We are happy campers even though we haven't grown it yet. Hi how is everyone in this tuff times hope all is ok ive started growing tobacco plant and im wondering do i have to use a cooler fan if curing leaves in a attic, thanks good info no frills- i've got 40 seeds in seedling mix indoors 7 germinated so far. (You probably know this already!). Hi - What are your thoughts on smoking unfermented tobacco. After drying the leaves then adding flavour such as vodka and then slicing/cutting would I store the tobacco in a air tight container? Pinch them out as well. Water them thoroughly and then keep watering to prevent the dirt from drying out. Have fun, good luck, and thanks for dropping in. They were small plants, about 2 ft (60 cm) high when winter hit. Question: I have been hanging first tobacco leaves for two weeks in the green house and they going brown already. when curing don't burp the jars that will stop the curing process, you will add new oxygen and revert the anaerobic bacteria that was curing to aerobic and thats starts to feed on chlorophyl . Question: What strain of tobacco do you grow? Sun curing can be done by setting the leaves in the sun for a week until dry. Hi we live in sunny Bay of Plenty and want to give it a go. Ive not got the Virginia one Ive got has some random Peruvian ones that has loads of nicotine on the leaves its oily. :). Tobacco starts from shockingly tiny seeds and grows a million fold into a 6-7 foot monster in just about 5 months. I really enjoyed your little tobacco story guideAwesome. Do tobacco seeds need a period of cold dormancy in order to grow? Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 141,782 times. It kind of feels that youre doing any unique trick. What you describe looks like a quick way to cure, nothing wrong with that. Basically you need heat (approx 120 degrees) and humidity of about 75%, if this can be sustained for approx 4-6 weeks, fermentation will be complete. Anyine got pointers on aging? At the worst, the plants will stop growing over Winter and come away again in Spring, and be a bit stunted, but the leaves will still be useable and you'll get plenty of seed for next season. I retired about 19 years ago and in 2013 attended a BBQ organised by my wife's Tai Chi Club. mayb to much nitrogen locked in the leaf what do you think, Reply Answer: I don't know, it's been many years since I was in Australia, but I would guess a tobacco plant would take around three months or less to grow there. Make sure kiln has good air circulation and that jars aren't touching walls to prevent condensation in jars. If you live in a place that's warm enough to grow cabbage, tobacco will thrive. Tobacco curing is sometimes referred to as color curing because as the tobacco undergoes the process, the color of the leaf will invariably change because its chlorophyll content is being altered, gradually becoming more yellow to brown in color. (I've been away playing Cap'n Ahabs with an old boat in New Plymouth harbour). tobacco enthusiast on September 16, 2014: Luther 2 the b8g ribs can be Removed! they were small, but still over 6' high. I am currently smoking the 2018 crop which was over 5.5Kg. Is there a trick to keeping tobacco alight? As they dry they will yellow. March-June,get started TODAY! Go figure. Thanks a lot, Yes i have read your article and gave very good things ty but one question is pesticides can i use them on the plant's and will i get sick from it. Keep in a cool, dry place out of direct light. Hello to all who read this and also to future me who is trying to figure out what I did that one time. It's not exactly very warm here. . It improves with age so long as it does not dry out. Is there a big difference in letting the leaves age? Also worked very well last year on fully dried tobacco. Sadly Kings no longer sell tobacco seed, however if you're in NZ Wicked Habits do ( expensive ) or Trade Me often does. Great sense of humor, and great information - good tips! Im from west Wales in the UK. This is just 3 hands of tobacco and it does have quite the aroma associated with it! And how long will this last in this storage method? I actually think I am on about or coming up to my 6th year smoking my homegrown bakky. The seed will have adapted to your environment. Gently shake the sieve. Like some others I came upon your article whilst looking for info on curing tobacco. Our politicians will waste tens of millions on a futile flag referendum (and then probably twist the results - the head of the CIA visited last week) then they tax the Hell out of smokers - over 90% of the retail cost of tobacco returns to the government in some form of taxation (a conservative estimation) but smokers are denied the medical treatment of others as they "caused their own problems". That being said, so can drinking, singing off-key, eating too much (or not enough) meat, and so on. Answer: You can spray the leaves with a mister using rum, port, dissolved honey or whatever takes your fancy to both flavour the tobacco and help it burn. Tobacco leaves are ready for smoking or storage when theyre brown and pliable, but not too brittle. The process can take up to 8 weeks, and the longer you wait, the better it may taste. It realy increase my knowledge about the topic. Instead of a timer you could also use an eight dollar dimmer cord found at any hardware store, it will adjust the power and heat output of any bulb. Put jar in kiln. As you said, I leave the "Best/Biggest" plant to flower and take the seeds from it for the next season- tho of course you only need one seed pod to get 1000's of tiny seeds for next year's crop. