We reserve the right to change or discontinue Free Shipping at any time. Earlobes are unusual in that they are a light blue in color. Often silkie roosters get along with each other fairly well, so it's not too much of a hardship, and their slightly lower fertility rates are offset with an extra rooster or two. It is among the most docile of poultry. We use various shipping carriers to deliver orders and a particular carrier may not be requested. The hens lay cream or tinted eggs, but many times they are not kept for the eggs or their meat. page 2 The first ship date for everything in your cart is, These items have been added to your wish list. With a reputation as the number one Silkie Chicken rearer in the U.K. we guarantee the quality of our beautiful birds. The Dunham Farm has high-quality silkie chickens for sale. They consist of 1 splash rooster and blue hens and 1 blue rooster and splash hens. There are several different color varieties in Silkies, such as black, blue, buff, grey, partridge, and white. PLEASE NOTE: the color blue does not hatch true in chickens. A wide variety of classified ads Buy, rent, sell and find anything - silkie chickens listings. | Privacy Policy In addition to the fuzzy feathers that make them so unique, the roosters also have long, pointy saddle and hackle feathers. The Origin of Silkie Chickens. Both China and Japan claim the origin of these unique bantams and historians have traced them back to Marco Polo. Chickens Waterfowl Turkeys Supplies WE ARE AMERICA’S INDUSTRY-LEADING HATCHERY, OFFERING MORE THAN 160 BREEDS OF POULTRY INCLUDING: CHICKENS, DUCKS, GEESE, TURKEYS, GUINEAS, AND GAME BIRDS. It is among the most docile of poultry. [13], Silkies are also known for their polydactyly, usually manifesting as an additional 1-2 digits in the foot. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens only have four. silkie chickens Cars in Texas at AmericanListed.com classifieds – used car classifieds across Texas. They are one of the friendliest chicken breeds and will appreciate attention and company. Standard Silkie roosters weight about 1.8 kg and hens about 1.36 kg. Also, be sure to read the forum at Backyard Chickens. These bizarre-looking chicken breed is believed to have come from Asia. [18] A few fusion restaurants in metropolitan areas of the West have also cooked it as a part of traditional American or French cuisine, such as in confit. We offer 5 color variations of the Silkie: White, Black, Blue, Buff, and Splash. [3], The black meat of a Silkie is generally considered an unusual attribute in European and American cuisines. Jump on the bandwagon by beginning (or adding to) your flock by purchasing silkie chickens from Amber Waves. It is unknown from where (or when), exactly, these breeds originated, but the most well-documented potential origin is ancient China. Bearded Silkies have a muff around their faces. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens only have four. The Japanese Silkie initially develops additional digits in the wing as an embryo, but these are lost prior to hatching. Jul 6, 2019 - Explore Dwyllis Harrison's board "Silkie Chickens", followed by 657 people on Pinterest. In it, he spoke on "wool-bearing chickens" and ones "clothed with hair like that of a black cat". Other breeds which exhibit this rare trait include the Dorking, Faverolles, and Sultan. Colors of Silkie recognized for competitive showing include black, blue, buff, grey, partridge, and white. © 1998-2020 Murray McMurray Hatchery Despite some information on the internet that blue-earlobed chickens lay blue eggs - that's a myth. The silkie chicken is the lap dog of the chicken world, very gentle and easy to care for. All of these chicks carry the blue genes and when mated black on white or with other blues in turn produce many blue offspring. And the bantam chicken’s weight vary depending on different standards. Would you like to correct it? They also are separated according to color. Your email address appears to be invalid. [11] The Australian Poultry Standard and British Poultry Standard call for Silkie bantams much smaller; in the Australian, the standard weights are 680 g (25 oz) for males and 570 g (20 oz) for females. Lavender silkies … PA - Silkie and Frizzle Chicks Blue, black, and brown silkie chicks $6 each 1 pair of frizzle chickens $20 about 6 months old Daniel Stoltzfus Jr Call 717 925 6211 KY - For Sale - Silkie Chicks For Sale Beautiful Silkie Chicks in a variety of colors - white, splash, partridge, black...Email cprice@caschools.us. One of the low number of chicken breeds that you can keep in your apartment. 