To do so, you need to use semantic and non-semantic tags wisely. Web developer should try to avoid use of HTML tags to apply presentation because of the simple fact that it is the job of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). According to the W3C: "A semantic Web allows data to be shared and reused across applications, enterprises, and communities." Simple Semantic HTML example. Thought it would be a great thing to look up now if you are new to HTML and want to learn how to think about it the right way! Semantic markups are counted amongst the most important aspects of high quality Psd to Html conversion or Html5 development process. Semantic HTML and Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) help create interfaces that work for everyone in the most performant, robust, and simple way possible.

element for a large text block quoted from another source. As web services are better designed to understand the intent of the content, it would be more convenient for eg. It is clear to us that D (document) in DOM and document used in writing JS are a document. Perhaps today you prefer to have your code samples display in the default browser style, but tomorrow, you might want to call them out with a gray background color; later still, you might want to define the precise mono-spaced font family or font stack to use for your samples. 1: 1.Semantic tags are HTML only, and CSS does not have semantics. Consider the following: This will render it to look like a top level heading, but it has no semantic value, s… Different formats utilize the web content in a different manner.
. Maintainability is one of the critical factors in writing good, high-quality code. At the time of PSD to HTML conversion, there are several benefits which user can enjoy with the use of semantic markup code. The benefit of writing semantic HTML stems from what should be the driving goal of any web page: the desire to communicate. Semantic elements’ benefits for designers and developers. Benefits of Semantic HTML Not only do developers receive greater readability, but it also improves the experience of … Search engines often use semantic tags to assist in ranking pages, to use a simple example. in HTML. Although nearly every HTML4 tag and all the HTML5 tags have semantic meanings, some tags are primarily semantic. An important principle in web design is the idea of using HTML elements to indicate what they actually are, rather than how they may appear in the browser by default. Close. One: 1. Let’s discuss some main advantages of using Semantically-Styled HTML markups : User-friendliness : It is the biggest advantage of using semantically-correct HTML markups. According to the W3C: "A semantic Web allows data to be shared and reused … Such codes are easy to use, clean and more readable. Semantic HTML codes can help you in enhancing the search engine position of your website by simply making your site easier for software to read the content. Semantic HTML or semantic markup is HTML that introduces meaning to the web page rather than just presentation. The reason is simple –

  say “this is a paragraph” and

says “this is a heading at the first level.” In this way, these semantic HTML/HTML5 tags give better meaning the content. Utilizing these elements to give our HTML as much meaning as possible is what it means to write "semantic HTML". The  tag doesn't convey extra importance; rather, the tagged text is typically rendered in bold. We developers have explained semantic codes as the piece of markups that are widely used to add a meaning to the website’s content in well defined manner. In the web development industry, the “semantic markup” has been recognized as a practice of using element types properly  their meaning to mark up content in the document. Let’s discuss some main advantages of using Semantically-Styled HTML markups : GET BETTER RANKING ON SEARCH ENGINE WITH SEMANTIC MARKUPS. There is muc h to be fulfilled but the opportunities are big because of the incredible capacit y. Presentation (how it should look), is the sole responsibility of CSS. Using semantic tags gives you many more hooks for styling your content, too. The benefit of writing semantic HTML stems from what should be the driving goal of any web page: the desire to communicate. He is the founder of HTMLTUTS+, a blog based on inspiration in Development, Designing and Online Marketing Ideas. On the contrary, semantic HTML is the only way to get consistent results across web sites and environments. The first is that clear code is more maintainable. Semantic HTML also is known as semantic markup is the HTML that introduces meaning to any web page in place of just making a presentation. Likewise, the  tag doesn't convey extra importance or emphasis; rather, it defines text that is typically rendered in italics. I have often observed that fast releases in agile, make developers forget the importance of Semantic HTML, as they hasten their delivery process on shorter deadlines. The benefit of semantic tags is that they give your html some structure - by using them you are encoding meaning into your html that can be useful in all kinds of areas. The key motive of using semantic coding is to make the website code structure user-friendly for readers. Neve use a series of

tags for the purpose of creating space. Are you really interested to create something which is not accessible to someone? Her expertise includes social media, web development, and graphic design. You can do all of these things easily by using semantic markup and smartly applied CSS. Semantic HTML elements are those that clearly describe their meaning in a human- and machine-readable way. © 2020 LambdaTest Inc. Semantic HTML, or semantic markup, describes its meaning to browser and developer in human- … They add essential meaning to your content, which lets web browsers, search engines, screen readers, RSS readers, and ultimately users understand it. The semantic HTML codes can be easily edited in the future. In HTML there are some semantic elements that can be used to define different parts of a web page:

