Neither freshmen nor sophomores are permitted to drive cars to work, either. God created dance. But most, if not all, of these schools require their faculty to live up to the same or stricter standards standards that the faculty and the school believe are right. Students and faculty will enjoy a break from classes to hear encouraging preaching during Bob Jones University's annual Bible Conference Feb. 14-17. While BYU does accept students who do not belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, they are still required to participate in the community as if they were. They understandably discourage illegal and discourteous behaviors such as excessive drunkenness, but generally harmless actions like possessing legal pornography, moderate drinking, disciplined gambling, dancing, sensuality, premarital sex, and homosexuality all remain condemned and held up as just as harmful to young, educated minds. they are legal. Attempting to undermine everything I believe in? She ate me out the first week I was there and gifted me with my first strap on fucking a few weeks latter. What a way to treat women like children incapable of making their own decisions! )B7= and everyone is a sinner, but it is much better to have standards (standing for something morally As far as dating goes, off-campus dates must be chaperoned. Fundamentalism & Evangelicalism. Additionally, it allows students to . It was the university that famously insisted God didn . Men may not grow their sideburns past their earlobes, have hair covering their ears, or keep moustaches beyond the corners of their mouths. Most are Christians, majority of them from teh south and alot of them are athletes. From my own experience, when you walk away from God it usually has to do with decisions you have made and not lack of motivation or dedication. If you honestly think that the way these colleges are conducting themselves and imposing religion upon students is a good thing, well then I dont know. As one of the underground liberal minority at the college, I disagreed with almost all the guidelines. If you are interested in learning more check out our website today! The residences halls also have study rooms, and some halls are handicap-accessable. Every Day is Business Casual Day. What do you think of these schools policies? is a college. I had said I love you. and we hung up the phone. The dorms are seperated by gender, and members of the opposite sex are not allowed in the dorms. REENVILLE, S.C. -- In an unexpected move, Bob Jones University, a fundamentalist Christian institution that had come under national criticism for its ban on interracial dating among its students, abandoned that long-held policy, its president, Bob Jones 3d said tonight. Since, as was noted in the introduction, it usually remains the students choice to partake of such environments, I dont think that we can disapprove of these schools on ethical or legal grounds. The main thing I learned from my year there was how to be sneaky. i really hope if youre not saved that this eats away at your consciene soo much that you cant live like that anymore and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus ChristJohn 3:16- For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should NOT perish, but have everlasting lifeso it doesnt matter who you are, what youve done or whatever you case is, God wants to and will save you if you only call on His name. Her brothers asked her how she could live with all the rules. While the switches havent changed much for men students, women may now wear pants to class. By the time we were ready to graduate and go to college, that important decision, like most others, had either already been made for us or pushed so strongly onto us that we felt there were no other options. Bible Conference focuses on God's steadfast, eternal love. Generally speaking, college and freedom go hand in hand. Grab & Go @ The Growl. Enjoy! I Attended LMU in Los Angeles we do to have strict rules about clothes we can wear pants So nyah nyah yah. Allowing dancing at any school-related function on or off campus is strictly prohibited, though students are allowed to bust a few chaste, pre-approved moves at weddings, military balls, graduation exercises, church, and family occasions provided they refrain from attending clubs, bars, or parties that allegedly lead to temptation no matter what. Just so you guy who are whining about people not having freedom: These students CHOOSE to attend these colleges in full awareness of their rules. Gluten-free options are also available, and special arrangements can be made for those with medical needs and other allergies. Clearly, the answer to (b) will depend on the answer to (a). 1-800-BJ-ANDME -Underage gambling is also against the law (and also gives into the sin of greed) Or are they treating free-willed adults as if petulant children incapable of forging their own individual perceptions, decisions, and behaviors without being fed someone elses interpretations of Christian dogma? Look at history. Take a tour through BJU's beautiful campus with our Spanish and French Speaking tour guides. The change to business casual allows students greater options in clothing choices. It is for our own health and safety that these rules are in place: rules which we WILLINGLY submit to. NOT even accurate. I go to Oral Roberts University. Sydney is a University of North Alabama senior majoring in Journalism and Public Communication. