- phagocytosis. Select all of the characteristics of B lymphocytes, which are involved in specific immunity. The pathogen may Introduction: natural killer cells. During what process are hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide produced to destroy bacteria and inhibit viral replication? - Membrane attack complex will form. All of the following pertain to interferon except Increase capillary permeability and vasodilation Which of the following is incorrect about complement? specific immunity. A large white blood cell derived from a monocyte and involved with specific immune reactions is called a tissue ___________. infection 2nd Edition. - tears. Inflamation is characterized by redness, swelling, and pain. - leukopenia. Which of the following is in the correct order from greatest to least phagocytic activity? Advantage: very specific. Antigen-Antibody binding may result in Where are the complement proteins found in the body? Formation of phagolysosome. Introducing Cram Folders! The ability to modify the genetic content of living cells within (in vivo) or outside (ex vivo) of the patient has proven successful in principle, and several products have been approved for commercialization and now benefit patients across the globe. E. phagocytic white blood cells. All of the following are components of the inflammatory process EXCEPT Go Premium and unlock all 19 pages. The least numerous of all white blood cells, that release histamine during inflammation and allergic reactions are: Gram negative rods are often treated with: Antimicrobics effective against a wide variety of microbial types are termed: A mutation that changes a normal codon to a stop codon is called a: The intermediary object or individual from which the infectious agent is actually acquired is termed the: B) a series of genes that code for MHC cell receptors. The immunoglobulin/s found on the surface of B cells is/are: The immunoglobulin class that is the only one capable of crossing the placenta is; A clinical microbiologist makes serial dilutions of several antimicrobics in broth, then incubates each drug dilution series with a standard amount of a patient's isolated pathogen. What actions might we undertake? (b) 3H2O3\mathrm{~H}_2 \mathrm{O}3H2O Why? Which of the following uid compartments is not a partner in immune function? The Clerk of Court is directed to close the file. Move freely among lymphoid tissues and connective tissue. The nucleotides are linked by phosphodiester bonds that connect the 5 carbon of a nucleotide to the oxygen on the 3 carbon of neighboring nucleotide. Innate immunity includes all of the following EXCEPT 63/062,6 directly destroy target cells. pathologist who is in charge of the lab skin's acidic pH and fatty acids. B) stimulates T lymphocyte activity. living reservoir The symtoms of inflammation are mostly due to _______? B) stimulates T . The patient is diagnosed with pneumonia, initiated on oxygen therapy, and admitted for observation and treatment. the patient's own normal flora. Question: Question 8 (1 point) All of the following pertain to poliomyelitis EXCEPT Can result in a mild infection with nonspecific symptoms for some O Outbreaks in the United States have occurred recently If virus enters the central nervous system, motor neurons can be infected and destroyed Transmitted primarily by the fecal-oral route Question 9 (1 point) Which - M protein. Which of the following phagocytic processes occurs last in the sequence? When monocytes migrate from the blood out to the tissues, they are transformed by inflammatory mediators to develop into ___________ ? 45. eosinophils and macrophages. respiratory tract. The time from when pathogen first enters the body and begins to multiply, until symptoms first appear is the: B) determines the pathogen's response to various antimicrobics. This is called the: The anti fungal drug that can be used to treat serious systemic fungal infections is: C) include azithromycin, clarithromcyin, and erythromycin. coughing and sneezing monocytes warmth. opsonization. only appear in the blood during a response to a pathogen is produced by certain white blood cells and tissue cells Inflammation can last hours to years. All of the choices are correct. The body's first line of defense against pathogens includes all the following except. artificially acquired active immunity. nonliving reservoir basophils Product of C5 cleavage becomes the site of assembly for an attack complex on the cell membrane. soiled bed linens. 5.01013, . Plasma The group of leukocytes that includes B cells, T cells, and NK cells. All of the following are part of the mechanism of action of alpha and beta interferons EXCEPT. D) involves T cells and B cells. Human pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, each lasting approximately 90 days. Components of the first line of defense include all the following, except The enzymes that can proofread replicating DNA, detect incorrect bases, excise them, and correctly replace them are: All of the following pertain to interferon except: E) increase capillary permeability and vasodilation. Helps to regulate the inflammatory response by acting as a "drain-off" system increases capillary permeability and vasodilation. False. Arteries and veins giving a person immune serum globulins to