The media wants us to believe that this is a conspiracy theory, yet it has been talked about by leaders for decades. Not so strange, if you know that he is the front man of the ruling company but Larry Fink does not pull the strings himself. His Microsoft is owned by Vanguard, BlackRock and Berkshire Hathaway. Turns out theres a really short list of people that would even have access to military grade Anthrax and be able to safely handle it, and an even shorter list of who would actually profit from such a thing. The website goes on to praise how the lockdowns that destroyed the economy were really helpful with lowering carbon emissions and greenhouse gases. With the distractions of lockdowns, election fraud, censorship, and corrupt Governors across the country illegally stripping Americans of our constitutional rights for the better good that went on throughout most of 2020, something else more sinister and subtle was going on in the background. apartments in dallas that allow airbnb Uncovering hot babes since 1919. Again, the Gates Foundation and the Open Society Foundation. That means that they will own almost anything. Submission statement: People seem not to know this. Covid variant BA.5 is spreading. You wont find Google ads on our site for a reason. They educate journalists, publish study books, provide training spaces and press agencies and work closely together with the big corporations, Google and Facebook. BLACKROCK & VANGUARD. Where Blackstones clients are institutional, BlackRock has some $4tn of assets in retail mutual funds and its iShares ETFs (some of which is institutional, but the vast majority of which is retail). This toxic injection was sold atprice gouging profitof 300%, despite the fact it was governmentsubsidized. America first. What if I told you that the same people manufacturing and pushing all these untested experimental covid vaccines have all mass-injured and killed people before with another vaccine? Blackrock and Vanguard hold large interests in pivotal companies, and Vanguard holds a large share of Blackrock. Lets take Pepsico again, as an example. In a written statement according to Rep. Walter Jones R-NC, the message is clear If a company wants to make millions without providing a product or service, enter into a sole-source contract with the Department of Defense to produce vaccines.. - the guy has put together the whole picture. BLACKROCK AND VANGUARD EXPOSED | Conspiracy Daily Update Intel BLACKROCK AND VANGUARD EXPOSED Jan 21, 2022 Brian Robert Hyland Leave a comment BLACKROCK AND VANGUARD EXPOSED.mp4 Share this: Loading. This Week at a Glance February 26 to March 4, 2023. I dont necessarily hold it against them. Do you see now whats happening in the world and why everything has been so screwed up with our for-sale-to-the-highest-bidder government as of late? The UN agrees with Schwab that a pandemic is a golden chance to accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030. This small group of investment firms and funds and banks are namely also the biggest investors in the industry that dig for raw materials. Blackrock is the top investor, and Vanguard and State Street are right behind. Ivins didnt have a motive to mail out Anthrax, but you know who did? and those two own pretty much all companies. They dont even have to spend money advertising their product because the government is using $250 million dollars of our own tax money to fight vaccine hesitancy (and God forbid if people want to see if the long-term side effects are worse than the virus itself). Emergent has the honor of being headed by Admiral William J. Crowe, former head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff. BlackRock, the world's largest investment manager, has become an increasingly influential Wall Street player in Washington, DC. In the Netherlands, Mediahuis owns the following brands. just as the crash was happening? If what they were doing were truly about helping the environment then why isnt China (whos by far the largest polluter on the planet) mentioned anywhere on their site? Well, this was a lot to chew on and I tried to make it as short as I could. November 21, 2022. The organizations that bring the news get paid by non-profit organizations, of the same elite that also owns the entire media but also a part of taxpayers money is used to pay them. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal or Bitcoin as well. Since $27 is easily divisible by three, it seems intuitively like the target price would be $36, but of course in legal documents 33% means not "one-third" but rather "33%.". Ill entertain you for a moment and say, even if they had a large position in Vanguard funds, what is your point? The daily news of all these media outlets the diverse news media do not produce news. BlackRock is the world's most powerful financial institution, managing over $6 trillion in assets. You probably heard of the New World Order. In Belgium, there are protests regularly, since Mediahuis and De Persgroep receive millions of euros from the government, while many are abroad. Is now a good time to mention that Jerome Hauer whos suspected of having a hand in both the 9/11 and subsequent anthrax terrorist scare is also the Senior Advisor to Teneo. Use logical Together, they form an immense network comparable to a pyramid. Also, if we look at other big companies in the tech industry that develop and make our computers, TVs, phones and home appliances, we see the same big investors, that together own the majority of the stock. As a conservative activist I gave up on the GOP months ago for their gutlessness and their refusal to stand by the American people that (supposedly) elected them. Here is TIME magazine openly admitting that a Cabal (their words, not mine) that used their fame, money, and influence to rig (er, I mean fortify) the 2020 election. In his personal portfolio, Jack held shares of actively managed funds, including Vanguards Wellington fund, founded by his mentor and former boss, Walter L. Morgan. To make this video as short as possible, I only showed you the tip of the iceberg. BlackRock reacts to the conspiracy theorists The world's largest asset manager has entered the chat. To pull something like this off, one would have to completely control the narrative. Thats right. They mostly