It can also represent being inactive or too active leading to fatigue or a newly implemented diet or exercise regime not producing results as quickly as you hoped. These positions represent your past, your present and your future. with The Tarot Guide? You must have invested a large sum recently and had expectations that very soon you will receive double the amount you invested. While some versions of this card may have a miniscule landscape across the bottom, the majority of them simply have an unimpeded sky blue background with eight wooden walking sticks, or wands, splayed about the card. You are getting your life in order physical health, emotional well-being, energy levels or spirituality so that you are in an excellent position to move forward with your plans. There is a feeling of unfinished business. This advancement is exciting and invigorating. Is a settlement about to appear in a long-running dispute? 5 of Pentacles (Pauvret),3 of Swords (Chagrin), 8 of Wands (Vitesse), & 8 of Chalices (Abandonn)The 8 of Cups in this combination is similar in meaning to the Fool, both are walking away from . Hastiness is an unattractive quality and could lead you into relationships that dont serve your highest good.Expand your spiritual practice by learning tarot. That's why it's important to . Things are moving fast though so you need to make sure they are moving in the direction you want them to do.This career Reversed reading can also indicate that you are at a crossroads and are unsure which path to take. In a reading Try to keep account of how much is coming in and how much is going out. Someone may be coming to visit you, or an adventure awaits. You may have been struck by cupids arrow you get butterflies when you see a certain person. Are you willing to stand up and fight for what is rightfully yours? When the Eight of Wands Minor Arcana tarot card (reversed), in terms of career, the reading can go two ways. Alternatively, you may find your career has taken off far too rapidly and you are struggling to keep up with your work load! For the time being, put all of your energy into living in the moment and know that when the time comes, your feelings will be your guide. If you are single, the Eight of Wands signifies meeting someone who will sweep you off your feet. The image depicted by the Eight of Wandsmeans that the difficulties that were brought by the Seven of Wands are finally over. You may be frustrated, tired of waiting. You might feel like you are growing rapidly in your career. There is no need to rush even though you might feel like your money is burning a hole in your pocket! We can see that the wands look like they are blossoming and someone must have thrown them in the air as they look like they are travelling at a high speed. It is a Minor Arcana card of sudden action, excitement, exciting times, travel, freedom, holidays and holiday romances. But if that is not the case, then the eight of wands is resonating with your internal feeling of satisfaction and success as you are feeling you are making great progress in your career and profession and you are moving forward very fast. Eight of wands reversed also indicates being patient and trustful. You will learn to handle your new responsibilities, but it will take time and patience. Her great-grandmother was the first registered nurse in Hawaii and is believed to have been a gifted midwife. The Eight of Wands are reversed to indicate a time of action and getting things done. Ashlynn spent her adolescence seeking connection to herself and to the Other Side through past life and spirit work that brought her closer to her higher self (and sometimes to the local graveyard). Jump-start your career and relationships by leaving your comfort zone, but do some research before making any brash decisions. Be mindful of this as you make choices in the coming months. Reversed General Meaning. Whatever the case may be, the eight of wands reversed is a reminder that love is worth fighting for. They are very good at multitasking and juggling commitments. You will soon be feeling the tumultuous emotions of being in love and your relationship will seem to be moving fast. Although everything is fine on a day-to-day basis, deep down one of you has doubts as to how long your relationship will last, and if this is truly the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. This role requires a lot of attention and focus, and you are probably feeling lost or overwhelmed with all the responsibilities that have fallen on your shoulders all of a sudden. In divinatory tarot, the Suit of Wands is associated with the element of fire and traditionally signifies creativity, inspiration, ambition, determination and willpower. The wands which are present in the air indicate that you are completed using your attention in whatever work you are doing. Tarot cards are used throughout much of Europe to play tarot card games. But the recovery from that injury will be just as fast. This valuable self-confidence makes you free to strike out in new directions and not just cling to past successes and previous accomplishments. The Eight of Wands card is a bringer of a positive and energetic vibe influencing the love life of a person who got it in a tarot reading. Whether the relationship is new or youve been together for years this Minor Arcana card brings a rush of love, excitement, sex and passion. Your hard work will be paying off and you will be ahead of the game. You were struggling to find the connection you had previously which was making you and your partner standoffish and distanced. Drawing this card implies a strong yearning to travel and see the world. In a financial Tarot reading, the Eight of Wands represents a lot of movement in your finances so you may have your finger in a lot of pies or a lot of money coming in and out when it appears in your Tarot spread. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Not secret signs, not 'maybe's, but clear communications with purpose and meaning. Each card of this suit . In traditional tarot, the Eight of Wands is shown as eight wooden rods that seem to be flying through a bright and sunny sky. Get best future predictions related to Marriage, love life, Career or Health over call, chat, query or report. In a career Tarot spread, the Eight of Wands can represent work related travel or things taking off a great speed. The person may be falling in love quickly and deeply. Things will fall into the right place themselves. If you ask how someone feels about you, the Eight of Wands is an indication that they feel excited by you. As the staffs in this card soar across the sky like a volley of arrows, the focus here is really about being quicker at the draw. Whatever you turn your hand to at the moment will take off at great speed and gain momentum. In a love reading, the Eight of Wands denotes a fast-blooming romance. Tarot cards are used throughout much of Europe to play tarot card games. It can also signify an illness aggressively taking hold.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'thetarotguide_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',184,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); In a spiritual context, the Eight of Wands reversed indicates that you may be experiencing a lack of energy or being affected by negative energy when it appears. 2023 Ingenio, LLC. Where you didn't see progress earlier, you'll soon discover that they paved the way for the coming wave of action. Your ability to prosper at this time depends on your ability to remember just how much came in and how much went out. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. You may find meetings or overseas conferences are cancelled or that your career is just not progressing at the rate you hoped it would. Ultimately though, you will make progress. Taking chances will result in good luck for you particularly when it comes to traveling somewhere new or meeting a new love. It can also represent being very physically active or seeing a newly implemented diet or exercise regime produce results quickly. The Eight of Wands in Tarot stands for communication, travel, and speed. Category: Minor Arcana, Suit of Wands. The eight of wands tarot career meaning is generally considered to be a positive sign, indicating that Exciting times are ahead. When the Eight of Wands is in a reading with either the Strength card (#8) or The Moon card (#18), your reading is especially powerful as this Wands card is the lower echo of these two. This card means rapid recovery from injury or illness. Or are they flying on a breeze? Things will be moving quickly your relationship will progress fast, and you may feel as though you've been swept off of your feet. When reversed, it is a Minor Arcana card of restriction, returning from travels or delayed or cancelled travel or holidays. Whether the relationship is new or youve been together for years this Minor Arcana card reversed can represent a lack of energy, excitement, sex or passion. Are you getting a Tarot reading because everything going right in your life is producing a weird feeling? You will be feeling positive and energetic. Reflect on any rash decisions youve made in the past and the consequences theyve had. If the question is about the exact time when something you are wishing for will come to reality, and the eight of wands have been pulled out, this can indicate that the time is very near. If this was the case, your reading wants you to take stock of how well you managed to do with the chances you were given. Regardless of whether youre single or attached, make sure to think carefully about what you say or do. Are you headed toward a long-sought conclusion? In the background, there is also a hilly landscape with trees and a river that looks lush and full of life. This is often taken to mean that a recent victory has set you on the path to success and that continued forward momentum will lead to even greater things. There is no stopping you right now as you are just bursting with energy and ideas, and you cannot wait to achieve one task and start another. Every Tarot reading involves the placement of some Tarot cards into specific positions that make up a complete pattern. The Eight of Wands says the struggles of the Seven of Wands have now all but cleared and you have the freedom and space to move forward with your plans once again. Just like the upward Eight of Wands, the Eight of Wands reversedmeaning is generally associated with patience. At KEEN, we have guides to understanding tarot in more detail. It can also represent a holiday romance or meeting someone while travelling. Alternatively, you may have so much interest that you cannot keep up with demand. It is found in the Rider-Waite tarot reading. However, it can also indicate an impending medical emergency which needs to be treated quickly. While its description sounds silly on paper, it's actually very symbolic of the card's meaning. The eight of wands is a tarot card that generally symbolizes movement, progress, and new beginnings. A worrisome sign for your health, the reversed Eight of Wands indicates slow recovery from sickness. The eight of wands are of the fire element and the zodiac signs that are associated with this card are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The answer to your question is most likely yes. Or check out the rest of the Minor Arcana orMajor Arcanain The Tarot Guide for free tarot meanings online! When you see this tarot card, it is a sign that you need to stay focused and keep your eye on the prize. Following the challenging and defensive nature of the Seven of Wands, the Eight of Wands signifies rapid change and the necessity to take action. The eight of wands also represent that maybe you are having a lack of activities that will keep your body moving, or you are too active, which is leading to fatigue. Ultimately, your explorations are part of your self-discovery process. Should you find your love life in a rut, youll be relieved to see movement and excitement once again. Their flight suggests change, movement and travel. These meanings can be relatively similar to each other or drastically different! Stop being so precocious and sceptical and be in sync with the flow. Often, the background of the card is the sky, signifying limitless possibilities. You can expect changes in your life if you