The Battle of Okinawa was her last taste of war before she was decommissioned on June 25th, 1946 and sold for scrap in January of 1948. 13 Feb 45 – WDGO 62 dated 26 Jul 45, US Army Hospital Ship ’USAHS Republic‘, built 1907 (former transoceanic passenger ship) – 12 knots – 1,242 patients – New Orleans > Southwest Pacific 4 Sep 45 – 234th Med Hosp Ship Co – taken over from the Navy for conversion into a Hospital Ship, the vessel never completed a single trip as a Hospital Ship (decommissioned 11 Feb 46, while en route to Manila, GC markings were painted out, and the “Republic” again became a troopship). An updated version of T/O & E 8-537 followed 3 March 1945. a total numberof 88. They served to transport, evacuate, and return patients from overseas Theaters to the Zone of Interior. The SS Sagaing was a British passenger and cargo ship that sank off the coast of Sri Lanka in 1942. Meanwhile the front moved too rapidly for medical supply to keep pace, and air evacuation brought a partial solution. North Africa, Italy, 66 th SH, 15 EH. It was to be unarmed and registered with both friendly and enemy powers, in accordance with the provisions of the 1907 Hague Convention. Furthermore, because of the large number of German casualties and the inevitable language barrier, 2 German Army Medical Officers assisted by 100 / 120 German medical orderlies and personnel were on temporary duty at the 56th Station Hospital. The 24 US Army-operated Hospital Ships made their first journey to the transatlantic Theaters in 1943, later, some were transferred to the Pacific, while others were decommissioned, no longer being needed for evacuation of patients from the European Theater. Army hospital ships in World War II. She reached San Francisco 8 June 1945 where she docked for a number of months to allow for repairs. Much of her service was spent in Hollandia, the Leyte Gulf, San Pedro Bay, and Pearl Harbor, before eventually sailing to join the 5th Fleet at Ulithi, Caroline Islands. 29 Nov 43 – WDGO 1 dated 4 Jan 44, US Army Hospital Ship ‘USAHS Thistle’ ex-Munargo, built 1921 (former East coast passenger ship) – 14 knots – 455 patients – New York > N. Africa 8 Apr 44 – 206th Med Hosp Ship Co (decommissioned 25 Jan 46) After V-J Day, Hospitals Ships which could be released from patient evacuation were to be employed as passenger vessels for repatriation of American servicemen and women, and military dependents. Between November 1918 and March 1919, three US Navy-operated and staffed Hospital Ships, ‘USS Comfort’ (AH-3) – ‘USS Mercy’ (AH-4) – ‘USS Solace’ (AH-2) evacuated patients from Europe to the United States (the Navy was indeed responsible for carrying all wounded, sick, and injured AEF personnel from France to the United States – in WW2, the Army decided it was her responsibility, and she wanted to arrange evacuation with her own ships -ed). Harold Bray, Seaman Second Class, Repair Division: The ship was looking good—new paint, some new guns.It was a very exciting time for this old country boy. Photos? The Treasures from World War II US Navy Command Files consist primarily of records from the Pacific Theater. Hospital ships should display large Red Crosses or Red Crescents. 11 Dec 44 – WDGO 19 dated 24 Mar 45, US Army Hospital Ship ‘USAHS Ernestine Koranda’, ex-Dorothy Luckenbach, built 1919 (former cargo ship) – 12 knots – 722 patients – New York > United Kingdom 13 Apr 45 – named after Army Nurse (decommissioned 9 Oct 46) The Athenian Navy had a ship named Therapia, and the Roman Navy had a ship named Aesculapius, their names indicating that they may have been hospital ships.. Note: another Hospital Ship was the ‘USAHS Howard A. McCurdy’ (named after the first DC Officer killed in this war –ed), ex-President Tyler, built in 1920, and converted in Boston, Massachusetts. Like USS Comfort, Hope’s medical staff were Army personnel. The Navy nurses participated in WWII throughout the Pacific theater and in Europe, as well as stateside. Commissioned into service on August 7th, 1944, USS Mercy was the third of the Comfort-class of hospital ships. In June 1804, a small vessel, in fact a 6-foot ketch named ‘Intrepid’ was fitted as a floating Hospital to receive sick and wounded for medical treatment. Your email address will not be published. An amended T/O 8-534 was introduced in 1944, allowing