track indices and invest funds proportionately, very little stock picking. Funny how all this controlled covid and vaccine fear mongering sounds just like what happened with the 2020 election, and how mainstream media refused to report on any of the visible rampant . The wealthiest families in the world are associated with Vanguard Group funds. Joined 07 Dec '05 Moves 19738. While Biden shuts off the pipline in America, is it possible we've all been paying higher prices at the pump, not because limited supplies are being shipped overseas to us, but because Vanguard just wrote off $500 million in debt? Since 2021 is turning out to be the year all our conspiracy theories come true (and by conspiracy theories, I mean a more plausible and educated answer than anything our government and media is currently shoving down our throats) there are a few things I thought deserved some re-investigation and you wont believe what Ive uncovered. Surprisingly, this company is in the hands of the same investors, as well. But the military agreed to keep paying their bills, just to keep the company afloat. However, they are hopefully provocative. The real-time extension alerts you when a moderator removes your content, and the linker extension provides buttons for viewing removed content. Were not ego-driven; Id much rather post a properly attributed story written by experts like Dr. Joseph Mercola or Natural News than rewrite it like so many outlets like to do. Social media and the mainstream news have actively hid and suppressed mentions of vaccine side effects and deaths, going as far as dismantling accounts and entire discussion groups for discussing their own personal experiences. Its CEO, Larry Fink can count on a warm welcome from leaders and politicians. Tech News to Know This Week: Feb. 14 - 20, 2023. In other words, these two investment companies, Vanguard and BlackRock hold a monopoly in all industries in the world and they, in turn are owned by the richest families in the world, some of whom are royalty and who have been very rich since before the Industrial Revolution. So, not only the industries but also the information is owned by the elite. The Vanguard Group is a mutual company. Emergents response was to hire an army of lobbyists, and within six months and $140,000 in lobbying fees won BioPort a $122.7 million contract to supply 5 million doses of the vaccine to the Department of Health and Human Services, and created a domestic stockpile of their vaccine. Even as Big Tech suppresses us, the honest messages theyre trying to quash are finding their way to the eyes and ears of patriots across the nation. Please take the time to read ourofficial responseand help us spread the word and put pressure on them until they buckle:, Also, since Ive been kicked off Twitter and censored on Facebook for posting proof of voter fraud, you can follow me either through my telegram uncensored on GAB which you can bookmark through the DuckDuckGo app for easy access at @AmericanAFMindy. JPMorgan is owned by them too. Meanwhile, batches of vaccine were still being made, and the Pentagon paid for the billincluding storage of all the unusable vaccines. Meanwhile, Joe Biden can barely muster a half-filled auditorium to deliver his message to the scant few watching CNN and the paid shills in the crowd.. Advertising: Tailor information and advertising to your interests based on e.g. To many people it never made sense that forcibly locking down healthy people to protect the sick (who are/were already vulnerable anyway) was going to do anything other than devastate the countrys economy and shutter small businesses. And of course, its all done under the direction and blessing of Dr. Fauci himself. View limitations & usage restriction. Article by Mindy Robinson cross-posted from The DC Patriot. September 9, 2021, 4:28 AM PDT. . If you put the big three asset management firms together being BlackRock, Vanguard and StateStreet, they control a collective of $15 trillion dollars. Especially when both PCR and antibody tests are known to frequently give false positives? It is Vanguard's oldest mutual fund and the nation's oldest balanced mutual fund, and it has been subadvised by Wellington Management since its inception in 1929. Is now a good time to mention that Jerome Hauer was also thehead of security for the entire World Trade Center complex, and if anyone had access to send in teams to demo the buildings to guarantee them all to fall, it would be him? BlackRock and Vanguard are among the top three investors in Australia's big four banks, according to the findings. We book through or AirBnB and when we arrive we go out for dinner and place a comment on Tripadvisor. If youre wondering why no one else ever made a better vaccine, I can tell you they tried. But now he gets murky. That was after Donald Trump quit USA financial support to the WHO in 2020. What she uncovers is that the stock of the worlds largest corporations are owned by the same institutional investors. A Bloomberg report states that both these companies in the year 2028, together will have investments in the amount of 20 trillion dollars. The 5D Shift Unfolds: Are you Hungry for Change? Wikipedia says that the annual fee for members is 35,000 euros but over half of our budget comes from partners who pay the cost for politicians who otherwise could not afford membership.. This has bolstered BlackRock's efforts to generate an infrastructure business in Mexico from scratch. Please help keep NOQ Report and the other sites in the network going. Not only does BlackRock/Vanguard own large stocks of nearly all the major companies in the world, but also the stocks of the investors in those companies. In their world there will be an ultra elite class to rule over all and who make all the decisions, and a serf class of worker bees that will own nothing and be happy. Dont believe me? What if I also told you that the same people that were involved then are involved now? To complete this overview, look at where the news comes from. This morning Epstein was found dead. We must not think lightly about this and do thorough research. Because well, of course. Attempts to question any of this madness on social media resulted in suspensions, shadow bans, post flags and removals; as well as a slew of prominent, vocal dismantled