I recently bought cat shampoo, and through research found that it was... (22514 views), Cat constantly in heat. Alternative procedures, like vasectomies for male dogs (the severing of the tubes that conduct sperm from the testes), are available but not commonly performed. There are pros and cons. Blood work may be recommended to ensure that the dog has no underlying health issues, says Dr. Tejeda. It should be done when the animal is done breeding. Can Metacam can cause kidney failure in cats? My dogs stool has a lot of worms in it. If you go to a low-cost clinic or a local Humane Society organizations, then you can spend between $45 to $135 to neuter your male dog. When neutering a dog, both testicles and their associated structures are removed. There still is some benefit to getting her spayed. However, “each individual owner should discuss their specific circumstances with their personal vets,” recommends Brown. This procedure is also known as castration. An increase in the risk of splenic hemangiosarcoma by a factor of 2.2 and cardiac hemangiosarcoma by a factor of >5; these are common cancers and a major cause of death in some breeds. Hi there, Spaying or neutering dogs can cause unexpected and unwanted behavior changes. The only drawback I see is that if you wait too long and the dog is too old there is a much higher risk for things to go wrong during surgery, as well as the healing process. Spaying prevents false pregnancy. Learn about treatment... Infographic: What happens to a dog's body in a hot car. Does your dog leak urine when sleeping? For example, recent studies show that delaying spaying in large-breed dogs until they are fully grown (1½-2 years old) reduces their risk of developing certain joint disorders and bone cancers. If anything, it may help stop unwanted behaviors such as marking in the house. Organizations SpayUSA and the ASPCA offer searchable national databases to help dog owners find affordable spay and neuter resources in their areas. She is to be spayed in 2 days She has started to lick her self and is a bit swollen. Based on risk for female-specific illnesses, spaying at 1 year old seems to offer the most ideal balance. A low-cost clinic may charge in the range of 45 to 135 dollars, but this varies by location. With male dogs, the procedure does carry increased risk of complication as the pet grows but not to the same extent as a spay. I would recommend neutering the majority of small breed dogs at about one year old. But before a dog is spayed or neutered, it’s very important that the vet, whether at a private practice, a spay/neuter clinic or a shelter, give the animal a complete checkup to ensure he or she has no health issues, Brown points out. The study was published in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science. Can a 10 year old dog with a grade 3 heart murmur be neutered? The data above supports conventional beliefs that German Shepherds spayed before 6 months old are at less of a risk of breast cancer and pyometra. var cx = 'partner-pub-8995154986384801:1sj057-fayi'; Spaying and neutering reduces the number of unwanted litters, which, in turn, helps to reduce the number of unwanted pets or stray animals that enter shelters or rescues. Petfinder reports that most animal hospitals charge more than 300 dollars for the surgery. Hi Marie, it says that my question has been answered, but I do not know how to... (16271 views), Bladder cancer. For these, it often takes two to three days for dogs to return to their normal selves after a spay and one to two for a neuter. But that's ok, speuter everything, even a 10 year old dog whose habits are now learned behaviors and WON'T be solved by neutering. Though these procedures can be done on puppies as young as a few months old, dog owners should consult with their veterinarian to determine the best age to spay or neuter their pet. I was just wondering when it is okay to take Marley for walkes? No! Liver and kidney issues and heart murmurs may require further investigation, she notes. A number of misconceptions about spaying and neutering dogs persist. Recently, my one cat Habibi has started urinating outside of the... (5945 views), Submissive urination. My cat is 13 years old he was always a big cat and then became a big fat cat.... (16707 views), How to keep dogs from breeding. I... (8794 views), Diabetic cat problems. But the proliferation of low-cost spay and neuter clinics makes it worth researching the low-cost options available in a given area. A survey of 1444 1yr old Golden Retriever owners by the Golden Retriever Club of America Inc., found bitches and dogs spayed and neutered at less than a year of age were significantly taller than those spayed or neutered at more than a year of age. Here are some answers to the most common questions that pet parents have about the spay and neutering process. Not to mention the … Dogs do tend to need fewer calories (by about 20 percent) after being spayed or neutered, but changing their diet appropriately and keeping them active will prevent weight gain. Vets generally recommend spaying female dogs before their first heat, which usually happens around 6 or 7 months old. She is always in heat like 1... (26090 views), Why is cat urinating in the house? We are thinking of adopting a 10 year old Shih Tzu with a grade 3 heart mumur. gcse.src = 'https://cse.google.com/cse.js?cx=' + cx; A common issue with older dogs, especially females, urinary incontinence can cause your dog to leak urine. A significant increase in the risk of osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in dogs spayed before 1 year of age This is a common cancer in larger breeds with a poor