If you’re new to frying, you can start by heating the oil to a low temp of 275°F. If you want a juicy Turkey, follow these steps. This Deep Fried turkey is infused with a flavorful homemade injection and rubbed down in cajun seasoning. Although turkey might be the time-honored centerpiece of most Thanksgiving Day meals, it sure isn’t cheap. Use this formula to create your own deep-frying turkey time chart to your liking, depending on how crisp you like the skin. 4. This isn’t the best activity for shorts and sandals! These days you can even buy electric countertop turkey fryers but outdoor propane cookers, sometimes called "Cajun Rigs," are more common and more affordable. Any sides you enjoy with oven-roasted turkey will pair well with deep-fried turkey. Make your turkey irresistible this holiday season! The problem is, it can be confusing and even a little intimidating trying to figure out everything you need to deep fry a turkey. Present the turkey on a platter with the legs and wings left whole. Learn how to cook great Deep fried turkey marinade allrecipes.com . Before you decide to fire up the deep-fryer, make sure you’re ready to be safe and responsible. If this pleasure has escaped you, then I suggest you follow the 12 easy steps to a juicy, flavorful deep-fried turkey. Jazz up your turkey day with different take on deep-fried deliciousness. Tips for Deep Fried Turkey WITH YOUR GLOVES ON, carefully lay the bird down and remove the cooking stand by sliding it out. Set a timer accordingly, and carefully lift the turkey out of the oil when it goes off. Place the turkey on a platter or baking sheet, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until the next day. I also use a good store-bought marinade too. Place the whole onion and turkey in drain basket. Here is a fantastic tip: to protect the turkey breast and keep it juicy: Fold a large square sheet of foil … 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper I prefer using DAWN. You may find you have more freedom when choosing the right side dishes with the oven freed up! Rub mixture over turkey, coating evenly. Fry about 3 to 4 minutes per pound, or about 35 to 42 minutes for a 10 to 12 pound turkey. If the turkey is … Juicy Deep-Fried Turducken for the Holidays (9:59) 4.5. stars, 59 ratings. Also, reach into the turkey and move the neck and stuffing. After the regular season ends there is a four-team playoff for the Steinfeld Cup. A few years ago my mom bought a turkey fryer and, while she still … 9. Fry the turkey approximately 3 to 4 minutes per pound. The turkey should be totally immersed in the oil to ensure even cooking; Estimate 3 minutes per pound – a 10 lb turkey takes approximately 30 minutes to deep-fry. Make sure the turkey is thawed completely. The best way to prepare your holiday meal when you’re short on oven space! Oil and clean up. Set up your deep-fryer at least 20 feet away from any other structure. Deep-Fried Turkey with White Wine Gravy The cooking time is greatly reduced when deep frying a turkey, so the turkey is incredibly moist and juicy. Just make sure you assemble and use my handy and safe turkey derrick. 1 tablespoon dried thyme Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Rub the turkey all over with the fried turkey seasoning, including the inside, and set aside to come to … Show More. Cook 3 minutes per pound then add 5 minutes to the total cooking time. Editor’s Tip: You should definitely be wearing heat-resistant gloves for this step, along with pants and shoes. Easing it in nice and slowly also allows you the chance to abort if anything goes amiss. Frying a turkey not only frees up space in the oven, but it might also save my sanity. 1 tablespoon liquid Zatarain’s Concentrated Crab and Shrimp Boil (optional) 80% Deep-Fried Turkey Breast Allrecipes.com "Turkey … But before serving it, you have to do the following:- You are likely to have your Cajun Turkey in a frozen or semi-frozen state. Connecting the South's Music, People & Places, 12 Easy Steps to Juicy, Flavorful Deep Fried Turkey, on 12 Easy Steps to Juicy, Flavorful Deep Fried Turkey, How to Properly Smoke and Enjoy a Fine Cigar, Rendy Lovelady On Building Florida’s Gulf Coast Jam, USTA Non-Action On 2020 Ratings Hurts Amateur Tennis, Nashville’s Perfect Staycation: The Hermitage Hotel, 35-45 minutes to cook (using 3 1/2 minutes per pound as our guide). Look for a neutral oil with a high smoke point, like peanut oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, safflower oil or rice bran oil. Prep Time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 1 Day and 5 Minutes Recipe Difficulty: What you need to brine a turkey. Popeye’s Cajun Turkey can be roughly served to 8 … But you can’t douse a grease fire with water, so have that extinguisher ready (just in case). Deep Fried Turkey – if you haven’t had it, I promise you are missing out on a juicy and well-flavored turkey. 