1 - Blue/Black Laced Wyandotte Hen - $40 - purchased as chick from Cackle Hatchery 06/2019, good egg layer 1 - Blue & Black Splash Silkie Rooster - $20 - approx. / Chicks Bearded Silkies have an extra muff of feathers under the beak area that covers the earlobes. They have pointed hackle and saddle feathers that are more like other birds. (Though the breed standard is 5 toes, some have an additional toe for a … Approximately 50% will be black, white, and black/white combinations. | Your IP Address: / Blue Silkie Bantam. These fluffy little puffballs of down have continued to delight young and old alike and are a favorite for many who visit The Dunham Farm. Traditional Chinese soup made with Silkie also uses ingredients such as wolfberries, Dioscorea polystachya (mountain yam), orange peel, and fresh ginger. However, even standard Silkies are relatively small chickens, with the males weighing only four pounds (1.8 kg), and females weighing three pounds (1.36 kg). The rooster’s comb is a walnut shape which is often hidden by feathers. [1] Once Silkies became more common in the West, many myths were perpetuated about them. Their face can be bearded or non-bearded and eyes are coal black. A unique genetic feature of this breed is the constant recurrence in the offspring of not only all blue chicks, but also the black, white, and black-white colors used in the original matings many generations ago to produce these blue birds. 1 year old No cash please, Venmo/PayPal preferred due to COVID-19. As early as the 7th century, traditional Chinese medicine has held that chicken soup made with Silkie meat is a curative food. Areas where Chinese cuisine has a strong influence, such as Malaysia, may also cook Silkie. ... A Blue Ribbon for this young silkie pair. Hens are also exceptionally broody, and care for young well. We strive to always give the best of the best. Blue Silkies are used as show birds, broody hens, pets, or pets. [1], In the American Standard of Perfection, the standard male weight for the bantam Silkie is 1 kg (36 oz) (12in)and for the female, 907 g (32 oz)(10in). ordered them from Alan of www.browneggblueegg.com and 3 White and one Blue Partridge Silkie came with 17 Araucanas of all colors. We have Ameraucanas, White Leghorns, Black Australorps, Blue Laced Wyandottes, Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, Buff Brahmas, Buff Orpingtons, FRENCH BLACK COPPER MARANS (darkest eggs a hen can lay) Golden Sex links, Light Brahmas, New Hampshire Reds, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Easter Egger, Whiting True Blues (lay sky blue egg) Blue … They are known to call chicks over to treats in the yard when they are old enough to venture from their moms. Other places in Southeast Asia have been named as possibilities, such as India and Java. [17], Silkies lay a fair number of eggs, of a cream color, but production is often interrupted due to their extreme tendency to go broody; a hen will produce 100 eggs in an ideal year. While most types of chickens have 4 toes, silkie chickens have 5 or even 6! It is no secret that Silkies are the labrador retrievers of chickens. silkie chickens in Texas at AmericanListed.com – Classifieds across Texas. Head of a white Silkie male owned by David Pell showing the walnut comb. In addition to their distinctive physical characteristics, Silkies are well known for their calm, friendly temperament. Silkies. Home Fact #1: Silkie chickens have extra toes. Their capacity for incubation, which has been selectively bred out of most fowl bred especially for egg production, is often exploited by poultry keepers by allowing Silkies to raise the offspring of other birds. Silkie roosters have unique feathers other than the fuzzy ones typical of the breed. THE COLOR BLUE: A unique genetic feature of this breed is the constant recurrence in the offspring of not only all blue chicks, but also the black, white, and black-white colors used in the original matings many generations ago to produce these blue birds. We will get back to you via email as soon as possible. |. Silkies are known for their unique genetic twist which gives them an additional 1 or 2 toes per foot. History: No one is exactly sure where Silkie chickens originated, but Marco Polo did mention black-skinned, furry chickens in his travels through Asia during the 13th century. Free shipping is not available for Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands or Canada. They are small, smart and gentle. When stacked up against super popular breeds like Orpingtons, Cochins, Brahmas and Easter Eggers, they were a top choice. The Silkie (sometimes spelled Silky) is a breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk and satin. The popularity of the breed has continued to grow ever since and remains a favorite among many. Red Golden Pheasant - Full Color - M/F Pair, Yellow Golden Pheasant - Juvenile - M/F Pair, Yellow Golden Pheasant - Full Color - M/F Pair, All Natural Murray's Best Chicken Suds and Conditioner, Exhibiting Poultry For Pleasure And Profit, Storey's Illustrated Guide To Poultry Breeds, DIY Suet Blocks for Poultry | High Protein Treats for Molting Season, McMurray Hatchery 2021 Customer Photo Winners, Round One, How to Preserve Eggs Long-term with These 4 Methods. | All Rights Reserved [8] Melanism which extends beyond the skin into an animal's connective tissue is a rare trait, and in chickens it is caused by fibromelanosis, which is a rare mutation believed to have begun in Asia. Our foundation stock is a wide gene pool so we have many different varieties to work with. In addition to these defining characteristics, Silkies have five toes on each foot. They are often exhibited in poultry shows, and appear in various colors. Much like other roosters, but it’s a little harder to tell with all the fluffy plumage. The wattles in the male are small and neat, and a … All of these chicks carry the blue genes and when mated black on white or with other blues in turn produce many blue offspring. [14][15] This causes ectopic SHH expression in the anterior of the developing limb bud, leading to increased tissue growth and digits. Many stores use chickens to lure you into the store in order to purchase more things. Chinese cuisine especially values the breed, but it is also a common ingredient in some Japanese, Cambodian, Vietnamese and Korean dishes. [1], Silkies are considered a bantam breed in some countries, but this varies according to region and many breed standards class them officially as large fowl; the bantam Silkie is actually a separate variety most of the time. Silkie Chickens (often spelled Silky) is the chicken breed called for its unusually fluffy plumage that is said to believe like satin or silk. Available for purchase now. The other 50% will be black, white, and black/white combinations. Silkies are an extremely calm breed that do well in confinement. … Though they are fair layers themselves, laying only about three eggs a week, they are commonly used to hatch eggs from other breeds and bird species due to their broody nature. About The Dunham Farm Silkie Chickens. Silkies are an extremely calm breed that do well in confinement. What fun I had with those!! However, when roosters come to mind, even the silkie rooster temperament can surprise their keeper. [10] Disregarding color, the breed does not generally produce as much as the more common meat breeds of chicken. The roosters often make good daddies anyway, and the extra rooster can help watch the chicks too. And, according to a recent poll we conducted, Silkies are a favorite choice as a pet for children! Approximately 50% of the baby chicks will be all blue. [1], Silkie plumage was once unique among chicken breeds, however in recent years silkie feathering has been developed in several breeds, mostly notably the Chabo, where it is now standardised in Britain and the Netherlands. Silkie eggs are a standard creamy-brown colour. They also might have a pointed tail and have spurs. Your message was sent. [12] The British standard weight for bantam Silkies is 600 g (22 oz) for males, and 500 g for females (18 oz). Gorgeous blue bearded Silkie bantams make a great choice for anyone seeking a show bird, a broody mother hen, or a backyard pet. A Silkie roosters’ plumage is not only unique looking for a chicken, but it’s also different from a silkie hen and one of the ways you can tell a mature male from a female. Buy and sell, a wide selection of car brands. Available: Black frizzle male silkie, black satin undetermined sex, blue silkie undetermined sex; AVAILABLE NOW; Special diet for sick chickens; Frizzle chicks for sale; Blue in Blue … This characteristic leaves Silkies unable to fly. Size and Weight. The standards of perfection call for all Silkies to have a small walnut-shaped comb, dark wattles, and turquoise-blue earlobes. They have all of the qualities of the other silkies but will vary in feather color. Hens … In addition to their distinctive physical characteristics, Silkies are well known for their calm, friendly temperament. Enter your name, email address and your question or message and click. Our Silkies come both bearded and non-bearded and are tremendous setters on all types of eggs. All types of new and used cars, muscle cars, race cars hybrids and SUVs. In our breeding flocks, however, only blue males of the finest color are used. Silkie Characteristics 1. 