accounts from General Michael Flynn to the apparently ever-so-threatening My Pillow Guy. It appears milder but much more contagious and evades natural immunity. They are basically the quintessential example for that quote about who you're not allowed to criticize. This means that competing brands, like Coke and Pepsi arent really competitors, at all, since their stock is owned by exactly the same investment companies, investment funds, insurance companies, banks and in some cases, governments. How The Massive Money Manager BlackRock Endangers U.S. Youll notice they are very careful about what topics they tackle. At a time of maximal desperation in the U.S. housing market, giant investment banks, such as . The reason is simple. His Microsoft is owned by Vanguard, BlackRock and Berkshire Hathaway. Prior to founding BlackRock in 1988, Mr. Fink was a member of the Management Committee and a Managing Director of The First Boston Corporation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Vanguard is owned by its 30million plus fund shareholders (literally their corporate structure) and governed by the board of directors. These are no conspiracy theories. The same cannot be said of Bin Laden terrorist expert, John ONeill, who was hired by Hauer just two weeks before 9/11. These are the world's biggest investment firms, so Pepsico and Coca-Cola are not competitors, at all. The UN wants to make sure, as does Schwab that in 2030, poverty, hunger, pollution and disease no longer plague the Earth. There's a good chance you have never heard of Blackrock. What this means: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain only. The link between all worldwide media outlets when news anchors reap from their autocues [teleprompters], chances are that the text stems from one of these organizations. With Project Syndicate, we see the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Open Society Foundation and the European Journalism Centre. Chairman and founder of the WEF is Klaus Schwab, a Swiss professor and businessman. First, youve got these 3 German billionaires who just made even more billions of dollars producing the Pfizer vaccine for BioNTech. A video claiming BlackRock and Vanguard own "all the biggest corporations in the world" is missing context. Fauci admitted in emailsthat store bought masks didnt work, but he made people wear them to the detriment of their health anyway. . Retail assets are far fickler than institutional money, and you cant lobby the internet, so whats a multi-trillion firm to do but hire some ex-journalists and launch a TikTok? Those are owned by even bigger investors. The blame Iran theory was pushed out personally by perpetual war mongerer, Senator John McCain. Technology only grows and improves when theres a reason to be better than the other guy. The FBI had no proof Ivins ever did anything other than work at the lab and he had absolutely no motive to harm his fellow Americans, whatsoever. According to Wikipedia, for this reason, the Telegraaf, the Leysen newspaper was temporarily forbidden in the Netherlands after the war. The guys a genius and everything is evidence based. According to critics, the WEF is for rich businesses to do business with other businesses or with politicians. Majority shareholder of Black Rock is Vanguard . Then theres the fact it turns out that he was the main person behind the gain of function (AKA the turning of coronavirus into a bioweapon) by funding the illegal work using our tax money with our foreign enemy, China. The reopening is effective Thursday, spokesman Freddy Martino said in an email. Please share with friends so they can wake up. Bill Gates (whos now the largest farmland owner in the country) and China have also bought up unusually vast amounts of prime American farmland, and its hard not to get the feeling that our country is quickly being sold out from underneath us. We know that because when we went back and did surveys, we found that many people who had absolutely no symptoms were actually exposed.. Our promise is this: We will never sell out America. Lets see who are the biggest shareholders of these companies. BLACKROCK & VANGUARD These institutional investors are mainly investment firms banks and insurance companies. And now, theyre openly talking about instilling their own global government via the UN. It is free to register and only takes a minute or two. The Many Dangers Of Pesticides & Herbicides: A Database and List of Links. Here are the highlights, but you can read a more in-depth look from the original article here: BioPort (Emergents) contract with the Pentagon provided for $45.1 million, including $16 million in immediate cash for plant renovations. My kingdom for them to dig in only to realize that not only does this all go back to Bush, but that the corruption is occurring between Big Pharma, lobbyists, and corrupt politicians on both sides. I do love how long term effects have been declared safe in children despite it being humanly impossible to know at this point: Service members left in droves to avoid this mandatory being shoved in their veins, others were not so lucky. Like I said, I dont hold other conservative sites under too much scrutiny over their choices. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Thats right, the same people profiting off the pandemic by buying up everyones homes and watching their mega-corporations out compete all the local and small businesses are also the exact same people selling this dangerous cure that doesnt work, again. Some of the world's biggest financial firms including BlackRock Inc. and Vanguard Group Inc. have told the UK they have no plans to halt the financing of new fossil-fuel supplies, in response. ET on April 29, 2022. The new infrastructure, because fossil fuels are gone in 2030. BlackRock is a significant investor in mortgage securities, helping make capital available to individuals and families seeking to purchase homes. ( literally their corporate structure ) and governed by the board of directors, as well and governed the! Moves 19738. https: // v=HuQwIDhKFFE they are basically the quintessential example for that quote about you... Warm welcome from leaders and politicians and antibody tests are known to frequently give false?... 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