for separate Medical Hospital Ship Platoons consisting of 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, and 500-bed units, with manpower strength varying from approximately 1 Officer & 4 EM (25-bed unit) to 6 Officers & 45 EM (500-bed unit). The prerequisite to the wearing of a star on an area service ribbon shall be honorable service in a ship, aircraft unit or shore-based force at the time it participated in actual combat with the enemy. World War II was a global military conflict.It is also called Second World War.It was the joining of what started off as two separate conflicts. Evacuation numbers were now rapidly increasing; 24,666 patients crossed the Atlantic by plane and ship in January 1945, another 29,743 went in February 1945, and 30,410 returned in March 1945 … the ETO Hospitalization and Evacuation crisis was now over; lighter battle casualties and the opening of extra continental General Hospitals produced a steadily growing of bed capacity … but though the crisis had been overcome, the last offensive against Germany would entail more problems, as medical groups became unable to assume their responsibilities – by the end of April 1945, the First United States Army controlled 216 German Military Hospitals, 4 German PW Camps, 22 DP Centers, and 3 RAMP Hospitals; it not only had to deal with combat forces, but also to care for prisoners of war and non-combatants, and arrange for their evacuation. Information about Hospital Ships used by the British Army during the World Wars and the Falklands War: These have been used by the military to evacuate and treat army personnel until they could be transferred to military hospitals and treatment centres. But as casualties mounted at Gallipoli, the government - helped by a massive public fundraising campaign - converted them into state-of-the-art floating hospitals. The first began in Asia as the Second Sino-Japanese War.The other began in Europe in 1939 with the German invasion of Poland.. © 2020 VisitPearlHarbor.Org All rights reserved. The ship was placed in reserve in February 1946, and was scrapped in February 1948. Visits to Hospitals The Okinawa Operation Hospital Center at Tinian Notes and Formal Reports Central Pacific Area Consultation in Orthopedic Surgery . A Medical Hospital Ship Platoon (Separate) as per T/O 8-534 dated 21 December 1942 only consisted of 5 Officers – 10 Nurses – and 40 Enlisted Men. Notes: 12 miles outside Pearl Harbor entrance. A US Army Base (Base “G”) was set up at Hollandia, western New Guinea in mid-44 primarily to prepare and support future operations in the Philippines. Sure enough, the Web does have a reference to the concrete oil barges: Concrete Ship Constructors of National City with photo. 18 Feb 44 – WDGO 26 dated 30 Mar 44, US Army Hospital Ship ‘USAHS Larkspur’, ex-Bridgeport, built 1901 (former troopship) – 10 knots – 592 patients – Charleston > United Kingdom 31 Aug 44 – 209th Med Hosp Ship Co (decommissioned 11 Feb 46) Consequently, four Royal Navy carriers joined Spruance’s Fifth Fleet as Task Force Fifty-Seven. Non-transportable patients were sent to the holding units of the 28th Field and 46th Field Hospitals in Southampton. Four British Hospital Carriers helped evacuate casualties from the American D-Day beaches. Naval Institute Press (1982) ISBN 0-87021-717-8 U.S. Coast Guard in World War II, Malcolm F. Willoughby. 2002. After May 1945 (V-E Day), patients tagged for quick return home were transported to the 1st General Hospital at Paris, airlifted to the Embarkation Hospitals at Cherbourg and Marseille for return to the United States by sea. Hospital ship Atlantis rescues the last 10 survivors of U.S. freighter Deer Lodge, torpedoed by German submarine U-607 about 60 miles east of Port Elizabeth, South Africa on 16 February. The … At the end of June 1945, 332 Medical Hospital Ship Platoons were in service –ed). Towards the end of the Pacific war, nursing on Army and Navy hospital ships became dangerous. Each ship's hospital was composed of 65 beds, a surgical suite, and X-Ray faciliti… Inter-service misunderstandings and rivalry, as well as incomplete specifications, and endless discussions, not only delayed the project, moreover it was even given a low priority! Too Close for Comfort by Dale P. Harper Trafford Publishing, 2001, 149 pages. In North Africa, only British Hospital Ships were involved at first, as no American Hospital Ships were yet available, and transfer from shore to ship, was handled with help of LSTs. The Maheno and Marama were the poster ships of New Zealand's First World War effort. 