Thank you so much. Additionally, the name has nothing to do with automatically editing a dimension value and neither does the balloon help - "Enable dragging of dimensions to dynamically modify sketches." When you do this in Solidworks any rela\\ted dimensions also highlight and are available to edit when double-clicked. Lastly, update or upgrade training classes need to be scheduled for all. In a sketch, if I click a dimension that I want to delete it automatically prompts me to change the dimension (white box). Previously, only 3D sketch dimensions were hidden when you turned off View Sketch Dimensions. If you are posting about product enhancements or feature requests, use the Ideas board instead. Oh this is just icing on Dassault's stinky cake. I'm having an issue with Solidworks 2016. Re: Turn off one click dimension edit in a sketch. 3DEXPERIENCE World 2021 SOLIDWORKS Top Ten List. To re-display the dimensions, right-click the feature or one of its faces, and select Show All Dimensions. Click Comment Add Comment. The developers have apparently listened, and this one could be turned off out of the box, so I don't understand all the complaining. Revising dimensions could truly be a disaster when the designer work on many parts and need to calculate every single sketch and feature dimensions manually to reach desired dimension. The sketch toolbar is turned off. The feature sketch should be fully defined. Show a SOLIDWORKS Sketch in a Specific Drawing View while Hidden in all other Views. ... Dimension the bottom sketch line to the bottom edge of the part (7 mm). In previous versions of SolidWorks (I'm using 2016), there was a sldprt feature allowing the user to "click/select" any features' face in the window; any correlating part sketches would then appear, as well as "preview sketch dimensions" (greyed-out). Little late seeing this thread, but this is a game changer. Dimension the measurements that remain unchanged in the sketch, and make sure to not dimension the measurements that vary in the pattern instances. This was driving me crazy. Even when opening old models, there are no sketch dimensions showing. Autodesk is a leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software. Sketches are checked according to the contour type required by the feature type (i.e. I didn't see this listed in the improvement list I read for 2016; unless I glossed over it. Really? To change the name of the sketch, slowly click the sketch name twice and it will allow you to change the name. Previously, only 3D sketch dimensions were hidden when you turned off View Sketch Dimensions . Double-click the feature in the Comments folder to view the comment. Thanks for posting your question. For example, when you extrude a base, boss, or a cut from a sketch. Sketch Entities. Who wrote this stuff? Right now if you click on a feature or sketch in the timeline, the related feature/sketch in the model highlights. You can select these dimensions to edit. Go to Feature Tree >> Top Plane. Highlighting Changed Dimensions. ), If you want to view or delete the size, don't click on the Numbers, click on the lines. I do not have Instant 2D turned on, I have the latest With this, you can change the color of the sketch, beneficial when you have multiple sketches (unconsumed) within the model. To begin with, as shown in Figure 1, you can check the line to Show Feature Dimensions as pointed by the green arrow. AutoCAD users will appreciate this capability. When you open a part saved as a library feature, the SOLIDWORKS application adds a References and a Dimensions folder in the FeatureManager design tree under the library feature. If they were so proud of it as to turn it on by default, they should have seen fit to have the button to toggle it show up somewhere. In Solidworks, I can click on a feature in the tree or on any face that is a part of the feature in the model, and all the associated dimensions will appear on top of the model in its current state. I have recently upgraded to SW2017 and when start a new sketch I cannot add dimensions. However, I only want dimensions when I actually specify the object size…. You can right-click a dimension and select Display Options. Parts and Features: PhotoView 360: PhotoWorks : Routing: Sheet Metal: Simulation: SimulationXpress: Sketching: Sustainability Products: SolidWorks Utilities: Tolerancing: Toolbox: Weldments: Workgroup PDM: Troubleshooting: Glossary: View 3D Sketch Dimensions. Right now if you click on a feature or sketch in the timeline, the related feature/sketch in the model highlights. The choices available depend on the type of dimension and other factors. Is this new to 2016 or is something wrong with my setup? You can add from sketch command. Dimension the width of the sketch ... SOLIDWORKS 2021 SP01 To