pull this card in a tarot reading. NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards. Since all the arrows are pointed in one direction, this suggests a certain focus on their target. When the eight of wands tarot card appears reversed in a reading, it often indicates discord or disharmony in a relationship. A truly lucky card, the Ace of Cups pairs very well with the Eight of Wands. Stay upbeat and look for signs that things are turning your way. It is a card of forward momentum, encouraging us to seize the opportunity and make things happen. You may become infatuated or obsessed with this person and the romance will take off quickly. Your significant other will soon be ready - forcing things to happen may affect the result negatively. You need to be patient and just wait for it. The Eight of Wands is a card that belongs to the first suit (Wands) of the fifty-six cards called Minor Arcana in a traditional seventy-eight tarot card deck. This experience can be highly productive, allowing you to accomplish a lot in a short time. In a career Tarot spread, the Eight of Wands can represent work related travel or things taking off a great speed. The usual result of such behavior is a source of . Your relationship with your partner was going a little stale in comparison to how it was at the beginning. The flowing water of the river can be interpreted as a source of life and energy for the card. If you have been trying to develop your psychic or healing abilities you may find that things are not progressing as quickly as you would like. You may need to be patient and allow situations to play out a bit longer before you take action. The background has a clear blue sky with nothing in their path, which can be interpreted as there is nothing in their path that will stop them or be an obstacle in their journey to their destination. If you are in business, a venture could be failing to take off or taking off very slowly. Position: 8. If you get an injury during this time, know that it will take longer than usual to heal. This is a card that suggests that everyone is on the same page and moving in the same direction. If the new project seems daunting, talk with those with more experience and knowledge. Usually, when this card appears, it symbolizes a feeling of swimming against the tide, fighting the current. If youre currently in an existing relationship, surprises can be in store, giving the two of you some excitement in your relationship. With a B.S. The eight of wands in the reversed position can indicate that when it comes to your finances, you are likely to be feeling frustrated and unfulfilling the most right now. The Eight of Wands is one of those few minor arcane cards which symbolize the meaning of 'losing yourself' in a particular moment. Eight of Wands Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: In a general context, the Eight of Wands represents hastiness, speed, rushing, progress, movement and action. Also, make sure your previous task is complete before you move to the next one. This may be due to different ideals and values, or simply because you and your partner are no longer on the same page. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'thetarotguide_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-banner-1-0'); In a career Tarot spread, the Eight of Wands reversed can represent things taking off too quickly or not quick enough and cancelled travel. Or it could be that you are rushing into plans that do not hold much meaning, instead of doing important things. If you are currently in a relationship, the chance of surprises and sudden plans, made either by you or your partner, is there, which will bring adventure and excitement to your relationship. Everything that you are investing in right now, be it small or big, is going to bring fruitful results in the future, even if it feels frustrating for now. Their flight suggests change, movement and travel. The Eight of Wands also invites you to be laser-focused with your intentions and actions. This can be due to frustration, missed opportunities, or simply because the journey has been long and difficult. Try to have some patience, these things take time. There are many creative possibilities on your horizon and you are gaining momentum on achieving them by keeping up the energy and communication with those who can help you achieve your goal.You may have to make some adjustments in your life in order to achieve your goals, be sure the message you are putting out on social media aligns with your highest values and are not just a reflection of the heat of the moment. The eight of wands also indicate that you are probably making plans for the future and taking account of your resources which you will soon use to pursue your dreams. A folk art inspired miniature tarot deck printed in bold colors and gold metallic ink for a subtle sheen. You can compare it with a sound wave, the speed of light. The Eight of Wands is depicted as eight flying staves that appear as ifthey are suspended in the air. This tarot card depicts great excitement. The Eight of Wands is about messages. The most important message of the eight of wands is that one has to throw their wands or take their shot with determination and strength while focusing on the important things. You may have already done all you can do, and decisions now must be made by other people. She created Tarot Guru to help others actualize their spiritual potential and make the art of Tarot accessible to all. The eight of wand here means that you are likely frustrated with the speed at which money is coming in. The Eight of Wands is the 8th tarot card in the fiery suit of Wands in Minor Arcana. The eight of wands represent quick movements. It denotes movement, travel, and swift action. Youve been trying to save, but money has been going out just as fast as it has been coming in. All rights reserved. If you are in business, a new venture could take off much sooner than you thought it would. Create a deep and personal connection with the cards. How to Shuffle Your Tarot Cards Before Doing a Reading. You may have started out with a lot of energy and enthusiasm, but now youre starting to lose