chickenpox virus after exposure to the disease. are host specific. Apr. Ampicillin, amoxicillin, mezlocillin, and penicillin G all have: The circulating substances that affect the hypothalamus and initiate fever are: The molecular fragment on an antigen molecule that a lymphocyte recognizes and responds to is called a/an: All of the following genera are considered resident flora of skin sites except: The lymphoid tissues of the intestinal tract are collectively referred to as: A laboratory technologist splashed a blood specimen onto his face, eyes, nose, and mouth. - they produce antibacterial chemicals. Examples can be plant pollen, bee venom, proteins, and toxins. Serotonin causes smooth muscle contractions. of Epithelial tissues. are secreted by pathogenic organisms. Which of the following is mismatched? A properly functioning immune system is responsible for. a drinking glass used by a patient. 1 See answer Advertisement chocarG 3. Which of the following is in the correct order from greatest to least phagocytic activity? Adherence A. rubor - redness - multiple layers of cells. signs and symptoms, What are the five main classes of immunoglobulins found in humans? droplet transmission. Please select the correct language below. Lymphatic system ribosomes. plasma cells. antibodies directly interact with which innate defenses. Who is primarily responsible for the quality of specimens submitted to the Clinical lab? Which of the following is incorrect about circulating blood cells? bandages from an infected wound. Histamine, serotonin, and bradykinin are all, The blood cells that function in allergic reactions and inammation, contain peroxidase and lysozyme, and particularly target parasitic worms and fungi are. The number of organisms necessary to insure infection is termed the - bacterial cell lysis. Disadvantage: slow to induce complement. C1 components bind to antibodies bound to a foreign cell. No. natural killer (NK) cells. __________________ help transport microorganisms away from the lungs. Cytolysis, chemotaxis, inflammation, and opsonization. viremia. All of the above can be fomites. All of the following pertain to interferon except A. is a protein. IgM. What exhibits the highest phagocytic activity? All of the following pertain to interferon except A. it includes alpha, beta, and gamma types. 14, 2017, which claims priority to U.S. Compositions and Methods for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Tumor: The invention is directed to antibody drug conjugate compositions of matter use is responsible for dramatic increases in childhood diseases. 2 placing a patient in a private room having negative air pressure. eosinophils exotoxin. Specifically. liver (Kupffer cells), lungs (alveolar macrophages), skin (Langerhans cells), brain (microglia), and others. They are small lipids. CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION. Exocytosis of debris. Obesity can further exacerbate these effects in the brain. B cells that differentiate to form plasma cells. Which white blood cells comprise 3-7% of circulating WBC's, are phagocytic, and can migrate out into body tissues to differentiate into macrophages? All of the following are effects of histamine EXCEPT vector. mechanical injury. -All of the choices are correct. prodromal stage. the red bone marrow. Antibodies. macrophages and B lymphocytes. Several cytokines have been shown to play a role in the pathogenesis of bone mass loss in systemic mastocytosis (SM), but their role in SM-associated osteosclerosis remains unknown. Order the following choices to reflect the stages of phagocytosis, from the first step to the last step. carrier. (a) Briefly explain the concept of a driving force. syndrome. C. includes alpha, beta, and gamma types. All of the following are granulocytes except ________? normal microflora. - release of histamine and other pro-inflammatory chemicals A type of monocyte that has long, thin processes to trap pathogens are. They are always microorganisms. True or False. Antibiotic sensitivity testing is used in clinical laboratories to predict the effectiveness or failure of antibiotics in vivo by testing in Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to navigate between flashcards; Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to flip the card; audio not yet available for this language. natural killer cells as they lyse cancer cells. Histamine, serotonin, and bradykinin are all: The membrane attack stage of the complements cascade involves: C) a ring-shaped protein digests holes in bacterial cell membranes and virus envelopes. In the classical pathway, which of the following directly activates cellular responses? If this blood exposure leads to HIV infection in the technologist, the transmission route is: The objective, measurable evidence of disease evaluated by an observer is termed: All of the following pertain to cephalosporins except: Local edema, swollen lymph nodes, fever, soreness, and abscesses are indications of: Properties of effective antigens include all the following except: D) large polymers made up of repeating subunits. basophils, increases capillary permeability and vasodilation, All of the following pertain to interferon except it ________ The four classic signs and symptoms of inammation include all the following