disable Web help from within SOLIDWORKS and use local help instead, click Help > Use SOLIDWORKS Web Help. The button to toggle the setting doesn't show up in the sketch toolbar or the sketch Command Manager tab. But our life would be much easier if we didn't have to hunt down the new "gotchas" so diligently. What else does this do that I am shutting off? that has been irritating the heck out of me and my colleagues! This bothered me also until I realized holding the delete key then clicking the dimension worked. Right-Click (RMB) the feature and select "Hide all dimensions", or RMB the dimension itself … When sketching lines click-and-drag with the left mouse button to create a single line. Blocks. Someone has to be responsible for the review of what's new in all major releases and then test all new functionality, capability and rearrangement of options, changes to the UI and such. Apparently most users don't review the What's New document as soon as it's released every year like I do. The Comment dialog box is displayed. Click Save and Close. They are Check Sketch for Feature and Repair Sketch. SOLIDWORKS Automatic Sketch Dimensions makes this process much faster. Fillet Features. To change dimensions, double-click the dimension and edit the value in the Modify dialog box, or drag a sketch … Sketch Tools. Snaps. Sketch Dimension Tool Tips. Hide/Show Annotations allows you to toggle the visibility of individual annotations or tables in a drawing. the dimension lines are not there and I am unable to click to start a new dimension. Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page. OK when finished. Nice to know it can be disabled. ..well, mine is right next to the "Instant Coffee" icon. ... (for example between the sketch origin and a library feature entity). What improvement are needed with Flag Notes and Flag Notes Bank? Otherwise, register and sign in. Adding the Sketch Fillets: Click Fillet on the Features toolbar or select Tools ... intersection point if the vertex has dimensions or relations). You can right-click a dimension and select Display Options. Article by Mehdi Rezaei, CSWE updated August 10, 2017. I just want to click the dimension and hit the delete key. I use this capability all the time in SW. Right now if you click on a feature or sketch in the timeline, the related feature/sketch in the model highlights. I have to add an icon just to be able to turn this off? What an annoying feature to have to turn off. I also agree 100%. I can right click the dimension and select "delete" in the drop down box, but I shouldn't have to do that. To fully define the sketch, you add relations and apply dimensions using the Smart Dimension tool (Dimensions/Relations toolbar). No more (-) sketches! Many of the sketch creation features (including lines, circles, rectangles, etc) include an option to Add dimensions. which is where the options come to the rescue. This forum has been archived. Make sure you do not double-click on the sketch or edit it. I've been using the software for many years, and I like this feature. Tips to streamline dimensioning in your SolidWorks sketches The second is to click on View in the menu bar and uncheck "All Annotations". Re: initiating shapes circle,rectangle.. starting point weird behavior. These stupid tweaks probably seem like a bright idea to the developers, but annoy the hell out people who have been using the software for many years. Right-click the sketch, and select More Dimensions. Autodesk does not warrant, either expressly or implied, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information translated by the machine translation service and will not be liable for damages or losses caused by the trust placed in the translation service. I wonder what other unlisted changed lurk in this new release? I'm sorry, but Instant 2D does nothing to describe the actions it controls. I'm not sure on that and it is always better to review all the setting after you've installed a new version or SP. When you do this in Solidworks any rela\ted dimensions also highlight and are available to edit when double-clicked. © Copyright 2018 Autodesk Inc. All rights reserved, autodesk-fusion360-header-nav-label.product-name, As far as finding new features if they aren't turned on, if they are truly useful and in response to a true user demand, then the users who want, need, or will benefit from them will find them because they will always be looking for them. In a sketch, if I click a dimension that I want to delete it automatically prompts me to change the dimension (white box). I have recently upgraded to SW2017 and when start a new sketch I cannot add dimensions. Hide/Show Annotations allows you to toggle the visibility of individual annotations or tables in a drawing. Even when opening old models, there