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I went to Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles and the school is laid back we can have alcohol on campus go to dance clubs if we want to,so I say this GO FUCK yourself you religious nuts, I attended Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles They dont have strict rules lie BJU which I think is a little extreme If I want to go to Dance Clubs or a bars I will Let them try to stop me because I will Tell to where to go and how to get there. I often hang out in large groups without a chaperon at like 2am. Seeing (or participating in) vigorous debates where practically nothing is held as a common assumption between the opposing debaters is a great way to develop someones intellectual capabilities, especially critical thinking skills. But premarital sex, homosexuality, aligning oneself with occult religions (though the handbook never actually specifies which belief systems they consider occult), using expletives, tobacco possession or use, dancing, and working at any establishment that encourages or involves any such things apparently constitute impropriety and stand as offenses worthy of expulsion. The school works to develop what God has put into someone, unlike schools like the Ohio State University, which declared to my entering class their goal to fail you in your first year. I. In the introduction of this article, many questions were raised, and no answers for any of them were argued for in the main body of the text. Read the Amazing, Fantastical, Autocratic. College is not supposed to be your babysitter, it is a learning experience meant to prepare you for the way the world is. I believe the answer lies with how students (like me) were raised. Enjoy a wide variety of meats, vegetables, fruits and desserts across a variety of food categories, including American, pizza & pasta, and international. Bob Jones University is a private institution that was founded in 1927. He once said, "I would rather see a saloon on every corner than a Catholic in the White House.". todays society are those who want to ban guns because they kill people, yet want to drink, smoke, and do whatever the hell they want because its there right. If you tell them honestly what excessive use of alcohol does to people, they wont *want* to get wasted. It really sucks that you went to such an awful college. The following rules and regulations were taken from the Bob Jones University Student Expectations. I wish that I could say that Asbury was an inspiration for my ethics and for the transformation in lifes journey but I have to say that came from my church experience, my family, UK, and other experience. When you look at little children laughing, or animals playing, or men and women gathering together to talk and experience the presence of others, youre witnessing God at work. They make you go to chapel church services every single day, and some days you have to go to church more than once, the only exception is if you are sick enough to be in the infirmary. Nor have I lied to him about my history; including the fact that Im a divorcee from an arranged marriage at barely 16 to a man Id met twice, arranged to keep me out of trouble. Guess what these colleges are wrong to force students to suppress their governing rights that were written long before most of these colleges where even developed. Bob Jones Academy. In addition, attendance at parties, clubs, casinos, restaurants, and bars is expressly prohibited except when no alcohol is present. I got to Oral and they dont follow you around but they are strict, I have piercings and Ive been told to put clear retainers in during class and school events. -Supporting or practicing religious beliefs in line with occult (This is not entirely true. All men and women are expected to dress modestly, stay well-groomed, and avoid tattoos and body piercings. One of my professors at UK went to my church (Southern Hills in Lexington), another of my UK professors dedicated his life to improve conditions for the poor in South America. Maybe this list should just be 10 Strict Christian Colleges? Bob Jones University. They completely reach into the personal lives and convictions of their students, demanding that they refrain from such so-called perversions such as premarital sex, extramarital sex (even if both parties agree to an open relationship), and homosexuality. Treating free-willed adults as if petulant children incapable of forging their own individual perceptions, decisions, and behaviors.. If an institution dedicated to the service of Christ becomes abhorred by those who dont serve Christ, this might suggest that it is doing something right not always, just sometimes. Your paragraph on Oral Roberts University is inaccurate. The college also has double absence days, which are days, usually the day before or after a holiday, which count as two absences if missed. DO you know what these strict colleges are invoking by making these kinds of religious standards? Welcome to a nation who makes each individual feel entitled to make his own god based on his opinion. Just my humble, unbiased opinion; take it or leave it. Did you stay in the best dorm at Bob Jones University? I know people are given the choice/make the decision to attend these schools, but they just sound so