With consistency, patience, repetition and positive reinforcement your Shih Tzu puppy can be easily trained in all the basic obedience training … You will use a ‘toilet’ command to help train your Shih Tzu to pee on a pad. When she was ready we brought her to the bell and placed our hand near it, and asked her to touch and tried to get her to accidentally hit the bell. If you're potty training a puppy, keep in mind young dogs need to go out more often. Potty training a Shih Tzu is no more and no less challenging, than it is to train any other dog. A crate is a nice way to give your dog a cozy place to hang out when you can’t supervise them. If you don’t pay attention to this, they’ll form a preference that may not be what you wanted, such as your hardwood floors or your area rugs. Take your Shih Tzu to that special potty area every time you take him outside to go potty. Jaimie Scott has been training dog owners as the Owner of Jaimie Scott Dog Training in Sacramento, California for the past 15 years. Get Instant Quality Results Now! When he finishes going that’s when you reward him big, It’s as though going potty outside unlocks the most fun version of you to your dog. The reason we picked the puppy up is that we don’t want to risk the chance that your puppy’s going to have an accident when they come out of their crate, between their crate and exterior door. Remember, no harsh corrections are ever needed or warranted in these situations, so if you can’t supervise your puppy, put them in a crate. Once they know how to nose target onto our hand we’re going to ask them to nose target onto the bells. Supervision is the trick to toilet train your Shih Tzu successfully. The last thing you want to be doing is engaging them in play or using any sort of exciting language. Whichever location you choose, it is important to be consistent. You will need to muster up enough perseverance, patience, commitment, and time for this task. How To Teach Your Dog To Ask To Go Outside, We have several puppy potty training articles on our blog, and one of the common questions that people ask us is, “How do I get my puppy to let me know “when they need to go outside?”. Now, this isn’t the kind of skills that will be learned in one session. Many puppy experts recommend toy-feeding your puppy in their confinement space to habituate them to it, to teach them to enjoy being alone, and to help them become chew toy trained. ", "My male shih tzu has been really stubborn to train, but following your tips has helped both he and I. Also, feeding your Shih Tzu at particular times only will help you predict the best potty times for them. With a focus on training the owners, Jaimie believes that dogs need to know who’s in control at any given time in order to feel secure and be happy. So the first time out of their crate in the morning is a great time to start your potty training. However, you may find there's a particular patch of grass your Shih Tzu goes for on walks. Sniffing, circling, squatting, with that said how many puppies get into trouble for leaving little surprises all over the house? The Shih Tzu is a precious dog breed that will add life to any home but they can be known for excessive barking. Different ways are given since some might work best on other dogs. There are a number of remedies you can use to relieve constipation fast for your Shih Tzu, including tinned pumpkins, Coconut oil and flax-seeds. Over 100,000 dogs have been successfully potty trained with our world-famous indoor dog potty, called the Potty Training Puppy Apartment, including Shih Tzus. A good rule of thumb for how long your dog should be in the crate is roughly one hour per month of age. If there isn’t anyone there to tell them that they’re wrong then they’re likely to think that they’re right. This is just like putting a baby in a playpen or crib when you can’t supervise them! We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. So if the bells are up and they jingle it and no one’s home or they jingle it and you don’t hear them then they will learn it doesn’t work and stop using it. Now, what most people do at this point is to take their puppy directly outside, but here’s the trick. If this isn’t practical for you though, you might need to enlist the help of a friend, family member, dog walker or doggie daycare. Because you’re out there with your puppy on-leash, it’s easy to redirect them if they start to get distracted by a vehicle that drives by or some kids playing in the distance, you can just guide them around with your leash. If they smell poop or pee, even someone else’s, it’s a toilet to them. Having a pup Shih Tzu is a beautiful dream and an unwanted nightmare. The key to potty train your Shih Tzu is patience. As you head off to potty train your Shih Tzu, keep this short summary in mind: Prep by choosing a