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on September 13, 2014: The bowler hat brigade - too stupid to "do" so spend their lives telling us "not to do". There are several websites dealing with curing chambers and the standard home made type is made of foam wall insulation and an oil heater. In the cooler situation, I am fighting to keep things moist enoughin your case it looked like it was the opposite effect! Answer: You keep them, yellowing means that they're partly cured. What you do with it then is your own damned business. im in manchester uk.. i have tried drying in about 4 diffrent places now over 2 years .. i dried that lot in the loft so there was temp fluctuation. Youll need to keep the humidity relatively high to keep the leaves from drying too quickly. This is an excellent time to test whether you have dried your nugs properly. I did see a fermenter made of ply-wood, and i can tell ya, that one would most definitely off gas formaldehyde and other such chemicals found in the adhesives.Q: So you haven't noticed any sort of ammonia smell coming from the tobacco?A: I really haven't! on Introduction. This will keep the leaves moist but reduce the chance of mold developing while theyre in storage. It has been most helpful. I cured a bit with bourbon in the oven and got a nice pipe smoke. I just wondered whether the hot water cupboard would be a better spot as opposed to fairly consistent room temp in a living space. What I can find worryingly little information on is how long you need to ferment it for, depending on what you want to do with it. Sun Curing. Plant them in reasonably rich, well-dug soil (with well-composted vegetable matter if you've got it). The dried leaves will be slightly sticky, and theyll have the feeling of very thin leather. an accidental discovery in my kitchen when a friend came around for a cupper with his new e-ciggy has lead to a major discovery for my tobacco processing methods when i added a few drops of his vape juice to my tobacco. If you live elsewhere, check your local legislation to ensure that you're operating within the law. You don't mention this stage, what are your thoughts on fermentation? If you dry your tobacco in your home, be sure to mind the temperature and humidity to avoid drying the leaves too quickly. I don't really monitor the humidity too much, I just give it 15-20 distilled water misting on and between the hands about 2-3 times a day, just to keep the leaves semi-moist. Growing nicotiana rustica here in ohio. Got the seeds in the germinator today , wanting an early jump on the season , great weather this last week and hoping for no frosts.. Does my curing chamber look like it will work? Spray water, port, rum, honey dissolved in any of the aforementioned, or pretty well any consumable liquid. Thanks for putting it together, at least I know what a tobacco plant looks like now. I think I'm going to try to grow some to use for smudging and offerings (Spiritual purposes). at home depot, clamp assembly is not needed)-30W light bulb (heat source)-Aluminum foil-Clean paper towels-Plastic bag-Sterilized spray bottle (use bleach solution to clean, rinse and dry thoroughly)-Distilled water. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Question: I bought some homegrown tobacco but it has a dark greenish look to it. The best vessel to use for aging pipe tobacco is the Mason Jar. Aging ? Fermentation also stabilizes the leaf so that it doesn't decompose further in storage. oops, I must have had a couple to many ales the last time I wrote in. Moreover, The contents are masterpiece. Will have to look into this further but this has certainly been of great help to start-off. -Week 4 the tobacco chamber should have the sweet smell of a walk in humidor. Answer: You can surely use a humidifier and see how it goes. Cold and frost will affect your crop yield. Im growing in mini greenhouses in a south facing window. You might try planting cabbage amongst the 'backy to deter the cabbage butterfly; I intend to this year. But to me, all of these smells were delicious!! I've found this setup makes the temperature get much too high, (due to the excellent insulation of the cooler, the cooler gets cumulatively hotter and hotter). It should take about 4-8 weeks for the leaves to dry out entirely, but it may take longer depending on the variety of tobacco and your climate. Also I wanted to add that the post is great and very easy to follow ..I am in Aus and have been growing now for a while and am getting some extremely good results but I am still waiting to have my first taste..I think the hardest part for me is going to be the cutting as I like a very fine cut and if anyone can suggest something that is not to expensive I will be very happy, anyway thanks for reading and hope to hear from some of you out there even in Qld..Cheers. A fine mist to dampen the leaves is all you need, they will soften almost immediately and you can then cut out the ribs. I'd also suggest that you let the plants flower and save the seed, you'll get enough to plant half of Kansas and be very popular with your smoking friends! Put tobacco in jar. Re-pot them a couple of times, use you hot-house when they get bigger and you can grow them there or transplant in spring. on Introduction, https://www.cigarworld.com/education/tobacco-411/curing-and-fermentation/. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. Smokingpipes is your one stop shop for Tobacco Jars Pipe Accessories and all your tobacco smoking needs. i will try outside next year just abit worrie about things eatting them .. the slugs around here seem to have a nicotine addiction. That being said it is taxing to spray the leaves so often. This process is all done quickly. Growing and harvesting is a perquisite to fermentation covered in other guides, available here . Drying or "curing" home-grown tobacco leaves. References. If it's just for the fun of growing the stuff and possibly to use the leaves to make a bug spray, a couple of plants will do fine. Answer: Dissolve a little honey in alcohol, (Rum, Vodka, Port through preference.) If the leaves get too brittle, you can moisten them with water from a spray bottle. I have smoked for over thirty years and have been growing tobacco for two seasons. I have been advised that I must ferment to improve the flavour, but more importantly to remove the ammonia which is pretty bad for you. I did miss a stage in my above aromatic observationsbetween the wet grass and raisin stage there was a strong cereal smell..like toasted corn flakes, which probably lasted for the entire 2nd week. Thin the seedlings as soon as they're big enough, either by placing individual plants into four-inch pots or about a dozen into an ice-cream container. Your question and reply precedes this answer. The shortest cure was 5 days and the longest cure was an initial 3 weeks followed by 6 - 8 more weeks in jars. Free Shipping on orders over $95! I live in Kansas and they are growing like crazy. Notice the orange ring in the image below. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on September 16, 2014: Hi tobacco enthusiast, glad to know that I was of help. Question: Is it worth continuing to harvest the leaves after the tobacco plant has flowered? Once sealed, age for about two months at room temperature or slightly above. As each plant grows, you'll see small tobacco plants (suckers or basal shoots) starting to grow as side-shoots from the main stalk at the base of the leaves, the same as with tomatoes and that other stuff some people smoke. I'm attempting to grow 3 varieties of tobacco: a Tennessee dark air cure, a Samsun Turkish and Perique. If they taste well enough without them fermenting do I still have to ferment them? They'll need temperatures of 75 to 80F to germinate. I wanted to just bury my nose in the leaves during the raisin stage, but for purposes sterility, i resisted!Q: I wouldn't imagine such a small batch would give off an overwhelming smell of ammonia.A: Very true! I have it running on a low heat for up to two hours checking on the tobacco and turning it throughout the process. Im thinking about purchasing and would like to hear some opinions. I suppose most guys go 1 to 2 months, but my philosophy is, if it's not on fire in my pipe, why bother taking it out of the kiln. I understand that Tobacco in Cigars, Pipes, Roll your own, cigarettes, snuff and all other types are from the same tobacco plant. fcbdadk, Howdy! Hi guys. If your bud is over dried, adding moisture isn't going to help the cure. Put seed-growing mix or a mixture of fine soil and sand in a shallow container. I personally didn't run into any problems, but this set up is risky and definitely not UL rated . (I am, however, all for fermenting sugar in water and putting it through a still, I may be doing that later today). Our temps range between 70 and 100 degrees in the summer. grown though through thirty years did need a lot more aging then actual curing.But I don't consider anything dead in a jar to be curing, this is aging in my book and curing takes place during the death of the living cells . Your stuff sounds pretty swish, have fun smoking it. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on March 17, 2016: Our Gestapo thugs will shoot and kill a man for pointing a gun at a police dog, shoot a fleeing thief in the back and beat his dying body with baton tourches and find themselves not at fault, then run around kissing a drug pusher who shot at and wounded 4 police, presumably because of "political correctness" - and a 'relly who's a local senior cop. Keep an eye on your. Store the seeds safely. Harvesting: Fully grown leaves (and no, It's not me!). In about two weeks, the seedlings should start showing. and all so i listened to my mums idea of putting it between news paper which was silly thing to do, it stuck to the sheets of paper and when mouldy! The same rules apply: pinch out or otherwise remove them. Just thought i'ld let you know the 'head start' theory appeared to work. The RH Lids have to be cut to exact specs with a Water Jet ($10k) or the hygrometer won't seal properly. I'm doing it with potatoes. Did this ever work to produce good cigars surf monkey ? 