kb7rky: My dad served in the Coast Guard. Coastie – a member of the Coast Guard (which I don’t write much about, because right now they’re part of the Department of Homeland Security, until we go back to war) Swabbie – another term for a Navy sailor. The two services’ uniforms are also similar. First and foremost, this is an UNOFFICIAL site and is NOT AFFILIATED with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) or the United States Government (USG) in any capacity. The last 3 (Entry-Level Separation, Medical Separation, and Separation for … We spent four days inside the United States Coast Guard's intense, eight-week basic training program in Cape May, New Jersey. It is about the size of the New York Police Department, and when I think of what it accomplishes with so few, I am always amazed. The caption in Italian said "Bija, head of the Zawiya coast guard in Libya, has been arrested. How Much Do the National Guard Military Police Get Paid? It has built a reputation of being an efficient branch by doing more with less personnel. Coast Guard Boot Camp Weeks Two and Three . Deciding to join the Coast Guard depends on your level of commitment and how you can best serve your country. #3: Show up physically and mentally prepared so you don't wind up actually failing Coast Guard Boot Camp. They will find some detail that someone missed and tell you that even though you finished on time that you weren't paying attention to detail (and that on a real world mission that could mean the difference between life and death). Male recruits, for example, are required to run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes, 51 seconds; female recruits must complete the same circuit in 15 minutes, 26 seconds. It's the difference between them reminding you in a rude way to put your cover (hat) on because you forgot to, and them having you fill out a performance tracker (which will result in incentive training later) for the same mistake. Here is a look at the pros and cons of this organization and the services it provides. In this week’s Lifelines blog, retired Coast Guard rescue swimmer Mario Vittone talks about four things that can happen to the body in cold water — and dispels a myth or two. Most people who serve in the National Guard work full-time in a civilian position, then serve part-time as a National Guard member. Your only as strong as your weakest link holds very true in Coast Guard Boot Camp. The serious classroom work begins during week two. There is nothing to be learned from it. Oh, and if you think someone else would benefit from reading this lesson, please consider spreading the word. It's on purpose. Alexander Hamilton is the father of the Coast Guard. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” The Coast Guard is proof of that. Enabling the Libyan Coast Guard to intercept people in international waters and return them to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment in Libya can constitute aiding or assisting in … The flip side to this is that unfortunately you won't have much of a choice as to who your shipmates will be, and how well prepared they show up. That day, the National Weather Service predicted that after the storm hit, “most of the [Gulf Coast] area will be uninhabitable for weeks…perhaps longer.”New … All the other branches of the military did away with their own RAMP-type programs because some Department of Defense lawyers decided these programs were too harsh. For the FULL DISCLAIMER please visit the, An Important Note About Counting Reps In USCG Boot Camp, Morning PT in Coast Guard Boot Camp AKA The Daily Workout, Avoid This Common Mistake That New Recruits Make, 3 Ways to Increase Pushups for Coast Guard Boot Camp, Required Knowledge (What They Don’t Tell You), How To Fly Under The Radar in USCG Boot Camp, For Coast Guard Direct Entry Petty Officer Training (DEPOT) Recruits, Last Minute Coast Guard Boot Camp Preparation, Coast Guard Boot Camp Fitness Success Program. List of the Pros of the National Guard. Requirements for a Navy Reserve JAG Officer. The tropical depression that became Hurricane Katrina formed over the Bahamas on August 23, 2005, and meteorologists were soon able to warn people in the Gulf Coast states that a major storm was on its way. A basic level of physical conditioning is also required of all candidates. I enlisted out of high school at 18. Every wet-behind-the-ears recruit is scared of failing Coast Guard Boot Camp - and for good reason - last I heard the attrition rate is over 10% nowadays. One of our nation's five military services, the Coast Guard has protected the United States since its founding in 1790. Those intercepted at sea and returned to Libya by the Libyan Coast Guard – predominantly asylum seekers and migrants from East and West Africa – face indefinite detention, extortion, torture, sexual exploitation, and forced labour. Before even stepping onto a Coast Guard vessel, recruits are put through eight weeks of boot camp training at the Coast Guard facility in Cape May, N.J. Since the Coast Guard is technically under the Department of Homeland Security, this legal decision doesn't apply and so as a Coast Guard recruit you have the "opportunity" to be sent to this lovely program. I hope you found this lesson helpful. If you get enough performance trackers you can be sent to RAMP (Recruit Attitude and Motivational Program). Revealed: the great European refugee scandal Rescued refugees and migrants sit next to a coastguard boat in Khoms, Libya, October 2019. All of the above! THE COAST GUARD HAS A REAL PROBLEM WITH AARON BURR. Certain exercises you are made to do, especially in your first few weeks, will result in group failure - NO MATTER HOW WELL YOU DO THEM. As a matter of policy, Coast Guard reservists are stationed within 100 miles of their homes. In other words, even if hypothetically everyone showed up perfect, your Company Commanders would still find something - anything - to be able to punish you. I hope that explanation motivates you enough to prepare yourself so that you minimize how many performance trackers you get and you avoid getting sent to RAMP at all costs. The reason for this is because aside from wanting everyone to be physically and mentally fit, the other goal of Coast Guard Boot Camp is to create an environment of artificial stress. How Long Would You Have to Stay in the National Guard? 