designated bathroom area, setting up a defined indoor area for when you can’t watch your puppy, closely monitoring your pup (using a tethering method, if needed), having a supply of training treats on hand, and choosing which cue phrase you will use. to reinforce your dog's actions. Is this problematic? Powerful and Easy to Use. ", "I am potty training a 9-week-old Shih Tzu and heeded information. Making Mistakes: Like other dogs, the Shih Tzu can make some mistakes during potty training. Using a crate helps teach your Shih Tzu to know where they should go when they need to do their business. Jaimie holds a BS in Mathematics and Computer Science from Pacific University. Potty training after a fun play session or shortly following a meal are also really great times to know that you’re going to invest a little bit of time into your puppy potty training. This article was co-authored by Jaimie Scott. I cannot get my Shih Tzu to potty train and I am considering getting rid of her. You need to be able to guide the process and help them avoid any distractions, but you also need to really know whether they’ve actually gone or not. How to Potty Train a Shih Tzu Puppy Indoors. If they don’t have enough of the reinforcement history with that behavior then it’s gonna go extinct quickly. They’re gonna look a little bit uncomfortable, and that’s the moment you mark with your, “Do you want to go outside?”. How long can a Shih Tzu hold their bladder? Do not let him play in the area. Some dogs you can just put the bells up and there are people indicate to them that they want them to ring the bells and then they go outside and then the dog figures it out. If you do not have a backyard, having a potty spot can be more difficult. Do Shih Tzu Suffer From Separation Anxiety? Scheduling and consistency are very important in potty training your new pup. And house training is a months-long process, but it’s a good opportunity for you to become consistent and that is a telltale sign of a good teacher. Shih Tzus have a lot of energy and a short attention span, thus, making training difficult. If this happens, just take a step back and go back to basics. Don’t move around too much and that way your puppy will quickly become bored with the sights and smells and sounds in this little circle you’ve created and they’re more likely to go potty then. There are 19 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. We're getting a Shih Tzu male puppy in a few weeks who will be 9 weeks old. So how do we reconcile long-term confinement, toy-feeding, AND potty training? I found the article helpful. How to Potty Train a Shih Tzu Puppy Indoors. And disciplining your dog after the fact is unfair for their learning. How to Potty Train Your Shih Tzu. If you’re uncomfortable doing this, go ahead and take Shih Tzu into a professional groomer. If you want him to eliminate in a particular part of the yard, always take him to that location, stay with him and praise him with his favorite treat when he goes. Your dog may actually enjoy being in her crate. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Puppies are so easily distracted by the environment around them, whether it’s a sight or a smell or a sound, maybe a leaf blowing by. Most puppies will need to pee after sleeping, after playing, after eating, so be prepared to take your puppy outside often in the beginning. First make sure they get some exercise before... What To Do If My Shih Tzu Is Constipated And How To Treat It. For potty training or house training to be successful, the single most important thing that a new owner must learn to do is observe their puppy. I have not noticed that gender plays into how easy a puppy is to train. Plus, most of us working stiffs will have to leave the puppy for a few hours at some point. Just as we teach the word sit, we also need to use a word command for elimination. During these early days of potty training, be available to get your pup to the litter box on time to avoid accidents in the house. Do not use a food bowl. Young Shih Tzu puppies are pretty stubborn; their housebreaking is not something that can be done easily. House training a Shih Tzu puppy is very important for the well being of both the Shih Tzu puppy and the owner. Make sure to avoid certain training methods, like scolding, that could alienate your Shih Tzu. And your puppy could become hyperactive and anxious. Did you know you can read expert answers for this article? Finally, give your dog praise and treats after each successful trip outside to positively reinforce the behavior! The reason we love this method is it gives your dog the responsibility of letting you know that they have to go outside now and saying that, you need to be supervising. You may be able to incorporate some of these ideas in your house training adventure. After those couple of minutes are up, you’re going to take your puppy out, take them directly outside, and then wash, rinse, and repeat. A crate or comfortable bed Hollow, stuffed chew toys, water, And a doggy Toilet, not pads, in the farthest corner from the bed (we’ll go into detail with the toilet in a second). Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. You can just get a cat litter pan, baking pan, or plastic gardening tray, and line it with whatever substrate you intend to have your dog go on. This article was co-authored by Jaimie Scott. This will lessen the likelihood of overnight accidents. Don’t wait for your puppy to make mistakes. A regular feeding and walking schedule, as well as positive reinforcement, are also effective means of potty training a Shih Tzu. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. When it comes to house training your Shih Tzu puppy there are essentially four elements. How long does it take to potty train a Shih Tzu? by Janice Jones |Last Updated 03-03-2020. We want to maximize the likelihood that the puppy will learn to use the provided toilet, to chew only chew toys, and to settle down calmly without barking. Shih Tzu at 6 Months: How to Care For, How to Potty Train and Best Food March 27th, 2016 Filed under: Shih-Tzu A Chinese dog named Shih Tzu, legend has it, was a dog Buddha possessed. One of the easiest things you can do to set up your new pup for house training success is to feed them on a consistent schedule, you should also be feeding your puppy a high-quality food as well. The stare could mean anything and we are not as smart as she is. Dogs form a preference for the surface they like to go on. When her nose touched our hand we gave her a treat, we said the word “touch” to her and when she pouched our hand we said “good girl”. All of these loose ends are resolved with a Puppy Play Den. The key to potty train your Shih Tzu is patience. With consistency, positive reinforcement, and treat motivation, potty training your Shih Tzu is easy to accomplish. To start, establish some boundaries. Based on these three preferences pads just teach your puppy to prefer pads which will hinder your work later on. There are a few real keys to dog training, whether you are trying to train your dog to come when called, sit, stop barking or any other behavior. This is why I hate puppy pads. Keep in mind that any potty or chewing mistakes your puppy makes are potential setbacks that anticipate more to come. Do Shih Tzu suffer from separation anxiety? If you can't designate a potty spot, do not worry too much. Shih Tzus are a compassionate breed of dogs who crave human attention, so keep your training sessions fun and positive for the quickest housebreaking results. Number one, supervise. If your puppy indicates they need to go outside, you need to pick them up and immediately take them out. And during the day we plan to gate him in a tiled area with the "Potty Patch" grass indoor potty thing, so he gets used to going potty on grass instead of on pee pads. This is my very first house puppy. Potty training a Shih Tzu puppy takes time and patience. Sometimes we can get here to go, especially in the morning which leads us to believe that she "gets it". This is how you potty train a Shih Tzu quickly and how to house train a dog to do their business work outside and not indoors. In the wild, dogs sleep in dens. Enid. The puppy Play Den was first suggested by the world-famous trainer, behaviorist, and vet, Dr. Ian Dunbar in his landmark book, “Before and After You Get Your Puppy.”. For tips on crating your dog, read on! Before leaving your dog alone for many hours at a time, do your best to give them age-appropriate exercise. After your dog is starting to make the connection that this is where they hang out, you can then begin to enlarge the crate. My shih tzu eats meals at sporadic times. Try and put the Treat in a little bit farther and wait for him to go in all by himself, again keeping the door open. So whether they make a good choice or a bad choice, you’re there to let them know. You want him to want to go in the crate. It is best to train the Shih Tzu properly at … If your puppy doesn’t go, you’re gonna bring them right back inside and directly into their crate. Please consider making a contribution to wikiHow today. The basic components of the Play Den are A Waterproof floor. house training success is fastest achieved when you get really good at controlling your dog’s environment and supervising them really well. Supervision is key, if your dog has an accident somewhere in the house and you miss it, you’ve missed a training opportunity. While a schedule is important, you should not withhold water from your dog to prevent her from urinating overnight. Best Puppy Food For a Shih Tzu Remember, dogs don’t like to do their business where they live and sleep, understand though the crate is not a dog sitter it’s just a way to keep your dog safe and out of trouble for short periods of time when you absolutely can’t supervise them. Our overall goal is to teach our dogs that our house is their house. Establishing Boundaries Keep your Shih Tzu in a crate. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. ", "This one is really helpful! After a few days she associated ringing the bell with needing to go outside, she never rings the bell to play. So we’re going to start by teaching the dog nose targeting. Whether you have a puppy or an adult dog remain vigilant for six straight months without letting your guard down, dogs are relinquished all of the time because of issues with house training and other problem behaviors. Puppies, much like babies, have little control over accidents. Welcoming a Shih Tzu puppy into your home can be a delightful experience, but you’ve got to know how to train a Shih Tzu puppy if you want to enjoy this little dog’s company. Potty training works just like training a Shih Tzu puppy to sit. By using our site, you agree to our. Take your Shih Tzu out every 20-30 minutes when she's young. First things first, any time that your puppy goes outside it’s really important that you go out with them and that you have them on-leash. The number one reason that dogs are surrendered to animal shelters is problems with inappropriate elimination, so it is easy to see why proper house training is … Now, since a crate is pretty small relative to a big room your dog is less likely to do their business inside of the crate, and they’ll be more likely to accept it as their primary living space. Many of you have different terminology for potty training your dog. unlocking this expert answer. Never reprimand or punish the Shih Tzu puppy for mistakes. How to potty train a Shih Tzu puppy with the Potty Training Puppy Apartment crate. Please consider making a contribution to wikiHow today. Most puppies take interest in solid foods/treats around three to four weeks old, so that should be just fine. To potty train your Shih Tzu puppy you will need to decide exactly where you need him to go. Can a 1-month-old Shih Tzu eat solid food as a treat? If those... Having been a dog owner most of my life we are passionate about our dogs and love sharing everything we learn about them. We wanted to be sure that she associated ringing that bell to only go outside to relieve herself, not for playtime. We taught our Shih Tzu this method when we lived in an apartment so that she would not need to come and find us and stare. Raising your voice can startle your dog, creating an environment of fear. Shih Tzu is an overall clean breed. Best Answer. This greatly reduces the likelihood that a dog will chew on inappropriate items or develop distress or anxiety about being alone later on. The plan was later picked up by Open Paw, which created the textbook for planning and care of shelter animals. This article received 11 testimonials and 98% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. You’ll have biology working for you and you’ll know that your puppy really likely has to go. How to Potty Train a Shih Tzu. How to potty train a Shih Tzu puppy with the Potty Training Puppy Apartment crate. House Train a Shih Tzu. This video will show you three ways on how to potty train your shih tzu. Just be aware of the ramifications and go into it intelligently. Keep in mind, you only have one second to give your dog feedback after they’ve made a mistake for them to truly understand. You know, it’s not the best outcome, but it gives you an opportunity to tell the puppy that that’s not what you want, or your puppy’s gonna indicate. Two decisions you will need to make before embarking on house training or housebreaking, are location and words to use. Once we felt comfortable that she knew what touch meant we went ahead and placed a bell on a wall in a position near the door that would be easy for her to reach. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. The 2 main reasons why your dog barks excessively and how to control its excessive barking. But on those occasions when they need to spend time in confinement the toilet will keep the potty training on track and aligned with your household needs. Jaimie holds a BS in Mathematics and Computer Science from Pacific University. The 2 main reasons why your dog barks excessively and how to control its excessive barking. Teaching your Shih Tzu to potty outdoors can easily become the act of toileting on command, by using the process of positive reinforcement of a natural act. Ideally, this could be a kitchen, bathroom, utility room, or section of a room sectioned off by an exercise pen. And then we pair nose targeting with the bells with going outside until you get to that last step you’re not gonna hang up your bells. You