momentum. This card can indicate health problems that will take a toll on you. At the same time, the staffs strive in a common direction during their flight . Perhaps important news will be coming on your way, and you may experience a sudden, yetsteady positive growth. The Eight of Wands represents quick action, conclusion, and news. Forgive yourself and move forward with your life. All Rights Reserved |, Eight of Wands Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings, movement, speed, progress, quick decisions, sudden changes, excitement, waiting, slowness, chaos, delays, losing momentum, hastiness, being unprepared, romantic life picking up pace, excitement, surprises in love, quick progress at work, travelling for work, motivation, impact, quick movement of money, cash coming in and going out, misunderstandings, delays in love, hectic pace, confusion, career stagnation, lost chances, overwhelmed by job, slow flow of money, lack of patience for financial growth. You will soon figure out the time. When the Eight of Wands is in the past position in your reading, you might be able to look back on a time when everything almost magically landed in the right position for you to take advantage of great opportunities. Dont give up hope or wait before acting. Are the flirtations of a friend or co-worker suddenly more inviting? You may be getting a second wind to finish up a long-term project. It shows eight staves, which have a similar look to wands, suspended in the air. It could also be interpreted by taking the number of the card. Tami has studied the psychology of tarot cards extensively, and often uses them as a creative tool in much the same way that Phillip K Dick did. Good or useful news can appear as the Eight of Wands. If projects seem daunting, it might be useful to talk to someone about how they handle such tasks. It indicates that your life is about to get busy and you wont have much time on your hands, because you will be working hard with dedication for your future and making immense progress. This card indicates that you will be extremely tempted to make some expenses that with more evaluation will seem very unnecessary. If you have dreamed of meeting your soul mate or reconnecting with an old lover, then this is a sign that it will happen very soon. Sagittarius The Eight of Wands tarot card depicts eight sprouting wands hurling at speed through the air in a lush green landscape. Suppose you were in a long-term relationship when you got this card. The Eight of Wands reversed is a precarious omen when it comes to love and romance. Now is the time to put all your energy into your career and let the Universe take care of the rest. Aiming carefully is less important. Whatever you turn your hand to at the moment probably wont work out the way you want it to. The eight of wands often suggests progress and forward momentum, but to see it reversed may mean that you are fighting the pull of whatever decisions you have to make, it is likely that things will start moving again soon. All rights reserved. Your current job is not striking up the motivation or energy to work with passion in you which no doubt can feel very frustrating. Learn about the 78 cards and elements. In a health Tarot reading, the Eight of Wands reversed can represent a slow recovery from an injury/illness or health suddenly taking a nose dive. If youre attached, life may be hectic at this moment, making it easier for communication to get lost or confused between you and your partner. Youll be much happier in a new environment. There is a sense of speed and energy with this card so expect a fast-paced, high energy work environment when it appears. Being hasty will hurt you in great ways. While overcoming obstacles, it shows and end to some sort of delay or blockage in your life. When someone exclaimed that there were so many Persians their arrows would block out the sky. Join the waitlist for the All-New Biddy Tarot Deck (coming soon!). Reconsider doing anything impulsive and give the other person time without forcing your ideas on them or making plans together beforehand. Chances are that right now you do like the speed at which you are receiving money. The Eight of this suit often shows a flight of spears or staffs moving through the air in formation, as if a hidden group of archers had let them fly all at once. The reversed Eight of Wands is a symbol of slowness, stagnation, and worry. If youve had a holiday romance, reality will kick in and youll wonder what you saw in them. Even if you feel unsure or unprepared, dont slow the process as you will lose the opportunity that you have been given by the universe. This card warns you about fleeting determination because you are prone to get attracted to things or ideas that are new, completely forgetting about the plan you were working on previously, and switching focus immediately. You might be feeling that the job you are doing right now is not as fulfilling and is not paying you enough, knowing that you are still in the process of paying your dues, and soon you will find a job or profession which will provide you with all the fulfilment that one requires in their life. An enchanting astrology oracle deck featuring blue holographic detailing and edges, with calming and minimal full-bleed illustrations. All that momentum coming from different places can add up to a newfound burst of energy. Things in your work life are going to start moving very fast. While it is particularly tempting right now, be warned against impulsive spending if you see this card here. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking. If youre in a relationship, the Eight of Wands means that you and your partner will be making progress together or that you will be receiving important news soon. Every Tarot reading is a grouping of cards that have individual meaning. She is passionate about helping people connect with their intuition, and believes that everyone has within them innate wisdom that can be accessed through introspection and self-reflection. Can appear as ifthey are suspended in the past and the romance will take longer than usual to.. 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