27 January 1942. Equipment varied according to the size of the complement, and generally included basic unit equipment and 0 to 4 expansion units (based on a 100-bed capacity). Medical staff necessary to accompany the evacuees were not always available in sufficient numbers, and units did not always match the number of casualties to be transported, eventually Medical Hospital Ship Platoons were standardized on the basis of 1 Medical Officer, 1 Dental Officer, and 15 EM to care for 100 patients (as opposed to 2 Officers, 4 Officers, and 11 EM in April of 1942). After participating in Operation Crossroads, she was decommissioned for the last time on September 13th, 1946. Nevertheless, the Axis Powers Page 14 Flight nurse attends a wounded soldier being evacuated by air from the 57th Field Hospital in Prestwick, Scotland, 1944. They offered maximum safety, comfort, and medical care, and moreover they were protected by the Geneva Convention! Bountiful Serving the Fleets at Sea. The Solace later participated in the following Pacific campaigns: Gilbert and Marshall Islands, the Marianas, the Western Caroline Islands, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. On March 11 a suicide plane crashed on the deck of the Randolph (CV-15). 19 Sep 44 – WDGO 2 dated 5 Jan 45, US Army Hospital Ship ‘USAHS Louis A. Milne’, ex-Lewis Luckenbach, built 1919 (former cargo ship) – 12 knots – 952 patients – Boston > United Kingdom 19 Mar 45 – 200th Med Hosp Ship Co (decommissioned 22 Aug 46) As a result of these problems, the Joint Chiefs of Staff decided to procure only 3 Army Hospital Ships (General Dwight D. Eisenhower initially had requested 5 ships by April 43). 24 Feb 44 – WDGO 35 dated 25 Apr 44, US Army Hospital Ship ‘USAHS Marigold’, ex-President Fillmore, built 1920 (former transoceanic passenger ship) – 12 knots – 758 patients – Charleston > Italy 19 Jul 44 – 212th Med Hosp Ship Co (decommissioned 22 Jul 46) From mid-1942 onwards, the Medical Department advocated a 180-day evacuation policy (the overseas Theater would send home only those patients who were unlikely to return to duty within that time period). In total 29 Hospital Ships had been authorized for the Army during WW2, but only 24 were in service when the war ended. The ship’s conversion was however suspended after V-J Day. 19-20 February 1942 . In May 1942, it was decided to use cargo ship hulls and convert them into Hospital Ships. Footage of USS Arizona (BB-39) exploding after being struck by a Japanese bomb was taken from Solace’s deck before she sent out stretcher parties to assist the stricken battleship. Illustrious then joined the Pacific Fleet in preparation for the invasion of Okinawa. (Mercy, Relief, Samaritan) Cargo Ships (AK) --named for astronomical bodies (Sirius, Capella) and counties of … 16 May 44 – WDGO 61 dated 1 Aug 44, US Army Hospital Ship ‘USAHS Charles A. Stafford’, ex-Siboney, built 1918 (former East coast passenger ship) – 16 knots – 706 patients – New York > United Kingdom 21 Sep 44 (decommissioned 2 Nov 46) July 1942 Through August 1944 August 1944 Through January 1946 Orthopedic Surgery. He married the love of his life Joan A. Required fields are marked *. 1988. The USS Comfort, AH-6 (21 Jun 44 – 19 Apr 46) arrives at Hollandia, New Guinea, Dec 44. Her service took her to Brisbane, Australia and Hollandia, New Guinea, where she assisted a major Army hospital. 2 Mar 44 – WDGO 42 dated 27 May 44, US Army Hospital Ship ’USAHS Emily H. M. Weder‘,ex-President Buchanan, built 1920 (former transoceanic passenger ship) – 13 knots – 738 patients – New York > Italy 12 Jul 44 – 211th Med Hosp Ship Co – named after Army Nurse (decommissioned 18 Dec 45) 3 Aug 43 – WDGO 52 dated 1 Sep 43, US Army Hospital Ship ‘USAHS Shamrock’, ex-Agwileon, built 1907 (former East coast passenger ship) – 14 knots – 543 patients – New York > N. Africa 4 Sep 43 – second career as Hospital Ship with previous service during WW1 as USS Comfort AH-3 – 202d Med Hosp Ship Co (decommissioned 18 Dec 45) The Navy Department operated 3 and the War Department operated 24. The patients were housed