The question of whether there is a pet insurance that covers spaying and neutering is not so clear of a yes or no answer. When deciding the best time to neuter your dog, it’s important to consider the following: Breed size i.e. And there is now no doubt that large-breed dogs who are neutered suffer more bone and spleen cancers than those who are not. German dog breeds are well known and loved around the world—no surprise since the country is the third largest producer of dog breeds, behind... Is it the rarity? For female pets, spaying provides important health benefits, while castrating male pets can help reduce their anxiety and aggression. Many believe a female dog should be spayed before her first heat cycle, and a male dog should be neutered within 6 months after birth. 1. If you have a large or giant breed dog, you may especially want to consider waiting longer to neuter your dog. The fixed Rottweilers had the highest risk of bone cancer. For example, boarding kennels often charge higher fees to board dogs that are not altered, daycare programs will not accept dogs that are not altered, training programs also have strict regulations on accepting unaltered dogs into their programs because of the distraction they can cause to other dogs sharing the same classes. If you are like most hunters, your dog is your world. Spaying reduces the risk of uterine cancer, uterine infections, and reduces the tendency to fight with other animals. Question: But why can’t I let my dog have a litter of puppies if I find them all homes? Similarly, neutering your male dog prevents them from developing testicular cancer. Neutered dogs lived an average of 9.4 years, those not … The research hasn’t been in-depth enough to state how delaying a spay/neuter will decrease these risks, and there hasn’t been enough research done to see if there were any other common factors leading to these tumors. BENEFITS OF NEUTERING DOGS The number one reason for removing the sex hormones is to prevent unwanted breeding, hence those on the front line of mopping up all our unwanted pups are very big fans. While genetics play a big part (always pay careful attention to who you’re buying a purebred puppy from), it’s now being thought that early spays and neuters have a role. The owners were contacted to see if there was a change in behavior or if they developed any physical problems after the surgery. What’s important to note is there isn’t concrete proof that fixing your dog will give them a heart tumor, but delaying the spay or neuter surgery until they’re one might decrease the chances if they’re at a higher risk because of their breed or genetics. The study came to the conclusion that 12 breeds had a higher than average risk of growing a heart tumor, while 17 other breeds had a lower risk. This may be due to the premature removal of estrogen-producing organs in the body, leading to hip joints that develop abnormally because they’re missing estrogen. An objective reading of the veterinary medical literature reveals a complex situation with respect to the long- termhealth risks and benefits associated with spay/neuter in dogs. If you’re worried about a vaccine reaction, understand that these are quite rare and are usually mild. We understand, that a few years back, there was a huge overpopulation of stray dogs that necessitated a strong response from the animal care community. Besides, waiting several months to neuter your dog will only give you more time to avoid the ramifications of early neutering. Also, remember that it takes two dogs to make puppies! If that means for the first year you stash aside some funds in it for veterinary care then so be it. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) ruptures are a common ailment in active dogs and small dogs with bad knees. If you can’t, and that is really the case, then ask yourself, should even be a pet owner. Just add on the wellness plan, and then not only would you be able to offer the best quality care for your dog after the operation, but you will also save money doing so without compromise on care. We believe this gentler surgery is the better way to … If you want your dog to be as big and manly as possible, with a build like Arnold Schwarzenegger, wait a bit to neuter. We mix it with raw food to get his stomach use to it as raw is the ultimate goal. Their molars usually fall out on a normal timeline, but it’s not uncommon for them to retain their puppy canines or incisors long past six months or even past a year. When to spay a dog & When to neuter a dog? Check out our handy-and persuasive-list of the top 10 reasons to spay or neuter your pet! Dogs with hypothyroid need to have bloodwork drawn at regular intervals to monitor their thryoid levels and take a daily dose of medication. ), growing too quickly can lead to a slew of bone abnormalities that range from mild to deadly. Experienced breeders of large breed dogs and vets who take care of larger dogs have noticed that dogs fixed before their first birthday grew much larger than dogs who remained intact until after they reached puberty. A pet is a responsibility, not a toy or a gift that should be frivolously given during holidays. If neutering is done too early or too late, the risks get higher and the benefits lower. As long as you choose the right time to neuter your dog, the benefits outweigh the risk. With