2 tablespoons salt Safety tips: Deep-frying a whole turkey can be messy and presents some unique hazards.For these reasons, it should always be done outdoors on a flat, non-flammable surface — not on the deck, not inside the garage, and not on a sloping driveway. It’s practically a recipe for a hilarious holiday rom-com! That way, you’ll fully understand every step before jumping in. Remove the turkey from the brine, rinse and pat dry. You will have to fill the syringe several times. Deep fried turkey is amazingly tender and, contrary to what one might imagine, not greasy at all. 8. What to Read Next. You want the oil to be at least 350 degrees, and this will take approximately 35-40 minutes. How to Make a Juicy Turkey. The average turkey cost at roughly $1.30 per pound last year, which came out to $20.80 for a 16-pound bird, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation’s annual survey. Fried in peanut oil (which has a higher flash point than other oils, making it a safer option; peanut oil also has a higher smoke point, meaning it imparts more flavor to the meat than cheaper oils, and, best of all for the health-conscious among us, it is cholesterol free), deep-fried turkey produces a moist, juicy, flavorsome bird, with a crisp outer skin. 2 1/2 tablespoons paprika The turkey should be placed in basket neck end first. If you want to know how to cook a deep-fried turkey follow the suggestions in your turkey will turn out perfect for your Thanksgiving or Christmas meal. He demonstrates how to make juicy roasted turkey legs and deep-fried Oreo cookies. Don’t be afraid to ask your local butcher to help you with that. The Popeye’s Cajun Turkey might seem dry from the outside, but on the inside, it is quite juicy. Sure, the ladies can handle french fries and doughnuts but … If you want a juicy Turkey, follow these steps. It’s one the easiest (and quickest) ways to cook a turkey. Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. Not only is your bird done in 40 minutes, but it ends up amazingly juicy, not at all greasy, with skin that’s crispy beyond belief. 1 (12-ounce) bottle of beer Set your system up on a flat, grassy area. If it’s not finished, lower the turkey back into the oil and continue cooking. Make sure the marinade is going into the meat, not just under the skin. If anyone trips over the hose, it could cause the pot of hot oil to fall over. But that was before deep-fried turkey. There are many ways to ensure you have a juicy and tasty turkey that the family raves over, and not one that ends up in the leftovers bin. Prep Time 30 mins. Ready In 2 hours. You can also prepare, cook, and eat the turkey the same day. Cook Time 50 mins. When the turkey reaches the proper temperature, remove it from the oil. Tent it with foil and let it rest for at least 20 minutes before carving. It won’t take long, but you will experience a real pleasure, savoring the tender and juicy meat inside with a crisp golden crust on the outside. Once an exclusively southern thing (thang? Get one of our Deep-fried turkey breast - allrecipes.com recipe and prepare delicious and healthy treat for your family or friends. Juicy and delicious deep-fried turkey ready to eat (OneSouthernMan/2016) Growing up in a quaint, small southern town, we had all the southern staples on Thanksgiving, including the baked – and yes, very dry turkey. You want as little exposed skin as possible to reduce your chances of getting burned. When you slice up and serve these layers of juicy meat, your guests will definitely be asking for seconds! Turn burner on high and heat to 350°. Never use a turkey fryer inside, and make sure it’s set up on a flat surface (such as concrete) in an open area. 1 tablespoon onion powder Given the high temperatures and dangers, be sure to follow these simple instructions: Completely thaw your … If your turkey weighs between 10 and 13 pounds, then it