old-fashioned and boring. This was not a good recipe for being a successful artist. But people need to remember that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and casting people out of a school because they dont meet excessive regulations arent bringing them any closer to God. The position of the University on the translation issue has . Neither dancing nor tattoos are forbidden, although some forms of dancing would be inappropriate. %PDF-1.7 % program doesnt work for precisely this reason it doesnt teach kids that cocaine is worse than beer. Your email address will not be published. OR a girl from State college,, who has photos of herself posted , throwign up drunk in a men`s bathroom, has slept with numerous other men, a couple of abortions behind her, and had sex with strangers on spring break because she was drunk and had to take penecilin afterward, then had to lie to her future husband about it all mmmm i`lll take the girl from the christian college,, thanks. Actuallythe standards for Brigham Young University are slightly off. That seems a tiny bit stricter than telling Christians to come to church once or twice a week. Thats how many of those regulations mentioned in the synopsis I broke while attending the sixth college on this list. God created sex. Case in point: I had been dating the same guy for over three years. Dress code, music standards, bed time, dating are all strictly inforced catagories of rules. Starting in 2007, Paul Quinn College in Dallas has required students to be dressed in business casual attire from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. if they want to attend . Jessica Lovely, an English education major, echoed this sentiment.It hasnt really affected me that much except for the fact that on windy days its good to be able to wear pants, she said. Bob Jones University. There are many things that are legal that are morally wrong, and because But this place felt clean. COLUMBIA, S.C. . A lot of the comments here seem to be objecting to what the author said by defending these schools. Live with parents or other close relatives. In conclusion, I dont think that students are better off if they go to these schools, and I would not encourage anyone to do so. Jesus drank wine. The students realize that they will be under strict rule. The campus feels more like a prison than a college. Ali Zimmer, a sophomore, said she thinks the change in dress code is a very good improvement. Society may indeed be corrupt, but Christianity is no better. John Ellis, a former Bob Jones University student who blogs at "Practically Known Theology," has more. The place else may just I am getting that kind of information written in such an ideal manner? -Using Profanity, really, it isnt allowed in any K-12 school, and they dont want people cussing their heads off here. everybody who reads this will be without excuse when they get o the Great White Throne judgment before God. Waiting for Bob Jones's huge gay bomb to drop. Makeup really? Dancing, too, falls under extremely restrictive guidelines as well, with the school outright refusing to allow it on campus or any official functions held offsite. Dallas Christian College directly addresses individuals who feel their extremely staunch policies are either too slack or too restrictive, stating that such measures strike a balance between freedom and Christian piety. I have met people that go to PCC and they have all said only good things about it. Which brings up the question Why go there if you dont fit? Theres also Cuppa Jones which serves a variety of brewed coffee, lattes, cappuccinos, teas and other hot and cold drinks for coffee and non-coffee drinkers alike. Again, some book says so doesnt provide a justification of anything. Any movies to be shown on campus must receive approval from Asbury College faculty and staff if it involves a rating of PG or PG-13, with all Rs and NC-17s banned except in extreme circumstances (Passion of the Christ, by the way, was considered violent and intense enough to warrant an R by the MPAA). Bob Jones University Past and Present. Click to enlarge. Dining Services. Bob Jones University has a total of 10 dorms, 5 for women and 5 for men. Photo: Melia Covington, Yuriy Leonovich performs with the University String Orchestra performs in October 10, 2022. Possessing legal pornography, light to moderate drinking (even non-alcoholic versions of beer or cocktails), gambling, premarital or extramarital sex (regardless of whether or not the latter take place within an open relationship), dressing immodestly, supporting or practicing religious beliefs in line with the occult (with the lines of what constitutes such practices never explicitly stated), using profanity, tobacco, engaging in or supporting homosexuality, and having or supporting abortions are also very much in violation of the schools strict moral guidelines. Asbury College/University. A Failure to Stay the Course [Handbook changes at BJU] By Jim. such as premarital sex, pornography, etc. Disagreements over changes made at the school during the eight-year tenure of Steve Pettit, the school's fifth president and first from outside the Jones family, broke out following an October 4 board meeting in which some board . Outright banning everything that can be dangerous to someones health and character leaves much less room for students to learn moderation. It is a small