except, All of the following pertain to interferon except it, Each of the following is involved in the migration of white blood cells except. - stimulates T lymphocyte activity. - removal of an injurious agent. answer 531 Acknowledgments 532 This research was supported by the . lymphocytes enhances bacterial growth. E. phagocytic white blood cells. Which of the following is mismatched dealing with inflammation? a protein produced by certain white blood cells and tissue cells. We'll bring you back here when you are done. is produced by certain white blood cells and tissue cells is a protein lyses bacterial membranes inhibits viruses, tumors, and cancer gene expression includes alpha, beta, and gamma types increases capillary permeability and vasodilation Show transcribed image text Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. -Extracellular fluid-filled spaces. the doctor Which of the following lymphoid organs or tissues has the immunological function of ltering pathogens from the blood? it should not require numerous boosters. Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! Formation of phagosome The goal of medical asepsis is to exclude all microorganisms from an area. hairs Properly disposing of needles, scalpels, and other sharps. Editors Dan L. Longo, md Anthony S. Fauci, md Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Chief, Laboratory of Immunoregulation; Senior Physician, Brigham and Women's Hospital; Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Deputy Editor . Should we attempt to take steps to prevent future impacts? Disinfection Manifesto. Lymphatic system D) intensifies the effect of antiviral interferons. The dermis is composed of connective tissue and serves the primary purpose of providing direct protection from the external environment. Each of the following are physical barriers to pathogens except, The most numerous WBCs that have multilobed nuclei and are very phagocytic are. also known as the complement system. - abcess a cavity created by tissue damage and filled with pus - they make the chemical environment unsuitable for nonresident bacteria. - increased phagocytic activity. membrane attack complex. Which of the following is mismatched dealing with inammation? The process by which a phagocyte moves toward a chemical signal at the site of an infection is called. -Move freely among lymphoid tissues and connective tissue, Responsible for cell mediated immunity, Mature in the thymus. warmth (b) Determine the angular deflection of the second bright band. Which of the following is a chemical used by phagocytes to destroy ingested foreign substances? (c) 2V2\mathrm{~V}2V E. stimulates hematopoiesis. The term ______ is given to any foreign substance that stimulates a specific immune system response. H2+V2O5V+\mathrm{H}_2+\mathrm{V}_2 \mathrm{O}_5 \longrightarrow \mathrm{V}+ activate red blood cells. mixed infection - several agents established at infection site All of the following pertain to interferon except A. it inhibits viruses, tumors, and cancer gene expression.B. Which of the following defense mechanisms will participate in eliminating contaminating microbes? c. includes alpha, beta, and gamma types. The selected immune system then acts as a host for the pathogen itself, then the pathogen begins its infectious stage (1978). (c) EE^{\circ}E for the cell in 33(c)? Each of the following are benefits of fever except it Phagocytic cells, such as neutrophils and dendritic cells, only synthesize PRRs once they have encountered the corresponding PAMP. Which of the following is incorrect about inflammation? Chemotaxis of phagocyte to microbes IgA, IgB, IgC, IgD, IgE Which of the following is an event that ultimately results in activation of complement C3 by splitting it into C3a and C3b? The complement protein cascade is the same for the classical pathway, alternative pathway, and lectin pathway after the point in the cascade where the activation of ________ takes place. The lymphoid tissues of the intestinal tract are collectively referred to as ________ ? All of the choices are correct. Which of the following is incorrect about complement? only occurs in a population in which all individuals are immune. The objective, measurable evidence of disease evaluated by an observer is termed? Tumors showing dMMR were categorized by presumed germline vs sporadic origin and were assessed for their prognostic and predictive impact. We investigated whether an inexpensive dietary supplement, s-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), could improve age- and/or obesity . Reticuloendothelial system. - leukotrienes. chills What statements about beta interferons is true? It only appears in the blood during a response to a pathogen. {Check ALL that apply.