can actually mark that moment for them with an oops or a hay and it an interrupt that process entirely. Remember, your Shih Tzu puppy can hold it for about an hour for every month he is old. Figure out where you’re going to set up your puppy’s Play Den. Young Shih Tzu puppies are pretty stubborn; their housebreaking is not something that can be done easily. How old should the Shih Tzu be before learning to sit? You may be able to incorporate some of these ideas in your house training adventure. I have a lot to, "This article helped me in the process of potty training my 10-week-old Shih Tzu, very helpful! Sure! You can teach your puppy to sit and stare at you. It’s really important that you give your puppy an appropriate amount of time to go when you’re out there. Another major component of training will be getting the dog into a routine. Then, use a command like "Go potty!" Dog Owner Trainer. 0 0. Remember, puppies are going to do whatever it is that they find rewarding. "I've learned here on how to punish my Shih Tzu, not to scold, but simply say No! Now a puppy Play Den solves a big conundrum when raising a puppy. Most behavior problems are predictable and therefore preventable. FIVE: YOUR DOGGY TOILET Listen: Ditch the puppy pads. This article has been viewed 122,390 times. Over 100,000 dogs have been successfully potty trained with our world-famous indoor dog potty, called the Potty Training Puppy Apartment, including Shih Tzus. However, there are simple ways to make training more effective. Having a pup Shih Tzu is a beautiful dream and an unwanted nightmare. Shih Tzu House-training Tips! A dog is unlikely to soil her crate as she sees it as part of her home and territory. However, there are simple ways to make training more effective. Puppy pads do very little to help potty train your puppy. Crate Training The box must be big enough for the dog to lie down, turn around, and stand. Decide On The Location (And Stick To It!) How to House Train a Shih Tzu in Just a Few Steps. Clip-on their leash, and then head up to the exterior door that you’re going to use to take your puppy outside to potty. Thanks a lot!". And disciplining your dog after the fact is unfair for their learning. Was wondering the best way to potty train him? Once your puppy understands that they need to go outside to go potty, it’s time to put the responsibility on them to let you know that they need to go there. You can also choose this time to show your puppy exactly where you want them to go potty in the future, so take advantage of this. When litter box training, you will need to pay attention and be around to acknowledge when he typically needs to go potty. Housebreaking a Shih Tzu can be a tricky task, but if you're patient and consistent in your training schedule, your pup will catch on. This component won’t be in place until you take them outside, but getting the Olfactory and Substrate dialed in will absolutely streamline the outdoor process. So, if you want your dog to go on grass full-time just introduce them to lots of grass and give lots of praise when they do their business in the right place. It’s normal that your puppy might keep you awake sometimes in the middle of the night and yeah, you’ll have to get in the habit of getting up and taking them outside. Stay with the dog and be sure to praise them plenty when they do go in the right place. You can start practicing this straightaway, it’s easy; When your dog starts toileting add a command word to it such as ‘get busy’. How to obedience train your Shih Tzu to permanently end behavioral problems like Jumping, Aggression, Pulling on … We’ve recommended before, as do many puppy experts out there, that toy-feeding your puppy in their confinement space is hugely beneficial for teaching them to enjoy being alone and to help them become chew toy trained. To potty train a Shih Tzu, start by establishing a fixed feeding and walking schedule so that your dog gets used to a regular routine. In general, I recommend about once an hour. This type of toilet works super. Limiting your dog's access to water can be unhealthy; dogs should be provided with fresh water at all times. Explore the Best Info. Shih Tzu are a smart, highly trainable breed of dog. They may become confused and behave just the opposite of the way you would like them to behave. Is that true? Smell triggers potty behavior. Praise and treats are the main forms of rewards you can use. This greatly reduces the likelihood that a dog will chew on inappropriate items or develop distress or anxiety later on. Missed it, you ’ ll just be running after the puppy doing damage control and you it. S either have an accident in the crate out and open during day... Alleviate the problem `` go potty confused and behave just the opposite of the Den. 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