prognosis. Dr. Tejeda points out that low-cost care provided by spay and neuter clinics does not necessarily mean the care will be less comprehensive than what a private practice provides. Don’t let the dog run around and jump on and off things for up to 2 weeks after surgery, or as long as the vet advises. This may depend on the age of the dog and other factors. I had my dog spayed when she was 14 and she made it through the surgery. Our almost 10 year old kitty has had three recurrent bouts of uti or cystitis in the... (6634 views), Pine bedding and gerbils. The decision to neuter your dog is likely to be one of the most critical choices you make as a pet owner. If redness, swelling, discharge or a foul odor are present, contact your vet immediately. The breeder of her 5-year-old golden retriever, Bailey, asked that she wait until he was 18 months old to neuter him. Dogs should be given a thorough physical exam to ensure their general good health before surgery is performed. Neutering renders a male dog unable to reproduce, but any behavior related to breeding instincts, like humping, usually ceases—but not always, says the AVMA. Don’t bathe the dog for at least 10 days post-surgery. Ask for a breakdown of the costs associated with your dog’s spay or neuter to get an idea of what is and what is not included. I thought I would ask you first. Though spaying or neutering an older dog has side effects, sometimes it's used to treat or prevent illness. Hi, I just thought another opinion on all I am going to say would help. Read about the controversial new black box label... A chart of the normal blood values for dogs. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; The pet’s owner should also provide a full medical history, because underlying conditions or current prescription pet medications could be relevant, she says. I have a one year old female Beagle/Boxer mix and a Lab/pitt mix... (6210 views), Time to put to sleep? We prefer 3 to 4 months old for dogs and cats: the procedure is minimally invasive at this age and patients make a quick recovery. A good way to gauge a dog’s recovery is that if the dog is comfortable and energetic enough to play, he or she is probably doing okay, says Dr. Marina Tejeda of the North Shore Animal League America’s SpayUSA based in Port Washington, New York. For example, a dog’s breed can make a difference. /answer_np.php?id=2579-cat-eating-less-than-normal, /answer_np.php?id=2520-cut-my-dogs-nail-too-short, /answer_np.php?id=6172-what-is-this-red-lump-on-my-dogs-leg, /answer_np.php?id=1153-dog-ate-a-feminine-pad, /answer_np.php?id=1416-why-did-my-dog-die, /answer_np.php?id=1815-do-sheep-die-on-their-backs, /answer_np.php?id=781-puppy-wont-eat-or-drink, /answer_np.php?id=1275-stretching-out-back-legs, /answer_np.php?id=2419-dog-panting-at-night-time, /answer_np.php?id=5035-swollen-foot-because-of-bandage, /answer_np.php?id=2426-dog-ate-foam-padding, /answer_np.php?id=1131-is-raid-toxic-to-cats, /answer_np.php?id=1547-otc-sedation-for-cats, /answer_np.php?id=643-arthritis-in-17-year-old-dog, /answer_np.php?id=2328-my-dog-ate-goose-poop, What does an infected neuter incision look like. A new, 10-year study by researchers at the University of California, Davis, examined 35 dog breeds and found vulnerability from neutering varies greatly depending on the breed. Thank you so much again. Research has shown that larger dog breeds tend to mature a little later than their smaller counterparts, explains Brown. question my female dog is 2 1/2 years old. On the other hand, there’s less urgency to spay or neuter if the puppy is the only intact dog living in the house, she adds. Spay a 14-year old dog?, Dogs, 10 replies National Spay/Neuter Month & World Spay Day!!! Spaying renders a female dog no longer able to reproduce and eliminates her heat cycle. The traditional age for spaying or neutering a dog is between 4 and 6 months, although a spay clinic or shelter may safely spay or neuter dogs as young as 2 months old, says Brown. Animal shelters around the country are filled with unwanted puppies and dogs. Thank you. Spay and neutering are common surgeries, but there’s always some degree of risk involved for animals undergoing surgery and with general anesthesia, according to the AVMA. So, talk with your veterinarian about the right time to spay your particular dog. Is your cat peeing in the house? Both surgeries are equally safe and effective. no blood. Make no mistake, I would much rather spay a six-month-old dog of any breed than a five-year-old, 100-pound Rottie. Spaying before the first heat cycle greatly reduces her risk of developing dog mammary (breast) cancer. The cost of spaying or neutering a dog varies widely by geographic area as well as the size of the dog. Dog owners can help their pets have safe and comfortable recoveries after being spayed or neutered by following some precautions recommended by the ASPCA: Brown also recommends discussing pain management with the vet before the procedure is done to be sure that pet pain medication is sent home with the dog. Tomatoes? Check the incision every day to make sure it’s healing properly. Reply. However, it also shows that they are at a higher risk of urinary incontinence. I have a diabetic cat who gets 4ml ProZinc 2x per day with meals. Can you breed a dog with one testicle? Those ideas about needing to wait until after a dog is six months or a year old are really antiquated and the evidence is to the contrary. There are advanced techniques and safer anesthetic drugs that make the surgery completely safe for all dogs, regardless of age. The most common age to spay a female dog is between six and nine months old, but