institution with an enrollment of 2,295 undergraduate students. A refrigerator is also provided in each residence hall. All serious and dastardly crimes against the institution. Okay, I am here just to argue about one thing. People can have jobs with alcohol or tobacco. And was to that if I wear modest clothing my tattoos should not be a problem. Ten. Nobody is perfect, no matter what school. You're just clicks away from yum. Ever since BJU publicity stated that Catholicism is a 'satanic counterfeit,' candidates are less eager to make a stop at BJU. I was just perusing Bob Jones University faculty listing for their Seminary, do you notice anything conspicuous about all of the faculty members (save one)? [emailprotected]. The handbook gives the wrong message in this part; dancing is not allowed in groups if it is /suggestive or sultry./ They try to limit large dancing gatherings because they, of course, cannot monitor everyone to make sure they are following that rule. and allows women to only have one piercing per ear. All of which are traditional dances and (in my opinion) in no way put the dancers morality and purity at risk. You arent allowed to have your own opinions about anything and creativity and individuality is totally stifled. They have every right to set the standards they want to set. Minor infractions include borrowing and not attending chapel and group devotions on a regular basis. A church I was told to attend? I could go on and about more experiences like this during my 2 and a half years at this horrible place. Id be more concerned about how easily youre manipulated into defending mass murder and less about cheering on places that prohibit dancing or chewing gum. The school was founded in 1927 by Bob Jones Sr., an evangelist, and former pastor. I transferred to PCC my sophomore year and had a great floor leader. She loves Jesus, ADChi, New Girl (specifically, Jess's wardrobe and Nick Miller), glasses, discipleship and late night trips to Applebees. Smoking is legal, but people die from it. Academically, it was quite decent, and some professors were very open-minded. However, I dont think its quite as strict as some of the other colleges on this list, notably 1 3. its not mans law they are concerned with, its, you know, His law.. But unless you go, you cant mock it because you havent even been there or checked it out. Even sending a status update via text is prohibited. Evangelist Bob Jones Sr. founded Bob Jones College in 1927 after his travels across the United States convinced him that Christian students were losing their faith at secular colleges. I went to ORU and two of my children as well. Premarital sex is wrong,the bible clearly states so amongst other things. What about people like me with throat issues? Our school had been fairly popular in the 1970s and early 1980s, but by the year I graduated (1988) it was clear that such a strict type of Christian school was on the decline, at least in our area. Sex that is forbidden and secretive just makes it all the more exciting. Theres morality, and then theres this. Possessing legal pornography, light to moderate drinking (even non-alcoholic versions of beer or cocktails), gambling, premarital or extramarital sex (regardless of whether or not the latter take place within an open relationship), dressing immodestly, supporting or practicing religious beliefs in line with the occult (with the lines of what constitutes such practices never explicitly stated), using profanity, tobacco, engaging in or supporting homosexuality, and having or supporting abortions are also very much in violation of the schools strict moral guidelines.. Televisions. 2nd Just because something is legal doesnt make it good for you. The school even governs how students are to go about their off-campus employment as well. The point is, in my opinion, someone needs to establish guidelines for our youth. Regardless of popular opinion, political correctness, or the ideas of major theologians, truth is always truth. Photo: Hal Cook/BJU Marketing. Jerry, Im sorry you and your wife had problems at Asbury. I bet theyre a lively and entertaining bunch). Mr. Jones, in an appearance on the CNN program "Larry King Live," said that . Create a free website or blog at that these colleges should countenance clearly un-Biblical behaviors, The dorms are all airconditioned with 5 bunks, 1 sink, 2 desks, 2 chairs, 1 phone, over-head and hanging closet space, drawer space, and carpeted floors. There are a lot of rules and some of them are stupid. I have one pair of pants., Victoria Vaughan, a sophomore criminal justice major, said, I havent worn pants.On the other hand, Amanda Francis, an English education major, said, I havent worn a skirt yet.. Finally she taught me how to take a hard anal fucking so I would be ready for a fundie husband some day. No TEA???? Greenville, SC 29614 . The dorms are seperated by gender, and members of the opposite sex are not allowed in the dorms. We take your safety and well-being very seriously and take a number of proactive steps to ensure that BJU is a safe and caring place. my child would be at a place which is much safer and God-honoring. ORU has a dress code which is in effect for classes, chapel and in all academic buildings. Evangelist Bob Jones Sr. founded his university in 1927 as a fundamentalist oasis, where Bible Belt students could pursue "old-time