12.5% cure for between 3 weeks and 11 weeks. As good a way as any Rhett, nothings written in stone - adapt, innovate, do it on the cheap; that's what it's all about. You will need to make a platform inside the boiler to keep the leaves out of the water. Question: Im in the Wairarapa and just got some seedlings from the local garden centre. i hope this works because all my tobacco is in there.. iv got a brewing heat pad about 30 watts put a storage box on top will 2 lt of water. Here are a couple things to be on the lookout for as your tobacco is curing: The trick for curing is time. Commercially it used to have saltpeter (potassium nitrate) added to keep it going, although I don't know what's used now. Pick up a few small hygrometers made for tobacco humidors. Question: I've grown plenty of tobacco except I've always just microwaved the leaves or in the oven to dry and smoked the plant still green. Taking the focus away from tobacco congratulations once more! The primary tobacco curing methods consist of air curing, sun curing, fire curing, and flue curing. Mine is 40ltr any old water boiler come tea earn will do. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on September 21, 2014: Here's some info that i copied and pasted from this hub a couple of years ago. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Do you think theyll go ok in there until after the last frost of winter? Set up a dehumidifier if you don't have a dry spot to store the leaves in so they dry faster and don't develop mold. If it's too rainy or it gets too much water, the tobacco gets weak and thin. It will grow in pretty much any type of soil you have. Fill the jars about three quarters of the way, leaving the other quarter empty. Trying to grow it here in the USA.if for no other reason to treat bee stings. Compared with correctly grown plants. Cut a thin slit through the center of the stem on each leaf using a utility knife. I dip the lid in the boiling water, and making sure the rim of the jar is free of tobacco pieces, place the lid on the jar and lightly set the ring. Bottom leaves have been harvested from the rear plants. What is the next step after the fermentation is ready ? Good luck growing! Mary Wickison from USA on March 23, 2014: After years of nagging (I mean politely requesting) my husband to stop, now I find your page. I suggest that you let only one of your plants go to flower for seeds for next season's crop. Take what you pay a week for smoking (probably around $50). This method of curing will produce tobacco leaves that are, relative to other curing methods, low in sugar, high in nicotine, and sweet in flavor! to cut: take dried leaves cut out stems, dampen dried leaves, put in press to make solid block, cut and re-dry cut tobacco. Answer: Tobacco doesn't naturally burn well. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on September 11, 2014: Great stuff John, (We're in for a long summer, my banana plant set its first bunch a month ago, although the stalks are still all brown with dead and wind battered leaves; and the raspberry canes are budding) Please keep us posted on how you're going. The best way to do this is pictured on step 1, hang leaves to dry and let nature take its course: Gather your harvested green leaves, use a zip tie at the stems and bundle into 1-4 leaf bunches, (be sure to allow air between the leaves, if the leaves stick together, they will mold). For tobacco, the curing process is similar to the standard drying process of cannabis. You don't have to fork out another $2.50 for seed. Well what an informative article, I tried many years ago to grow tobacco, plants grew fine but mucked up the curing process, I want to flavour the stuff for pipe smoking, I have a very large jar of glycerine in the garage could I use that with port and brandy, spray the leaf, let dry, then press and mature but for how long - best guess for a guide pls, also I want to give some hand rolling tobacco to my colleagues at Christmas, I'm harvesting and curing now,(August) once dried I'm putting it in a plastic air tight box, will that be long enough time for it to mellow/mature. Im growing in ohio, where the difference betwixt winter and summer is almost nonexistent. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on March 15, 2014: [img]http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm292/biguran/s[/img], GOT it, Prilep 66, oriental fom macedonia, and i love it, has a taste like diped in honey, TY Mr. TOF :), im getting some cured orientals prilep 66, will try and let you know. You can make a perfectly acceptable product by drying the leaves adequately, slicing them thinly, rolling them in cigarette paper, and setting them alight, so put that in your pipe and smoke it! The following is a helpful "Q and A" following this project. Cold and frost will affect your crop yield. The seeds will pass through while most of the rubbish will stay behind. It's only a few. Question: Would you mind if I adapted your excellent work here for use in the UK? A good recommended fill blend for a home grown cigar is 30% Havana leaf and 70% Virginia leaf with a Havana wrapper.-Cheap, light weight foam cooler: if you ever wondered what to do with that leaky foam coolerhere it is!-Corded clamp light reflector light fixture, (avail. Or can I plant them right away in areas with a long growing season? It looks and smells good but it will not stay burning. Anyhow, I ordered from them and began growing. 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