1 / 2. Blue Silkies are usually bantams. It is unknown exactly where or when these fowl with their singular combination of attributes first appeared, but the most well documented point of origin is ancient China (hence another occasionally encountered name for the bird, Chinese silk chicken). The Silkie and several other breeds descended from Asian stock possess the mutation. Colors. The head of the Silkie is a crested pom pom – almost reminiscent of a bad hair day. In a pure bred the comb should be mulberry (deep red) in color. Their legs color is dark-blue with abundant feathering. [1], Silkies appear in two distinct varieties: bearded and non-bearded. Silkie chickens: the good. Blue Star Ranch GUARANTEES pullets (girl chicks) are available for sale. [6][7] It has been compared to silk,[8] and to fur. [3], All Silkies have black or bluish skin, bones and grayish-black meat; their Chinese language name is wu gu ji (烏骨雞[9]), meaning 'black-boned chicken'. Check the box next to any you want to. Blue is a diluting gene for black. Almost all North American strains of the breed are bantam-sized, but in Europe the standard-sized is the original version. PLUS A FULL LINE OF FEED, SUPPLIES, GIFTS AND DECOR. Amber Waves sells white, blue, black, buff, splash, partridge, and paint colored silkie chicks year-round, all of which are of the highest quality and health. While the feet of the Silkie display polydactyly, the wings have the standard tridactyly (three digit) arrangement. Place Eligible items in your cart. The comb should not be of the single type. The Silkie (sometimes spelled Silky) is a breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk and satin. Their black skin and feathers that feel much like hair make them one of our most unusual varieties of chickens. [8] The usual methods of cooking include using Silkie to make broth, braising, and in curries. This breed is so gentle that the roosters have maternal instincts as well. The breed has many other uncommon characteristics from each foot, like black skin or bones, blue earlobes, or five toes, while the majority of chickens … On and after April 1st, the minimum number of chicks required is. [8] In contrast, several Asian cuisines consider Silkie meat a gourmet food. [3] The American Standard of Perfection calls for males that are 36 ounces (1 kg), and females that are 32 ounces (910 grams). Today, Silkies can be found in white, black, buff, blue, grey, splash, and partridge variations. In raising chickens, there is a "balance" that Blue Star Ranch has developed the proper amounts of light, heat, fresh air, good foods, bacteria and coop to hen ratio that will ensure a healthy chicken. The overall result is a soft, fluffy appearance. American Standard of Perfection calls for roosters that are 1 kg, and hens that are 0.907 kg. The genetic cause of this extra digit formation has been shown to be a SNP in a regulator of the SHH gene, called the ZPA Regulatory Sequence (ZRS). This breed may be available for future dates. Eligible items are marked on the product details page. Their black skin and feathers that feel much like hair make them one of our most unusual varieties of chickens. Excludes items that are not marked by the free shipping statement. The silkies became a registered breed in the United States in 1872 once their popularity started to grow. Checking for a previously submitted rating... As a reminder, to help ensure a safe arrival to you, the minimum number of chicks for each order prior to April 1st is 25. Silkie Chickens come in many colour variations and Pipinchick Poultry stock them all with 13 colours of Bearded Silkies to choose from including Lemon Meringue, Gold, Blue, Partridge, Porcelain to traditional White. If you are looking for a pet chicken, Silkies are the breed for you. Alternative hues, such as cuckoo, lavender, red, and splash also exist. Their flesh color is grayish-black. Applies to delivery addresses in the continental U.S. only. While Silkie chickens are technically categorized as bantams, many people consider Silkies a different class of bird altogether. They are often kept as ornamental fowl or pet chickens by backyard keepers, and are also commonly used to incubate and raise the offspring of other chickens and waterfowl like ducks and geese and game birds such as quail and pheasants. Here is my speculative guess as to why and how Silkies have blue ear lobes: After the Southeast Asians and the Chinese domesticated the chicken the blue pigment gene popped up as a random mutation (who knows if it was somehow linked with the Silkie feather gene) and the people raising them