are no sketch dimensions showing. in my solidwork12 there was setting in color option setting by checking it if we creat drawing with dimension, now if I change the model dimension and go to its drawing view we get different colour pre settled by me With display showing original dim. If you click on the icon, it will only operate once. Additional dimension tools (Baseline, Ordinate, Chamfer) are available on the Dimensions/Relations toolbar. Sketch Modes. How in the heck would I have even found it in the first place? Make sure Instant2d (new in SW2016) is off. Optionally, you can choose a different dimension type from the shortcut menu. Exit the 3D Sketch or press Control + Q. SOLIDWORKS 2020 l Advanced Techniques l Introduction to 3D Sketch 1-7 7. Except where otherwise noted, work provided on Autodesk Knowledge Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.Please see the Autodesk Creative Commons FAQ for more information. Thanks. Sketch Options. The following tips show some useful dimensions that are not commonly used within the Smart Dimension tool. After exiting the sketch, right-click on it within the Feature Manager and select Sketch Color (#9). After playing with it some more I figured out how to do what I want. Right-click on the name, feature or sketch in the FeatureManager. Use Shaded face highlighting With the option un-checked, then only the edges of the faces or features will highlight, otherwise the face(s) will highlight too. When Hide/Show Annotations is activated, all hidden and shown dimensions would be shown either in gray or black color. By default in SOLIDWORKS, this sketch will remain shown unless we hide them in the part level. This is not an official translation and may contain errors and inaccurate translations. By creating equations on the sketch process, the users can give mathematical relationship between the dimensions. (could not help that pun. This tool uses JavaScript and much of it will not work correctly without it enabled. Little late seeing this thread, but this is a game changer. Hide or show Multiple Dimensions at Once. You can show or hide 2D and 3D sketch dimensions with the View Sketch Dimensions functionality. To hide all the dimensions of a selected feature, right-click the feature in the FeatureManager design tree, or right-click one of its faces, and select Hide All Dimensions. sketch entities and their dimensions. This page has been translated for your convenience with an automatic translation service. Click Once on the Parent Sketch of That Feature. This allows you to use a partial sketch to create features. Go to Tools > Customize > Commands > Sketch and drag drop the Instant2D icon to the sketch toolbar. [Tools > Options > Sketch]. Go to Tools >> Sketch Entities >> Line. EDIT - OK - so I found out, through the button description while adding the icon to the toolbar, that it does do more - you can drag the dimension lines to change the value with "Instant 2D" (still don't understand the connection there.) Here, Feature Dimensions include both sketch dimensions and feature dimensions. I can't speak for the development team, but I suppose that it's because if new features were turned off by default then quite a few users would never find them. the dimension lines are not there and I am unable to click to start a new dimension. Inferencing. To change the thickness dimension, double click the extrusion feature and then double click the thickness dimension on the model. Look how good we are! Extruded Boss/Base or Extruded Cut). To show the Origin, click the View dropdown menu and select View, Hide/Show Origins. SOLIDWORKS Automatic Sketch Dimensions makes this process much faster. ... Click-pause-click the dimension … I was just in the process of throwing my computer out the window when I found this thread. Hide/Show Annotations. You can dimension all entities in a sketch in one operation with Fully Define Sketch. Where is "instant2d" ? Check Sketch for Feature is a tool that checks a sketch used for a feature creation. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. I've always liked the quick text box to change a dimension, but deleting was a pain until I found this solution. Highlighting Changed Dimensions. I just want to click the dimension and hit the delete key. What this means is as you sketch Solidworks applies dimensions. You can show or hide 2D and 3D sketch dimensions with the View Sketch Dimensions functionality. Convert View to Sketch PropertyManager: Manipulating Drawing Views: ... Click View > Hide/Show > Dimension Names or Hide/Show Items > View Dimension Names ... SOLIDWORKS 2019 SP05 To disable Web help from within SOLIDWORKS and use local help instead, click Help > Use SOLIDWORKS Web Help. Also update all; templates, sheet formats, BOMs, notes, palette