pet populations booming and the numbers of homeless animals being controlled through euthanasia, it’s critical that society collectively agrees that pets need to be fixed. Mammary cancer is seen quite often in older, unneutered dogs and can be fatal. Neutering eliminates much of this behavior without affecting a male dog’s protective instincts towards his house and family members. Neutering helps re-focus your dog's attention. It’s possible that removing estrogen (i.e. These ruptures require a costly orthopedic surgery and months of rehab, and when one knee goes out, it’s pretty likely that the other knee is likely to follow down the road. But the following three do via the aforementioned wellness plan: If you don’t have the time to compare, then start with Embrace Insurance, that’s what we have and it was well worth getting as it took the financial stress ups and downs away. You are taking homes away from dogs that will be destroyed due to a lack of homes simply by adding to the canine population. Neutering markedly reduces the incidence of benign hyperplasia of the prostate gland, prostatitis and perineal hernias in dogs. List of the Pros of Neutering Dogs. The most effective treatment is to spay the dog, however this is a much more dangerous surgery than in a young healthy dog. According to the American Kennel Club’s rankings for 2020 (based on its 2019... Parvo is a word that no new dog owner wants to hear. While veterinarians do use both terms neutering and spaying, in most instances only one of them – “neuter” – will be used as a term for removal of reproductive organs of dogs for both sexes. Question: Why is it anyone’s business if I’m caring for my dog and their puppies? Like millions of dogs in America, the pug was neutered long before he was a year old. A: Because those homes are homes that could provide for homeless dogs already living in shelters and facing euthanasia. It’s worth a try. But when the dog is fixed at the typical six months of age, the tibia, which should stop growing at about a year of age, will continue to grow, causing an unnatural angle at the knee. So far home-cooked food have become our dog’s favorite meals. None of these things are pleasant for you or your dog, and they can all be avoided by having her spayed before her first heat cycle. On top of that, there are also more risks associated with a female dog having a litter of puppies than there are with having her spayed. Ultimately, the most important thing is that you do get your dog fixed before they inadvertently add to the extensive pet population. Why neuter my cat? Get 50% Off Your First Ollie Box Today. A study done by Michigan State University on 43 dogs showed there wasn’t any proof that neutering would prevent the dog from developing prostate cancer. When a female dog is spayed, her uterus and ovaries are removed so that she cannot become pregnant. This is where we stand. Neutering may possibly reduce the risk of non-cancerous prostate disorders, perianal fistulas, and diabetes (data inconclusive). This is yet another instance where you, as your pet's advocate, play an important role in their medical decisions. There’s absolutely no reason not to vaccinate your dog for infectious diseases unless there’s an autoimmune disorder, but the American Kennel Club’s Canine Health Foundation released a report with the idea that early alteration might contribute to a higher incidence of adverse vaccine reactions. The cost of products and care for a dog in heat. When people talk about wanting to breed their female dog, they tend to overlook the fact that they will also have to learn how to manage a dog in heat. Enjoy that new puppy. With pet populations booming and the numbers of homeless animals being controlled through euthanasia, it’s … Why should you spay or neuter pets? Clearly, there are health advantages to waiting until after puberty to spay or neuter your dog, but there are also significant risks associated with owning a sexually intact pet. Neutering your dog can reduce the testosterone in your male dog’s system, and can eliminate or at least dampen that desperate need to mate so that you’re not having to fight so hard against his hormonal wanderlust. Another option is to open a savings account. Dogs of both sexes that were fixed before they turned one year old were more likely to develop bone cancer later in life. If you have a puppy and you aren’t sure when is the best time to fix your dog, consider some of the following information before you discuss it with your veterinarian. On balance, it appears that no compelling case can be made for neutering most male dogs, especially immature male dogs, in order to prevent future health pr… Do you really want to put this toy pup under anesthesia more than is required? My dog’s health and skin condition have dramatically improved. Meaning that colloquially, the term “neutering” applies to both male and female dogs. This handsome fella doesn’t want to go anywhere near a clinic: source. If you don’t want to put your dog under anesthesia more than necessary, you should definitely wait until after six months–preferably a year–to knock out two birds with one stone. There is one obvious benefit to spaying and neutering your dogs – helping to reduce the pet overpopulation problem, but did you know that there are a whole host of other benefits too? Most of