healthy puppies can be spayed at any time after they are 8 weeks old. My 6 year old dog was Diagnosed with diabetes 5 months ago. Over a 10-year span, scientists studied 35 dog breeds to determine their risk of developing five types of cancer and three joint disorders, in relation to being neutered. var gcse = document.createElement('script'); Because data was taken on dogs who had been castrated at ages up to 10 years, this meant that the researchers could also look at the effects of early versus late neutering. Unsubscribe any time. Even though he is well up in years, Nicholson says he shows no signs of … I hope this wont be too long, but I want to provide the history of the... (11036 views), Addison's disease. The risk is still reduced if we spay her before her second heat. But, many times, asking an online veterinarian a question can help save you money. There are several things you can do... © 2008 - 2018 Ask A Vet Question. Take the story of Waldo, an 11-year-old Golden Retriever, for example. Search for similar questions: An animal’s living situation may also be a consideration. Read this! When a female dog is spayed, the vet removes her ovaries and usually her uterus as well. Does your pet have a big swollen ear? Spaying and Neutering Dogs 101: Everything You Need to Know, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), safe and comfortable recoveries after being spayed or neutered. Hi, I have a cat, she is little less than 2 years old. That’s not true, either. Unfortunately, there is a lot of conflicting information and advice around choosing the right time to neuter your dog. Leave a Comment Cancel Reply. gcse.async = true; Would you mind answering a further question, regarding my decision of not having her spayed. This varies but occurs somewhere between 5 and 10 months of age. Not true, as long as dog owners provide the proper amount of exercise and dog food, notes Brown of the ASPCA. We'll only send you great stuff, never spam. Dr. Marie treats dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rats. But the cost to spay a dog ranges from $50 to $175, which is much higher than the former because of having a more complicated surgical process.. People with older dogs might think the dog is too old to be spayed or neutered. For most pet parents, however, the pros of spaying and neutering their dogs outweigh the cons. I had almost the same experience as the person who wrote you about losing their dog... (18978 views), Does Dawn Dishsoap kill fleas? Of those 6.5 million animals, only an estimated 3.2 million find their way out of the shelter or rescue and into a home. I have been considering adding a small pocket pet as a companion to my home. He only has his... (10407 views). If your female dog is scheduled to be spayed, you'll need to provide her with extra specialized care during the weeks after the surgery. Spaying or neutering is one of the most responsible ways dog owners can care for their pet. gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; There are other tumors though that can be totally prevented by spaying Shadow such as ovarian cancer and uterine cancer. How young is too young? There are also medical and behavioral benefits to spaying (female pets) and neutering (male pets) your animals. I... (3928 views), Pug died suddenly. While Dr. Marie can't officially diagnose your pet or prescribe medications, she can often advise you on whether a vet visit is necessary. Is an online vet visit just as good as a trip to your veterinarian? Hello })(); Cancer in a cat's chest. Spaying a dog helps prevent serious health problems, including mammary cancer and pyometra, a potentially life-threatening uterine infection, says Carolyn Brown, senior medical director of community medicine at the ASPCA. Pain medication may or may not be needed, but it’s best to have on hand just in case, she notes. Is it ok to go ahead with the spaying? I took him to the vets on Friday and he was checked... (13073 views), Addison's disease? This is a tough decision. We noticed that our gerbil was lethargic, eyes closed, breathing rapidly. 5 years is really not old at all for a small breed dog. Spaying a dog refers to the removal of a female dog’s reproductive organs, while neutering refers to the procedure that’s done for males. Reviewed for accuracy on January 8, 2019, by Dr. Hanie Elfenbein, DVM. Neutered male dogs are also generally less aggressive and less likely to stray from home. Having some trouble... (43658 views), Mole on dog's leg. Hi Dr. Marie, Ensure the dog is unable to lick their incision site by using a cone (popularly known as the “cone of shame”) or other methods, as recommended by the vet. But, after that, the risk still remains even if she is spayed. By spaying or neutering your pet, you’ll help control the pet homelessness crisis, which results in millions of healthy dogs and cats being euthanized in the United States each year simply because there aren’t enough homes to go around. A dog’s age does impact the safety of the surgery involved in spaying her. Gerbil was lethargic, is vomiting or has diarrhea least 10 days post-surgery even if she little! Is... ( 43658 views ), Addison 's disease came home from work and had! And 10 months of age may take a day or two longer to recover of 6.5! My Mom 's friends takes care of a lot of conflicting information advice! Would help Recently, my one cat Habibi has started urinating outside of most! A thorough physical exam to ensure their general good health before surgery is performed, DVM in America the! Given area as the difficulty increases, so does the risk is still young and healthy that! 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