features & parts, etc. I can't see why someone would have instant 2D turned on as a benefit. © 2014 Dassault Systemes Solidworks Corp. Jive Software Version: 2018.25.0.0_jx, revision: 20200515130928.787d0e3.release_2018.25.0-jx, How to cut a surface body from a freeform surface body. If you've already registered, sign in. Sketch Complexity. I see "instant3d" in feature toolbar, but "instant2d" does not show up in my sketch toolbar. Click View > View Sketch Dimensions or click View Sketch Dimensions in Hide/Show … First is to right click on the Annotations folder in the feature manager tree and uncheck "Show Feature Dimensions". No Solve Move lets you move sketch entities without solving the dimensions or relations in the sketch. Let’s assume we have a sketch drawn in a part file and we have not used it to create a feature. What an annoying feature to have to turn off. SOLIDWORKS introduced a new way sketching method by adding Equations features. This is the preferred method because it only "hides" feture dimensions (this includes sketch dimensions). I couldn't figure out why when I entered a dimension on the sketch it would pop off of it and not auto. There are two modes for sketching in 2D: click-drag or click-click. Why is it called Instant 2D? SOLIDWORKS 2020 Basic Tools l Basic Solid Modeling – Extrude Options 3-6 CommandManager 3. When you do this in Solidworks any When you do this in Solidworks any autodesk-fusion360-header-nav-label.product-name In SOLIDWORKS, it has always been very easy to show the dimensions for a feature: just double-click on the feature and presto: all the dimensions for that feature are shown. After I create these reference sketches within the "edit part" feature of the component I then go to assembly features at the top and do the extruded cut feature... reason why I am doing the cut in the assembly and sketch because its much faster to locate where the hole cutouts need to be to mount small components to a piece of sheet metal. After hitting the Calculate button and liking what you see, click OK. OK, but that has nothing to do with the single click edit capability. Exiting Sketches. After you "show feature dimensions" you can then hide the dimensions you don't want to see. Inserting Dimensions into Drawings I would love to know of some sort of right click- show the dimensions option. You must be a registered user to add a comment. Like • Show … I'm having an issue with Solidworks 2016. How about a default icon the command bar (on by default of course) that brings up a drop down list of "what's new in SW20xx" with detailed descriptions when each item is highlighted....? If you select a sketch of a feature in the tree and click on it you should have the dimensions and features of the sketch show. I can't find it in the menus, although I realize it might be buried there somewhere. Instead of finishing drawing a sketch entity, then selecting the Smart Dimension command, then adding dimensions one by one; the dimensions are added automatically while you sketch. The default dimension type is Parallel. Every user of SOLIDWORKS is familiar with the Smart Dimension tool with which they can dimension both 2D and 3D sketches – where the type of dimension produced will be determined by the sketch entities selected. Get the text description for this video at: Fillets are classified as applied features, and as such do not require a sketch to be … Splines. If the sketch passes the checks, a NO PROBLEM FOUND message will be displayed. Inserting Dimensions into Drawings You exit a sketch when you create a feature from a sketched profile. SIGH. Dimensions Sketches are displayed in various states. I don't mind new features being turned on by default as long as we're given an option to turn them off (though as I said above I like this one). In a sketch, if I click a dimension that I want to delete it automatically prompts me to change the dimension (white box). I'm having an issue with Solidworks 2016. The feature sketch should be fully defined. If the dimensions are not where you want them to be, you can move them to their desired locations after clicking OK. After organizing your sketch dimensions, click “Exit Sketch”. In this article, let’s start with 3D drawing use cases and review several SOLIDWORKS techniques to serve the various need. Click Smart Dimension on the Dimensions/Relations toolbar, or click Tools > Dimensions > Smart. The Blue color Origin is the Zero position of the part and the Red Origin is the Zero position of a sketch. Because it reminds them of a similar process in AutoCAD. There are also drag handles displayed to allow direct editing with the mouse. I can right click the dimension and select "delete" in the drop down box, but I shouldn't have to do that. Why are these new "features" turned on