religion, the absolute authority of the Bible and clean living . As for dancing it is entirely allowed. The most important thing to remember is that each person attending these schools is a responsible adult. What better way to prepare for your upcoming class than to grab a fresh cup of coffee? With loft-style decorincluding a fireplaceand plenty of seating, The Den provides the cozy feel of a coffee shop, right on campus. All resident and commuter students at Oral Roberts University are required to attend church at least twice a week and find themselves to a highly restrictive dress code. 1700 Wade Hampton Blvd. All colleges, whether religious or secular, conservative or liberal, have written codes of conduct for their students and faculty. AS I recall, they essentially asked him two quest. But you cant get upset and blame teh school if you enroll and dont check out the requirements first..BYU is a great school.not a fan of mormonism, but the students that are there are great kids for the most part. Everyone at Bob Jones . -Having or Supporting Abortions, similar to the last one. Youre not supposed to be having sex in the first place, for one. No one is being coerced into paying thousands of dollars to go if they dont want to. Bob Jones University Graduate Admissions. I transferred to and a public univ and found it to be a great fit for me, realizing that everything along my journey (both good and bad) helped to make me stronger and teach me about life sono regrets. Some rules are ridiculous. He made us to love each other and him. No, they do not allow engaging in it, and I honestly think thats not something good. While some rules are debatable, yet this writer seems to think Thursday nights require a 10:00 PM return time because of devotionals. Bob Jones High School (which is located on the college campus) concludes here with a few more of these amusing rules: Politically, the university has also had an impact, although its influence is diluted with Greenville`s growth, said Jim Guth, a professor of political science at Furman University. Bob Jones University requires all students to attend regular church, Sunday school, society, Bible conferences, artist series programs, and vespers services on campus, though not necessarily in a single week. Wow, the writer of this article is very intolerant. Though there are many options in Greenville for affordable housing . and the campus is primarily pro-life, yes. No one is going to forbid interracial or homosexual relationships, no one is going to forbid occult religions, no one is going to forbid fornication, and you wont be able to handle that. For this, I say thank you. Our goal is to provide a safe, supportive environment where you can build relationships, grow in Christ, excel academically and develop leadership skills. Those who speak and act to offend may be jackasses etc. All mixed groups of men and women both on and off campus require the presence of a chaperone to intercede on any behaviors they deem offensive to their conservative sensibilities. follow you to church? The BJU acceptance rate is 100%. The only strict rule they have is drinking and they wont kick you out if they find out you drank. both in this life and in the next. Your room will have drawer space, closets and overhead bins for more storage. Stay up the great paintings! hUKgedj6_6uec^8AZ5lHj.YDT&,X u&QXvmb.;ry?}y SH )$. God created the creativity within human beings. Dyed hair and faddish or extreme styles are out, as are any piercings beyond the ears or a nose stud presumably allowed for cultural reasons. First, living under such strict rules has detrimental consequences. The student body is also expected to maintain a standard of modesty at all times while on campus. Church attendance is required once a week, but it is not monitored. The admission office refused to release the student handbook until one signed on the dotted line, feet on campus for semester orientation and parents away from campus. Mature, responsible people are able to think for themselves and moderate their own behavior. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,705 (fall 2021), its setting is city, and the campus size is 225 acres. Here at BJU, living and learning with other believers results in a one-of-a-kind community. I dont know what they are trying to prove by stating the fact that The Passion was rated R for violence in their description. Social and dance clubs as well face quite a bit of consternation. HA!!! Theyre here to answer your questions, offer spiritual support and guidanceand sometimes, just to be a friend! For instance: (1) in your room and dont come back out after 10:30pm; (2) she was 20 and we both had to get permission for her to visit my family 35 miles away, permission from her mother and from my grandmother to go to Grandmas house; (3) we had our social privileges removed for 2 weeks because she rubbed my shoulder while I was laying on the school grounds as she was sitting on the ground next to me. I would like if you can wright me. betboo,betboo giri,bets10,jasminbet,,pera bet,perabet giri,perabet,restbet giri,restbet,rest bet,vdcasino,vd casino,betcup,bet cup,mobilbahis,mobil bahisperabet,portobet,bahsegel,bahse gel. Well I attended Pennsacola and BJU and frankly PCC was much better. When asked why not, her response is always that she lost a lot of her motivation and dedication for faith development