. ; Matthew 7:22 ; Matthew 7:22 ; Matthew 7:22 ; Matthew 7:22 ; Matthew 18:20.. 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