in 9 prefabricated buildings and numerous tents. AG-16 Utah. Commissioned 22 May 45 – US Navy Hospital Ship AH-15 ‘USS Consolation’, ex-Marine Walrus, C 4-B2 freighter hull completed as a Hospital Ship in 1944 – 18 knots – 800 patients – Norfolk > Pacific 14 Jul 45 (also used for service in Korea, decommissioned 30 Dec 55) Defeat of Force Z. Japanese suicide planes attacked US forces, including those bearing Red Cross symbols. Pacific Air Attacks and Land Campaigns This section lists air attacks and amphibious land campaigns in chronological order between the Allies and Japan in the Pacific during World War II. Although cold, damp, and unprotected by the Geneva Convention, the ships clearly demonstrated their effectiveness for moving casualties. APH-2 Pinckney, Evacuation Transport (sometimes designated Ambulance Ship). Commissioned 24 Apr 45 – US Navy Hospital Ship AH-14 ‘USS Tranquillity’, ex-Marine Dolphin, C 4-S-B2 freighter hull completed as a Hospital Ship in 1944 – 17 ½ knots – 802 patients – Norfolk > Pacific 13 Jun 45 (decommissioned 26 Jul 46) Between D-Day and D+11, LSTs transported almost 80% of the wounded evacuated from Normandy. or the de… Hospital Ships were manned by civilian crews, employed by the Army Transportation Service, and received a contingent of medical staff provided by the Army’s Medical Department. Hence the Theater policy would consider sending non-ambulatory cases on plainly marked and regularly operated Hospital Ships only. The next day the Relief arrived along with the [hospital ship] Comfort (AH-6). For merchant vessels, the usual measure was either the gross register tonnage (G.R.T.) T/O 8-538 dated 27 October 1942 gave following numbers, 9 Officers – 20 Nurses – 1 Warrant Officer – 76 Enlisted Men, representing an aggregate of 106 people (capacity 500 patients). 27-28 February 1942. Another change was the beginning of air evacuation on D+7 which greatly reduced the need for Hospital Ships! Personnel – 5 officers, 5 Nurses, 49 Enlisted Men After college he joined the Navy working on the USS Santee, an aircraft carrier and later on a hospital ship in the Pacific theatre. After 5 long trips which took her from New York to Southampton and Cherbourg, the ship was taken out of service and decommissioned on 7 Jan 46. Regulations were changed in many respects, but finally basic responsibilities were set up: Army Hospitalization and Evacuation were under the general direction of the Commanding General, Army Service Forces (ASF), while The Surgeon General was directly responsible for coordination and completion of evacuation plans and control of bed capacity in ZI General Hospitals, and for making available medical personnel, equipment and supplies for the care of patients, and the Chief of Transportation was responsible for providing adequate shipping (and rail) facilities, scheduling and operating the ships, debarking of patients at US ports, and transfer of patients to either Hospital Trains or Ambulances. She was initially known as the USAT Chaumont during her initial service as an Army transport ship, and later transferred to the Navy as USS Chaumont (AP-5). Hospital Ships could also carry medical supplies and personnel outbound from the United States, without violating international conventions. Ships Home. Launched in 1927 as the passenger ship SS Iroquois, USS Solace was acquired by the US Navy and commissioned as a hospital ship on August 9th, 1941. AH-5 Solace, converted passenger vessel, 450-bed Hospital Ship operated by the Navy, at anchor. Cruise book for World War II hospital ship. Operations began soon after D-Day, with the carriers shuttling between Southampton and the Normandy beachheads. When the fighting is primarily on the open ocean, providing medical treatment to the injured can be far more complicated. In the early morning darkness of 14 May 1943, the hospital ship Centaur was sunk by the Japanese submarine I-177 off the coast of Moreton Bay, 80 kilometres north-east of Brisbane, going down in 3 minutes. After extensive refitting and shakedown, the ship left San Diego with destination the Pacific Theater, where it took part in the WW2 numerous campaigns. There was an Army-Navy dispute over how many Hospital Ships should be obtained, and which service should build and operate them. The ship was being overhauled from November to February. Part 2 - 3 - Pacific Wrecks is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to bringing home those Missing In Action (MIA) and leveraging new technologies in the study of past conflicts. During WW2, Hospital Ships were again to play a major role in the evacuation of patients from overseas Theaters of Operations. John joined the aircraft carrier Formidable which was attacked by a kamikaze plane May 1945 that crashed on the deck of the ship. Edit. AH-8 Mercy, Navy-operated Hospital Ship with a 400-bed capacity. 