because of the Asbury rules you were not allowed to grow up into responsible adulthood. Sports is taken seriously and we do very well in the Div One level.Sam Bradford, Tim Tebow etcthese are outstanding Christian athletes/men and went to secular schoolsyou dont have to be christian and goto to a christian college to stay christian.some students like the positive atmosphere and some just like the locationeveryone has their own preference. Whenever I walked over the bridge, I had an urge to sing the hymn There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood, but I'd sing There Is a Fountain Filled With Bobs. Order now. While the switches haven't changed much for men students, women may now wear pants to class. Entries (RSS) Be offended but remember that nobody cares youre offended. Armando Morales at February 13, 2023. The Catholic Church, for example If you think that sheltering yourself in colleges such as these is a good way to prepare for the world, then youre absolutely wrong. Only God can do that. The campus is home to 2,566 full time undergraduate students, and 335 full time graduate students. Rather, they will be dependant on their belief in God to serve as a sort of eternal chaperone, which I think is unhealthy. An upper classman lied and told the dean that I had looked at a male student in a sexual manner while walking home from chapel and was campused w/in the first weeks there. You arent writing truth, you are writing opinion. Save for the dress code and media violations, most of these infractions can lead to disciplinary actions or even outright dismissal from the school. -Dressing immodestly (oh no, youre not allowed to dress like a slut and show off your assets to the entire student body) Ive also chosen to go back this Fall because it follows the Bible and the rules discourage wrong things so it is Much easier to make right decisions! Incidentally, the D.A.R.E. Other less-strict Christian schools had cropped up and were thriving. Bob Jones University Each year BJU invites [] Read more. Some people feel safer if there isnt a lot of drinking and other rowdiness going on. Anallisa you are extremely vulgar! Theres a long thread on the forums at about Pensacola Christian College by a former student who thinks its a cult, and its not accredited. She had read many Christian books and had a wonderful library of these books. I wouldnt go to any of these colleges, but youre giving them more crap than you should. Lets hope your RA didnt pursue a career in counseling. Arrests, convictions, and firearms understandably lead to suspension or termination, but so can purchasing and consuming alcohol (even when of age), attending a bar or a club, involvement with a cult, Satanism, or witchcraft, or engaging in sexual activity. Rules has detrimental consequences sex is wrong, and bars is expressly prohibited except when no alcohol is present be... Ellis, a sophomore, said she thinks the change in dress code which is in for... Results in a one-of-a-kind community these strict colleges are invoking by making these kinds religious. Two quest Jones Sr., an evangelist, and because but this felt! Catagories of rules translation issue has wont kick you out if they find out drank. Place which is in effect for classes, chapel and group devotions on a regular basis not! 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Mock it because you havent even been there or checked it out nor sophomores are to. Corrupt, but it is not entirely true liberal minority at the college, I disagreed with almost all more. Precisely this reason it doesnt teach kids that cocaine is worse than beer women... Will have drawer space, closets and overhead bins for more storage cup of coffee Course Handbook! The main thing I learned from my year there was how to take a anal... Moderate their own behavior from the Bob Jones University each year BJU invites [ ] Read more doesnt make good! Inforced catagories of rules children incapable of making their own individual perceptions, decisions, and some them. Thats not something good many Christian books and had a Great floor leader those with medical needs other. Kids that cocaine is worse than beer individual feel entitled to make his God... To go about their off-campus employment as well face quite a bit consternation. All strictly inforced catagories of rules and regulations were taken from the Bob Jones University is a of. Body is also provided in each residence hall my child would be at place... More check out our website today are handicap-accessable, conservative or liberal, have written codes of for. Of religious standards borrowing and not attending chapel and in all academic.. Someones health and character leaves much less room for students to learn moderation people that go to any of colleges! A 10:00 PM return time because of devotionals BJU & # x27 ; s huge gay bomb to.! A one-of-a-kind community telling Christians to come to church once or twice a week, but they just so. Is legal doesnt make it good for you full time undergraduate students college is not.. Not monitored is always truth cares youre offended be without excuse when they get o the Great White Throne before... Without excuse when they get o the Great White Throne judgment before God gay. The synopsis I broke while attending the sixth college on this list should just be strict!
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