} - leukocidins. activate B cells and other T cells. Antigens can include all the following characteristics except What is RNA ? It involves a classical pathway. All of the choices are correct. e. increases capillary permeability and vasodilation. Which of the following is not a type of phagocyte? A final donut-shaped enzyme complex is formed and punctures small pores through the cell membranes causing lysis. Chapter 14 Host Defenses I: Overview and Nonspecific. - diapedesis movement of leukocytes between capillary walls cells out of blood and into tissue cause more damage than endotoxins. T helper cells stimulated by various cytokines. C. tumor - cancer The initial, brief period of early, general symptoms such as fatigue and muscle aches, is the 5. All of the following pertain to glycolysis except it: A. occurs without oxygen B. ends with formation of pyruvic acid C. occurs during fermentation D. it produces glucose E. involves reduction of NAD includes alpha, beta, and gamma types inhibits bacterial growth AND speeds up the body's reactions. Formation of phagolysosome PAMPs are signal molecules found on all organisms, and they help the immune system distinguish self from nonself. irregular immunity. pyrogens. phagocyte mobilization. All of the following pertain to fever EXCEPT that it A) accelerates microbial growth by increasing iron absorption from the digestive tract. latent infection. Which of the following are functions of lectins? All of the following are true of interferons except. -contains albumin and globulins. All of the following pertain to interferon except is a protein. _____ are toxins that are the lipopolysaccharide of the outer membrane of gram-negative cell walls. Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B. Cells and cell products that comprise the host defense system. Each of the following is an effect of complement activation EXCEPT Increased levels of phagocytosis a reddish substance released by erythrocytes. Which of the following is incorrect about blood cells? neutrophils swelling Display no antigen specificity but are active against tumor and virally infected cells. Which type of inflammation lasts from one to two days? inhibits bacterial growth AND speeds up the body's reactions. true/ false: Exocytosis of debris Substances that are naturally produced by certain microorganisms that can inhibit or destroy other microorganisms are called: These cells carry CD8 receptors and function to inhibit B cells and other T cells: The four classic signs and symptoms of inflammation include all the following except: This molecule is synthesized as a copy of a gene on the DNA template strand: Resident flora of the intestines include: The DNA of microorganisms is made up of subunits called: Important characteristics of antimicrobic drugs include: Antibiotics are derived from all the following except: The multidrug resistant pumps in many bacterial cell membranes cause: C) prevention of drug entry into the cell. Pathogenicity is the _____. Each of the following are granulocytes except, Keratin is an important aspect of nonspecic defense because it. - leukocytosis. The guidelines designed for prevention of nosocomial disease during care of all patients is called? Essential leukocytes of the blood that acts as active phagocytes and killers of bacteria. An antiviral that is a guanine analog would have an antiviral mode of action that: When opsonization accompanies phagocytosis, this process involves: C) antibodies or complement coating the microbial cell surface. false false Insertion sort: Split the input into item 1 (which might not be the smallest) and all the rest of the list. Study Resources. The leakage of excess uid into tissues is called, The least numerous of all white blood cells that release histamine during inammation and allergic reactions are, When monocytes migrate from the blood out to the tissues they are transformed by inammatory mediators to develop into. The four cardinal signs of inflammation are: Pyrogens cause vasodilation and increase capillary permeability. Which of the following contributes to nosocomial disease? They allow capillary walls to open and become leaky. secondary infection - infection spreads to several tissue sites study of disease neutralization. Already Premium? This specimen was from an HIV positive patient. The term _____ is given to any foreign substance that stimulates a specic immune system response. Helper T cells B. increases the availability of iron. is a protein chickenpox vaccine triggers extended immunity to chickenpox. Elimination (exocytosis), Chronological order of the events in phagocytosis. tumor. What structures are found along vessels and are heavily clustered in the armpit, groin, and neck? function in allergic reactions. It promotes sticking of neutrophils to the inner vessel wall. pregnant woman to fetus. Each of the following provides protection from phagocytic digestion EXCEPT Which of these is the most common form of HAI? may involve a classical pathway D) intensifies the effect of antiviral interferons. C) are caused by microorganisms or their products. In the Case of Classical Activation, Which Outcome Is Likely to Occur? b. is produced by certain white blood cells and tissue cells. And/Or obesity peroxide produced to destroy bacteria and inhibit viral replication in 33 ( c?... Dermis is composed of connective tissue and serves the primary purpose of direct! Pathogens includes all the following are granulocytes except, Keratin is an effect of antiviral.... Mechanism of action of alpha and beta interferons except c. includes alpha, beta and... Involved in specific immunity goal of medical asepsis is to exclude all microorganisms from area! Outer membrane of gram-negative cell walls were assessed for their prognostic and predictive impact Display! 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