will need to be cooked for three minutes per pound, so between 30 and 39 minutes total (via Culinary Depot).Bigger birds require a little more time in the oil bath, though, and if your turkey is between 14 and 20 pounds, then cook it for … As an … How to Make Deep Fried Turkey … Crecipe.com deliver fine selection of quality Deep fried turkey marinade allrecipes.com recipes equipped with ratings, reviews and mixing tips. Make sure the set-up allows plenty of space to walk around the fryer. To test, place the bird in the pot you intend to use for frying. Injecting deep into the meat of the turkey … From there, it’s all about observing a few safety tips. That’s what we’ve always done at our house. Before you deep-fry the turkey, do a test to see how much oil you'll need. Cook all dark meat to an internal temperature of 175° F to 180° F, and all white meat to an internal … While the oil is preheating, remove the turkey from the fridge and let it stand at room temperature. You’ll also want to be sure you don’t overfill the manufacturer’s fill line. No one should need to walk between the propane tank and the burner. Adjust the heat to maintain that temperature. There’s no art to injecting the turkey. After the turkey has rested for at least 20 minutes, follow our guide for carving the turkey. That allows excess water to drip out off the bird, ensuring the cavity is nice and dry. Place your turkey in the pot and add water until it’s covered by about a half an inch. Briefly turn off the gas and remove the thermostat, then slowly, and I mean at a snail’s pace, gently lower the turkey into the hot oil, which will start sizzling and spattering, which you can control by how fast you’re dropping the bird into the pot. This Deep Fried turkey is infused with a flavorful homemade injection and rubbed down in cajun seasoning. Popeye’s Cajun Turkey can be roughly served to 8 to 12 people. If your turkey is larger, you’ll need to remove the legs and thighs from the body and fry them separately. There truly is nothing like a well-fried bird. (Example: A 14-pound turkey should cook 47 minutes.) For those of you who have savored the incredible flavor of deep-fried turkey, there’s nothing more to say. Learning how to deep fry a turkey is the quickest way to turn out an irresistibly tender and juicy turkey. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which means it is time to start thinking about turkey! The New York Times. See above for a deep frying turkey … https://andrewzimmern.com/recipes/how-to-make-perfect-fried-turkey You’ll figure it out. ), deep fried turkey has gained wide appeal. Remember to follow the instructions carefully! Fill it with oil, being careful not to exceed the maximum fill line. Overflowing the pot is the number one most dangerous aspect of deep-frying a turkey. Just make sure you don’t rinse off the seasoning, or you’ll add the water we’re trying to avoid. Lacrosse is a relatively new sport in America but the institution of the MLL has helped grow its popularity across the country making lacrosse tickets a hot commodity. Make a Deep Fried Turkey for your Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner and wow your family and friends with how juicy and tender it turns out.. Set your timer to 3 1/2 minutes per pound. Is it even possible to cook whole turkey with deep fried texture without oil? Post was not sent - check your email addresses! There should still be several inches between the surface of the water and the top of the pot. (Example: A 14-pound turkey should cook … Marinade ingredients: (Injected inside the bird with a large syringe and needle) Learn how to fry a turkey to crispy, golden skin, juicy meat perfection! Place the turkey upright on the stand included with your kit. Turn the propane tank on and make sure any other knobs that control the gas are on too. This is for the person seeking a crunchy skin with a juicy center. Stay with the cooker at all times, as the heat must be regulated. The meat will be juicy and tender. Of course what you wanted to first is to purchase a plump and juicy turkey that is farm raised or grass fed. Lift the basket from the hot oil slowly. 1 tablespoon cayenne Using an electric fryer indoors is a great way to get that crispy texture and delicious flavor without having to brave the elements. The Popeye’s Cajun Turkey might seem dry from the outside, but on the inside, it is quite juicy. You can deep fry a turkey at home. Learn how to Deep Fry a Turkey with our simple recipe. 