us understand the concept of spaying and neutering to mean sterilizing our dogs, but it’s important to understand exactly what this means in order to understand some of the health benefits that it delivers. Many dog owners like Nicholson can tell you exactly why their vet advised having their dog fixed early. You are not adding to your local pet overpopulation problem and so you are not draining state resources to care for even more homeless dogs. Not to mention any complications that may arise with the birth or the resulting puppies. It just makes sense as vet bills are getting pricey now a days. Many pet insurance companies do incentivize altering your pet via a discount on the monthly premium, but that doesn’t mean they will help pay for it. Many of the problems associated with early neutering occur because hormones are removed before the dog is finished growing, and a large or giant breed dog may still be growing until 18-24 months of age . Intact males often pay too much attention to other dogs, as they may be on the lookout for potential mates and rivals. 8. Spaying or neutering your dog can help the dog's health over the course of its lifetime. Unneutered dogs often tend to mark their territory with urine as an act of territoriality and dominance – yes, this includes inside the house. Your dog will become overweight or obese because of inactivity, lack of exercise, poor diet – and not because you have had them altered. These dogs served Egyptians as herders, hunters, guardians, and warriors. Neutering a male dog usually decreases the incidence of urinary marking. Gun dogs are hunting dogs... Brussels Griffons are adorable little dogs with big personalities. After all, daily euthanasia of hundreds of dogs is not something any shelter should go through. Hip dysplasia is an abnormal formation of the hip socket. In 2000, a research study published in the Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism came up with a hypothesis as to why this happens. This could be due to the previously mentioned bone growth issues that place stress on the ligaments, or it could be because the majority of the canine population has been altered. Benefits of Spaying or Neutering Your Dog Guest Writer : Julie Page. Recovery times are 4-7 days and neutering has many benefits. Statement: But I want another dog just like mine! Hypothyroid can lead to a host of health problems, including: In severe, untreated cases of hypothyroid, some dogs can develop a life-threatening heart condition. And no, there is no reason why you should allow your female dog to go through her first heat cycle or have a litter before spaying her. 14 Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Your Dogs, Addison’s Disease in Dogs: The Guide for Pet Owners, 10 Key Differences Between Wolves and Dogs, Swimmer Puppy Syndrome: How to Help Your Dog, The Science-based Guide for Feeding Athletic Dogs, TOP #123: Ridesharing for Dogs and Their Owners, TOP #120: How to Pick Mentally Stimulating Toys for Dogs, TOP #119: How to Restrain Dogs in Cars to Keep Them Safe, Recipe: Beef Stew for Dogs with A Sensitive Stomach, Recipe: High Fiber Dog Treats with Oat Bran, Recipe: Grain Free Dog Treats with Coconut Flour, 3 Tips On How To Make Dog Food Cheaply On A Budget, How Do Dogs Get Parvo and How to Prevent It, How To Make A Dog Wheelchair: A DIY Guide, 5 Tips to Get Your Dog in Better Physical Shape, 5 Reasons To Start Making Dog Food At Home, Giveaway: Spruce Grab & Go Leash Bag ($30+ Value), Review: PetFusion Outdoor Pet Waste Disposal, Review: Hyper Pet K9 Kannon Tennis Ball Launcher, Wunderbar: The Eleven Most Popular German Dog Breeds In The US, Blue-Eyed Beauties: 11 Blue-Eyed Dog Breeds, Most Popular Egyptian Dog Breeds in the United States, Ooh-la-la: 11 Most Popular French Dog Breeds in the United States, Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Dog Breed: Everything You Need To Know, Science on Pros and Cons of Neutering or Spaying Your Dog, Pros and Cons of Spaying or Neutering Dogs, TOP #90: Rescuing Dogs from Foreign Countries, Different Types of Dog Cooling Products: Mats, Beds, Vests, Bandanas, Collars, Brussels Griffon Dog Breed: Everything You Need To Know. Here’s how you, your dog, and even your community can benefit from this procedure. In 2002, there was a study performed with Rottweilers where a link was established between the development of bone sarcomas and the age when they were fixed. Reasons some advocate waiting to neuter your dog. Toy breeds are notorious for retaining their deciduous (baby) teeth long past the normal six months. For example, the femur, the thickest bone in the hind legs, has a natural stopping point at eight months of age. Same goes if you have to ask when to neuter a dog. Let it grow up before deciding to alter it! In fact, we’ve already touched on how drastically you reduce your female dog’s chances of developing certain cancers with early spaying. Because of this, at the Pet Hospitals we recommend large and giant breed dogs wait to be spayed or neutered until they reach skeletal maturity (generally between 12-15 months of age). The cost of providing for a pregnant dog and whelping puppies. The benefits of spaying or neutering your dog are much greater than not having the surgery – it benefits your dog as well as the dog population. If you have more than one dog in your