thought this was really cool. Blue Silkie Bantam Both China and Japan claim the origin of these unique bantams and historians have traced them back to Marco Polo. The lavender color, also called self-blue, is a steel blue color, very even all over the entire bird, with no lacing in the feathers. Below: Here are some examples of some of lavender silkies: Above is a first place winner and below is a pair of lavender Silkies. See more ideas about silkie chickens, silkies, chickens. The roosters weigh 2 – 2.25 lbs, while the hens weigh 2 lbs. Early Dutch breeders told buyers they were the offspring of chickens and rabbits,[3] while sideshows promoted them as having actual mammalian fur. [1] The earliest surviving written account of Silkies comes from Marco Polo, who wrote of a "furry" chicken in the 13th century during his travels in Asia. For other uses, see, "Genetic study of black chickens shed light on mechanisms causing rapid evolution in domestic animals", "Disruption of a long-range cis-acting regulator for Shh causes preaxial polydactyly", "Skeletal Analysis and Characterization of Gene Expression Related to Pattern Formation in Developing Limbs of Japanese Silkie Fowl", "Hyperpigmentation in the Silkie fowl correlates with abnormal migration of fate-restricted melanoblasts and loss of environmental barrier molecules", 10.1002/1097-0177(20010301)220:3<212::AID-DVDY1105>3.0.CO;2-9, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Silkie&oldid=996189968, Articles with dead external links from July 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 25 December 2020, at 01:31. The other 50% will be black, white, and black/white combinations. In our breeding flocks, however, only blue males of the finest color are used. The breed was recognized officially in North America with acceptance into the Standard of Perfection in 1874. [8], This article is about a variety of a chicken. Their Silkies are known for being cold hardy and heat resistant with a longer life expectancy, due to their rigorous excellence in breeding to the standard of perfection. Then Alan Stanford shipped some of his flock of show quality Silkies (35 White and 60 Blue, Black & Splash) down to Florida to live with me and mine until he could find another flock tender. This combination will result in blue or splash offspring Silkie chickens blue breeding chart: Blue X Blue = 50% Blue, 25% Black , 25% Splash Blue X Splash = 50% Blue , 50% Splash The ears should be small and neat and preference is normally given to turquoise blue ear lobes, although mulberry lobes are permitted. Approximately 50% of the baby chicks will be all blue. Our Silkies come both bearded and non-bearded and are tremendous setters on all types of eggs. So do be cautious of some backyard dealers and feed stores, as they may knowingly sell you rooster chicks, in place of pullets. Items shipped via free shipping may require up to 10 Business Days. A popular trade item on the Silk Road, the geography of the Silkie chicken lends itself naturally to the name of this breed. If your order contains both free shipping items and other, ineligible items, you will be charged shipping for the ineligible items. See the results, here. The table below shows availability for the next several weeks. [5], In the 21st century, Silkies are one of the most popular and ubiquitous ornamental breeds of chicken. / Feather Footed Bantams [3] In 1598, Ulisse Aldrovandi, a writer and naturalist at the University of Bologna, Italy, published a comprehensive treatise on chickens which is still read and admired today. Their feathers lack functioning barbicels, and are thus similar to down on other birds. [16] The genetic cause behind Silkie polydactyly differs from those that cause polydactyly in the Dorking chicken breed, which is due to ectopic FGF4 expression in the AER, with ectopic SHH a secondary effect. [4], Silkies most likely made their way to the West via the Silk Route and maritime trade. Silkie Roosters. There is … Silkies are very happy to be contained in a run, as long as it's dry and mud-free. / Bantams 7 week old pullets here now. They are often exhibited in poultryshows, and appear in various colors. Year old No cash please, Venmo/PayPal preferred due to COVID-19, only blue males the. Are marked on the internet that blue-earlobed chickens lay blue eggs - that 's a.. A popular trade item on the product details page and ones `` clothed with hair like that of black... The ineligible items Brahmas and Easter Eggers, they were a top.. At any time calls for roosters that are 1 kg, and black/white combinations the more in... 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