by default??! Tired of constantly switching over to the Smart Dimension tool to constrain your sketches? Rapid Fire (#10)…. Control the visibility of 3D sketch dimensions. Click View 3D Sketch Dimensions (View toolbar) or View, 3DSketch, Dimensions. I just want to click the dimension and hit the delete key. edit unless I clicked on the leader line to edit; which is ridiculously hard if you have a small dimension and not zoomed in! To hide an individual dimension, right-click it, and select Hide. Sketch Dimension Driven: Style Spline: Add Dimension: Spline on Surface : Insert Pen Sketch ... Never show this message again. If you are in this mode and double click on the icon (for example the Line icon), then you can temporarily over-ride the option. Click just once with your left-mouse button. Working in a Sketch . Article. Instead of finishing drawing a sketch entity, then selecting the Smart Dimension command, then adding dimensions one by one; the dimensions are added automatically while you sketch. Click View > View Sketch Dimensions or click View Sketch Dimensions in Hide/Show Items (Heads Up View … Even when opening old models, there are no sketch dimensions showing. SOLIDWORKS ® 2017 Reference Guide Design Intent, Sketching and Sketch Entities Page 4 - 5 Enter the information. Then I can edit any of those dimensions with a single click (or a double-click for no rebuild after). I have recently upgraded to SW2017 and when start a new sketch I cannot add dimensions. There have been some over the years that I detested, and wasn't initially able to turn off, and I and others complained about them loudly and often. I turned it off and will never use that function again. Is that what you are looking for? The same box will show up where you will be able to change the name of that dimension. x. Selecting shown dimension would change their color to gray and vice versa. Inferencing displays relations by means of dotted inferencing lines, pointer display, and highlighted cues such as endpoints and midpoints. If you want to leave Instant2d turned on (I personally like single-clicking to edit the dimension), then you can click anywhere on the dimension except directly on the value, such as on a leader or extension line, to highlight it without getting the dimension edit box. Web Help Content Version: SOLIDWORKS 2020 SP05 To disable Web help from within SOLIDWORKS and use local help instead, click Help > Use SOLIDWORKS Web Help. The types of sketch entities can also affect dimensioning functions. So even if it was staring me right in the face, I doubt I would have realized that it had anything to do with this annoying behavior. This person then needs to define the new company default settings by addressing all system options & document properties. A Comments folder is displayed in the FeatureManager. Click . This makes it fantastically easy to edit dimensions without having to edit the sketch or modify the feature in the feature tree. Before changing model, In new solidworks 16 after making same changes in colour option I could not get changed colour or display dimension just as in sw12, Please let me know if I am Rpong in my settings. Please join us on the Fusion 360 Feedback Hub. I can right click the dimension and select "delete" in the drop down box, but I shouldn't have to do that. click on feature or sketch in timeline to show dimensions. I use this capability all the time in SW. Right click on the Top Plane and click on the Sketch icon. I recently updated to 2016 and this was the one of the bigger changes that I loathed (though the monochrome icons tops my list of worst Solidworks change in probably forever). Someone in the organization (CAD Manager/Administrator) has to take over the responsibility to review new versions & service packs. Thank you for your idea - this is getting archived due to lack of votes. At least have it default to familiar behavior. I don't know if I should be amazed or just shake my head... Review settings? Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Hide/Show Annotations. Then double click the dimension to edit it. Error: You don't have JavaScript enabled. These stupid tweaks probably seem like a bright idea to the developers, but annoy the hell out people who have been using the software for many years. the dimension lines are not there and I am unable to click to start a new dimension. This happens because we hid the dimension in the feature level but now we are showing dimensions from the sketch level. The choices available depend on the type of dimension and other factors. Draw a vertical line starting coincidentally to the origin in the downward direction. Downward direction system options & document properties all the time in SW. Automatic! 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