2. Measure the remaining water, or mark the waterline as the maximum fill line before discarding the water. If that’s the case, you’ll need to deconstruct the turkey before frying it. There is a size limit on deep-fried turkey. Place turkey on deep fry rack, breast side down. 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce Info. You can filter and reuse the oil, but allow it to sit several hours or overnight covered before handling. This improves the flavor of the bird and helps it stay juicy. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne 3. Cook a turkey until it reaches 165 degrees F in the thickest part of the breast and the turkey is golden brown. It only requires attention to a few details and some safety precautions. Most of the time those are stuffed and slowly roasted, basted and then covered in gravy. Academy Sports & Outdoors carries a large selection of cookers and fryers too. Subscribe to our twice weekly updates and rest assured your privacy will be respected. Insert a meat thermometer in the meaty part of the breast; turkey is done when it reads 165°F. It’s also a good idea to become familiar with the cooking process before getting started. I was slightly nervous at first but soon learned there was no reason to be nervous about it- it was really quick easy … A standard 30-quart pot can only handle a 14-pound turkey (or smaller). Learn how to cook great Deep-fried turkey breast - allrecipes.com . Is this your year for a backyard turkey adventure? Although deep-fried turkey usually turns out juicier and moister than other cooking methods, you can’t go wrong by serving it with Grandma’s best gravy. Treat Yourself! This method also dries out the turkey skin as it sits uncovered in the fridge overnight to help the bird crisp up in the fryer. To make the marinade: Combine all of the ingredients in a food processor or blender and process for about 5 minutes. Place turkey horizontally, breast up, in basket. To make things easier this year, I’m skipping the oven-roasted turkey and perfecting my technique for how to deep-fry a turkey instead. Place it on a rimmed baking sheet fitted with a wire rack to let the excess oil drain. Enjoy The … Fill a syringe and inject each turkey in the breast and thigh area and the back, wings, and legs. Rub the salt mixture under the skin, inside the cavity and over the outside. How to cook the perfect turkey is actually pretty easy but my preference is a well cooked or should I say a well deep-fried turkey. The skin will be crispier than a regular turkey, so make sure your carving knives are plenty sharp. If the rack comes with a detachable hook, make sure it’s hooked well. Slowly lower the basket into hot oil, being careful not to splatter hot oil. Fry the turkey approximately 3 to 4 minutes per pound. Remove turkey, place it on a large tray, and remove the wrap. Deep-Fried Turkey with Southern Rub ... Makes: 10 to 12 servings; Deep-frying a turkey is one of those things that turns you from skeptic to convert the first time you try it. Usually, when you hear deep-fried turkey, people are filled with images of those viral videos of deep-fried turkey disasters with exploding turkeys and oil fires. Turn burner on high and heat to 350°. Connect the propane tank to the cooking stand and place your pot of hot oil with the thermostat clipped to the side of the burner. No Oil Deep Fried Turkey Recipe. If you’re new to this cooking method, start by checking out beginner’s deep-frying guide. Turn gas on high and place the lid on the pot. Place the turkey on the deep fryer rack or basket. This post contains affiliate links. Make sure you do it right because if not it can be really dangerous. Once you’re ready to fry, fully dry the inside and outside of the pot. Take the temperature with an instant-read meat thermometer. Once the ducken has cooled remove the strings. Fry turkey for 3 minutes per pound plus 5 minutes per bird. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. After all, 46 million people cook turkeys for Thanksgiving every year! One, 10 to 12 lb. When the turkey is dry, pour the marinade into the syringe (better to suck it out with the needle) and begin inserting it into the breast first, then the legs, and finally the wings. As far as how long to cook your turkey, get ready to do a little math when it comes to the deep-frying process. Play All. Once the marinade is injected, literally apply the dry rub to the outside of the turkey. It was an instant hit. Thanksgiving during a pandemic: Here are tips for a cozier Zoom Thanksgiving Turn the burner back on and monitor the temperature. Make sure there is at least three to five inches from the fill line to the top of the pot to prevent a boilover. Preheat the oil to 275°F. I made a Deep Fried Turkey for the first time several years ago. Wearing a long barbecue mitt, slowly lower the basket with the turkey into the oil. Fried turkey is crispy on the outside, and juicy and tender on the inside. The turkey is ready when the internal temperature reaches 170 to 180 degrees F on an instant-read meat thermometer; put your gloves on, take the hook, and gently lift the turkey from the oil. It’s best to buy a kit that contains everything you need for a successful run, like the. I don’t recommend setting it up on the concrete, but if that’s all you have, make sure you put lots of newspaper on a cardboard surface. I place the lid most of the way on to the pot to keep the splattering down. I just prefer to brine my Turkey. 1 cup of salt Please, keep the kids and drunk uncles away from the oil and the cooking process. After your bird has brined for 24 hours, you want to let it dry out. Remove the turkey and allow any excess water to drain back into the pot. The deepest part of the thigh should register 170°F to 175°F. This post contains affiliate links. Pat the turkey dry inside and out, making sure no liquid or ice is lingering inside the cavity. By Heather T. Turkey is the obvious centerpiece of the Thanksgiving table. Remember, EVERYTHING is hot, so carefully remove and place the turkey on a large, sturdy flat pan or pot and DON’T TIP THE POT OVER. Heat peanut oil in a turkey fryer or a very, very large stockpot to 350 degrees F. Lower turkey into hot oil, very carefully, making sure it is fully submerged. Salt and pepper the turkey to taste, place the ducken in the center of the turkey, wrap the turkey around the ducken and truss. Deep-fried turkeys. If you season the turkey the day before, it will absorb the flavors overnight as it sits in the fridge. 1 tablespoon salt Fry turkey for 3 to 4 minutes per pound. Copyright @2020 OneSouthernMan | All Rights Reserved. There’s no way to fix things once the oil is heated, so you’ll want to pre-measure the oil line. Fry turkey for 3 to 4 minutes per pound. I must warn you that it will take some time but it doesn’t matter because you know you will have beautiful results ahead. To make a deep-fried turkey, you’ll need to rent an outdoor deep fryer if you don’t own one. Combine all ingredients thoroughly and store in an airtight jar or container. We cooked a 13 pound bird and it was … 1 tablespoon ground allspice The meat will be juicy and tender. After all, 46 million people cook turkeys for Thanksgiving every year! He demonstrates how to make juicy roasted turkey legs and deep-fried Oreo cookies. Dry the turkey thoroughly before applying the marinade and dry rub. We recommend you to cook a Cajun Deep-Fried Turkey Legs. 262 Followers. 5. Clip a deep-frying thermometer onto the side of the pot and turn on the burner. Crecipe.com deliver fine selection of quality Deep-fried turkey breast - allrecipes.com recipes equipped with ratings, reviews and mixing tips. Carefully light using a long match or lighter. 1 tablespoon black pepper To calculate about how long a turkey will take to cook, calculate 3 minutes per … Turkey is the obvious centerpiece of the Thanksgiving table. The turkey should be totally immersed in the oil to ensure even cooking; Estimate 3 minutes per pound – a 10 lb turkey takes approximately 30 minutes to deep-fry. Place it on a rimmed baking sheet fitted with a wire rack to let the excess oil drain. A better way to ensure juicy turkey without brining. This … We’ve put together a few more tips … Place the turkey, breast side down, on the deep frying rack. The juicy, injected meat and crispy skin are hard to beat for flavor and texture. The first thing you need to do is place a stockpot on the stove and add in 2 boxes of chicken broth, ½ onion, butter, … For example, a 10 pound turkey will need to cook for approximately 40 to 50 minutes. Douse a grease fire with water, or about 35 to 45 minutes or... 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