household, neutering your males can reduce conflict with other male dogs by decreasing testosterone levels as I've mentioned above. In addition to avoiding unintended reproduction, spaying and neutering can reduce the risk of a variety of cancers and infections. Neutered males also have less of a chance of perianal tumors. Cocker Spaniel (369 dogs in study) Joint problems occurred in 1-3% of intact males but that increased to 11% in males who had been neutered before 6 months of age. Yes, I've already mentioned this point and unless you’re living under a rock, you are well aware of it, but allow us to share a couple of devastating statistics with you to really hammer the point home. Which is why we switched our pup to real food instead of canned and dry food. Spaying. Neutering your male dog also reduces the chances of them developing an enlarged prostate – in fact, if your male dog is neutered before hitting puberty, their prostate gland does not develop. According to the SPCA, 3.3 million dogs enter shelters across the U.S. in a single year. This allows more room for the bones to grow larger than they’re meant to, causing body proportions that can be unhealthy for the dog’s frame. But the more you can reduce the chances of your dog getting hip dysplasia the better (this includes a proper food diet). My research has led to the following reasons many in the vet community are advocating waiting until after puberty to neuter your dog: Hip Dysplasia. Other common issues, such as infections or cysts, are reduces as well. Not only does it help with the overpopulation problem, saving lives of countless animals, but it also has many benefits for the individual pup who has the procedure done. Does Pet Insurance Cover Spaying and Neutering? Many dog owners severely underestimate the cost of having an unaltered do, so let’s take a quick look at just some of the potential expenses involved: All of this can be avoided with a spay or neuter surgery that you can provide to your dog through a low-cost or no-cost spay and neuter clinic program. Your female pet will live a longer, healthier life. This method involves less pain, faster healing times, and a decreased risk of complications. The prestigious Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine published a study in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association that hypothesized dogs spayed at an early age were more likely to develop hip dysplasia. The incomplete removal of or complete failure to remove the uterus can also leave your female dog open to illnesses like pyometra. While others say that early spaying & neutering is too aggressive and spaying a dog after first heat is better as it will actually damage your pet’s health and shorten their lifespan if done too early. It reduces the risk of prostate and cancer problems. This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you purchase after clicking on my links. Data collected from the Veterinary Medical Database from 1980 to 1994 showed that the risk for bone cancer in large breed purebreeds doubled in dogs that were fixed. Damages caused by an unneutered male dog attempting to get out to access a female in heat, marking your home with urine, or even biting someone else’s dog when asserting their dominance when a female in heat is nearby or when another male is vying for territory. The 3 of the 5 insurance companies we normally recommend, do have a wellness package you can add to your policy to cover preventative care treatments, which include neutering and spaying for when you want to actually do it. Here are some things to consider when scheduling the surgery: Hormones affect body structure. It also suggests how much we really do not yet understand about this subject. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Which is why a pet care discount plan or a quality pet insurance with a wellness plan is always a good idea. What they do agree on, however, is that dogs should always be spayed and neutered. A: There is much more to your dog than their genetic makeup and you can never replicate your existing dog no matter how hard you try. Multiple studies performed in the 1990s corroborated this, saying that the earlier a dog was fixed, the taller they’d wind up. More intact male dogs get hit by cars than neutered dogs. Neutering your dog may help to avoid spreading bad genes. This is caused by a lack of the testosterone surge that accompanies male dog maturity. If... Egypt is home to some of the oldest dog breeds in the world. Many dog owners don’t spay or neuter their dogs because they falsely believe that allowing them to have “just one litter” is beneficial to their health. It sounds silly but it’s true! So do we…. So if you’re purchasing a purebred dog like a labrador or a German shepherd, it’s critical to choose a puppy from parents who have been certified by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals to ensure there isn’t a genetic history of hip dysplasia. It is so important to spay or neuter your dog if you have no intention of breeding. All rights reserved. Researchers did say that prostate cancer may not be completely tied to the production of hormones released by the testicles as it was previously thought. Because those homes are homes that could provide for homeless dogs already in! 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