. In it, we can insert elements from


, elements to represent images, paragraphs or even navigation lists. Semantic elements’ benefits for designers and developers. To some degree semantically-correct HTML help in keeping the content more organized and structured. Let’s understand semantic markups with an example : Just give a thought that why do you write HTML using the

tag and the

tag? CSS is used to suggest its presentation to human users. Thought this was a good thread to share in! Some people consider this trechnique as “white hat” Search Engine Optimization (SEO) under which the HTML cruft are removed from your page and only important codes that are properly describing your content will be kept in the code structure. is no answer and the benefits of HTML5 varies from project to project 7 Free WordPress Plugins for Creating Email Marketing Campaigns, 10 Useful WordPress Plugins for Photographers, 4 Tips to Make your WordPress Mobile Friendly. Thought it would be a great thing to look up now if you are new to HTML and want to learn how to think about it the right way! Additional benefits of semantic HTML. The Benefits of Semantic HTML Lately I've been researching the pros and cons of writing semantic HTML, and after reading a bunch of articles and taking some time to form my own conclusion, I've decided that it's worth the struggle of mastering it--not for today, but for tomorrow. Structure. What Are The Benefits of Semantic HTML? Nowadays, people have embraced semantic markup as a cornerstone of Web development which surely leads to better accessibility, internationalization, interoperability as well as search ability. Additionally, using semantic HTML will be of benefit to users of assistive technologies such as screen-readers, which may alter the pitch or gender of the reading voice to signify important information or presentational information, or emphasis. This might be useful on occasion but if everything in your interface is typed as any then you lose the benefits of the language. It must be a staple practice for us, web developers, to write accessible and efficient HTML. They help us think about the structure of our dynamic data, and to choose titles’ hierarchy properly. This is known as using semantic HTML. Semantic HTML is processed by traditional web browsers as well as by many other user agents. I wanted to share this post about the benefits of semantic HTML. These are the most important advantages that semantic markup give us: 1. It all works on the simple principle that each and every major search engine follows. What Is An HTML Tag Versus an HTML Element. On the other hand, you could make any element looklike a top level heading. The example blog archive page above in the article is a typical docu… On the flip side of this equation, tags such as  and  are not semantic. Semantic HTML is not just the latest fad on the web nor another way to show that your web site and your coding style is trendy. Till now they have only the option to integrate it with the help of Flash or Silverlight, Flex or javascript like tools. Every web page is trying to communicate something. Semantic HTML: Semantic HTML is a markup that introduce the meaning of the webpage. Using semantic HTML results in the same appearance of our site in the browser, but it provides a lot of benefits to both users and developers. Text that is enclosed in the  tag is immediately recognized by the browser as some type of coding language. As a developer when creating a website it is important to think not only of the content being displayed on page but also the structure behind it. 4. HTML should be coded to represent the data that will be populated and not based on its default presentation styling. The computer treats the page as a document, and […] There are five main benefits of using semantic HTML: Lighter code Maintainable code Accessibility Search visibility Future-proofing by CrazyLeaf Editorial May 13, 2011, 11:45 AM. By adding semantic tags to your document, you provide additional information about that document, which aids in communication. It helps the search engines to render what your site is really about quickly because of the fact that you have semantically optimized your page.

is used to represent the header of a document or section declared in HTML. KEY BENEFITS OF SEMANTIC HTML. Example of use: Figure 1. There is a benefit to writing semantic HTML. Semantics is critical to a language because without it, there would be no real structure to a language. The ultimate goal of HTML semantics is to create a document outline that user agents such as web browsers, screen readers, and search engine bots can easily skim and understand. Clearer code and easier to maintain. Note: Unlike the tag, you can declare more than one
per page. It’s an aspect of coding that should always be at the forefront of a developer’s mind. Some of the most commonly misused semantic tags include: By using HTML tags that have meaning, you create pages that impart more information than those that simply surround everything with
 tags. Truly speaking, the clean, error-free and semantic XHTML/HTML5 mark-ups are the foundation of a successful website that cannot be ignored especially from SEO point of view. Semantic Elements in HTML. Here, readers can be common human beings, web browsers, or platforms. Christine Baker is a marketing consultant with experience working for a variety of clients. Along with the learning of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, accessibility is an important term that not applies to a particular section of society but indeed to all of us. Get the Latest Tech News Delivered Every Day, Lifewire uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Semantic HTML tags in your content will provide deeper information about that content. Semantic HTML 5 and Better Search Engine Optimization. Easier code to style with CSS 4. Even web developers are giving more preference to the semantic HTML. Hey Guys!