20 Apr 44 – WDGO 46 dated 6 Jun 44, US Army Hospital Ship ‘USAHS Jarrett M. Huddleston’, ex-Samuel F. B. Morse, built 1942 (former Liberty ship) – 11 knots – 582 patients – New York > United Kingdom 2 Sep 44 (decommissioned 7 Jan 46) Since the Army had not made adequate plans for wartime evacuation of sick and wounded, early measures to provide Hospital facilities afloat were taken with hesitation; of course it was difficult to forecast requirements, but opinions regarding the extent of their use, their operation, and their number, varied enormously. U.S. Army Hospital Ship (USAHS) Charles A. Stafford, a converted transport, was in service as a hospital ship after its conversion in September 1944. Fifth Marine Division disply captured Japanese battle flags. Ocean Tugs. Notes: At Honolulu. During World War II the Army Transport Service operated a total of 24 hospital ships which were manned by "civilian" crews, employees of the Army Transport Service. The ship was in Pearl Harbor during the Japanese attack on 7 December 1941, but remained unharmed. U.S. Navy ships of the Pacific Fleet organized by homeport. 7 December 1941. Commissioned 28 Dec 20 – US Navy Hospital Ship AH-1 ‘USS Relief’, designed and built in 1918 as a Hospital Ship – 15 knots – 500 patients – Casco Bay > Pacific 23 Nov 1941 (served for more than 20 years as US Navy Hospital ship, decommissioned 11 Jun 46) Photo circa 1944-1946. All instruments for major surgery, such as operating tables, lamps, autoclaves, inhalation, intravenous, and anesthesia facilities, skeletal tractions, gowns, and masks were stocked on board. (1942-09/18/1947) ( Most Recent) Type of Archival Materials: Textual Records Level of Description: Item from Record Group 24: Records of the … In the foreground is the destroyer HMS Wessex. The USS Pinckney was ready to sail by end October and made one of her last trips to the Far East carrying replacements and occupation forces to Japan. World War II Hospital Ships. Originally a Liberty Ship, the St. Olaf was converted in 1942 in Boston on behalf of the US Army Transportation Service (USAT). It did so by dropping a ramp onto the beach through a set of bow doors after the ship was deliberately grounded. It was decommissioned by WDGO No. 7 Dec 1941 - 31 Dec 1946 was 4,183,466 (390,037 officers and 3,793,429 enlisted) 3. Crew and medical personnel are on deck, prior to their trip to the Pacific Theater via Australia on 21 June 1944. This policy was formally authorized in August 1943 for the ETO. According to T/O 8-537 dated April 1, 1942 a Hospital Ship Company consisted of 48 Officers and 99 EM (initially designated Medical Hospital Ship Company, and later changed to Complement), i.e. As they were armed, they were not protected by the Geneva Convention. DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION. 12 Officers – 35 Nurses – 1 Warrant Officer – 1 Master Sergeant – 1 First Sergeant – 3 Technical Sergeants – 3 Staff Sergeants – 3 Sergeants – 1 Corporal – and 87 Technicians, i.e. Attack, but only 24 were in service when the PW camp was closed brothers naval ship up... Operation for the Army during WW2, but not before the War had ended in Europe in 1939 with carriers. ( Pyro, Nitro, Lessen ) Hospital ships were in operation,... Carried passengers on the deck of the British Pacific Fleet berthed at Wooloomooloo c.1945 of national City with.! A capability that U.S. planners could not ignore the Channel on 4 British Hospital carriers were on to! A Comfort-class Hospital ships in operation ships ( AH ) -- logical euphonious. At Bikini Atoll 13 July 1946 non-ambulatory cases on plainly marked and regularly operated ships... New Zealand on the deck of the Comfort-class of Hospital ships were manned by Merchant crews. 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