1. FEBRUARY 2017 – February 1, 2017 In a rollback of an Obama-era protection, Donald Trump’s White House withdrew the Mercury Effluent Rule, which regulated the safe use and disposal of mercury in American dental offices.The Natural Resource Defense Council estimated the repeal would discharge five tons of the neurotoxic substance into water supplies each year. Every company is "the worst company that's ever come through Cape May". Adapted from the excessive amount of cleaning sailor do; … The USCG and the USG do not approve, endorse, sponsor, co-sign (or any other similar word you can think of) anything that’s on this website. Eight years may seem like a long time to commit, but half of that is a reserve period where you serve only two days a month and two weeks per year. The United States Coast Guard, founded in 1790, is one of the oldest branches of the United States military. It's the difference between them ignoring a small missed detail during a rack (bed) inspection, and them singling you out in front of the company for it and having you fill out a performance tracker. New recruits entering the Coast Guard are required to serve for eight years: four of them on active duty and four in the reserves. Of the Coast Guard’s white-hull patrol cutter fleet, the NSC is the largest and most technologically sophisticated in the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard says that even though the ship is now old-fashioned it serves to help young cadets to learn many lessons about the sea, wind, currents and how to become an excellent seaman. I was looking at GoCoastGuard.com, but they were very general and only list a few MOS's (or whatever they are called in the Coast Guard). Before the Coast Guard: An Introduction to the United States Life-Saving Service Note: This post was originally published in 2013. Here are a few things you might not have known about them. Limitation of … Always on or near the water, pretty nice accommodations, and so on. The only thing you really have control over is the harshness of your individual treatment, which is of course directly tied into how well prepared you are when you show up. I sail, and I can guarantee that most sailors have nothing but great things to say about the Coasties. Part-time jobs often mean minimum wage and little chance of advancement. To meet this goal, a large part of your company's progression from day one recruits to successful boot camp graduates is scripted. Members of the Coast Guard service are paid twice a month, and only the base pay rate is subject to federal or state income tax. The next 2 (Bad Conduct and Dishonorable) are punitive, meaning that they are the result of misconduct, criminal behavior, or even felony behavior on the part of the service member. A basic level of physical conditioning is also required of all candidates. How Long After I Get Out of the Military Do I Have to Go in the Reserves? Consider the plan to go to college, be an officer and then serve.) The following conditions may disqualify you for military service: a. Unlike reservists, if you become an active Coast Guardsman, you won't get to choose where you will be stationed. after talking story for a while, he talked to me about boot camp and possible career fields (tried to get me into aviation immediately, but declined for a reason i … I can’t think of a better lesson for my kids than to tell them that one person really CAN make a difference. You'll receive classes on military civil rights, stress management, the Coast Guard boot camp chain of command, rates and ranks, and addressing military personnel (Officers are called "Sir," or "Ma'am," enlisted are addressed by their rank and last name). The vacation allowance is also generous and starts at 30 days a year. I'll explain that further in a moment, but first I have to share with you one other piece of bad news: Even in a best case scenario, if every single one of your shipmates shows up knowing all their required knowledge and in great physical shape, you will still be "punished" as a group on certain exercises. DON'T LET THIS GET YOU DOWN. Some of the smaller Coast Guard cutters offer cramped and close living quarters, which can be a problem for some recruits. He has worked in the technology industry for more than 20 years, in positions ranging from tech support to marketing. Tido says that the golden eagle once held a swastika and was built in the Hamburg shipyard of Blohm and Voss, who also built the Bismarck. He has a Bachelor of Science in communications from the University of Texas at Austin and a Master of Arts in international journalism from City University, London. One thing you have to keep in mind before going to Coast Guard Boot Camp is that pretty much all aspects of your life will be in the hands of your Company Commanders. The Coast Guard is one of the more difficult branches to join because it accepts far fewer new recruits than the other branches of the military. The United States Coast Guard is often perceived as a lesser unit of the military, but it does play crucial roles during peacekeeping missions and during combat times as well.. The same goes for anything that’s found on the pages of the Coast Guard Boot Camp Survival Guide and in the Coast Guard Boot Camp Custom Fitness Success Programs. It is one of the oldest branches of the US military, having been founded in 1790. The CGC Waesche transits through San Francisco Bay for the first time en route to its homeport of Alameda, Calif., Feb. 28, 2010. Let's say that by some miracle your company will actually complete its first timed objective exercise within the time frame given you, your Company Commanders will still find a reason to fail you. If your company gets a time objective and everyone except for one person meets the objective, you will all fail the exercise because of that one person. Upper extremities. That's just a harsh fact that you have to swallow. This year alone, thousands have disappeared beyond the reach of UN agencies after being disembarked. The U.S. Coast Guard says it “removed” a member from its Hurricane Florence response team Friday after he made an “OK” hand gesture on live TV that the service branch deemed “offensive.” For those of you attending DEPOT, you will only be at Cape May for 3 weeks so you won't have to go to RAMP, but you can still be put on probation and theoretically be sent to an 8 week company if you don't improve. The main thing to consider about a Coast Guard career is that it is a long-term commitment. (I had applied for all of the service academies but didn't have the grades or other credentials to be appointed. Lastly, because the Coast Guard is responsible for interdicting drug traffic, illegal immigration and protecting against terrorist threats, the job can be hazardous. 1. The USCG is headed by a Coast Guard admiral who is appointed by the president. This is especially true in the first few weeks. I have mad respect for those guys. What Are the Advantages & Disadvantages of Enlisting in the Army? #2: Help your shipmates who are struggling. But that's not the case with the National Guard. I'm telling you this so you don't let it mess with your psyche when your company fails their first rack (bed) inspection, first timed-objective exercise, etc. New recruits entering the Coast Guard are required to serve for eight years: four of them on active duty and four in the reserves. They do this not only to create a stressful environment, but also to get you to pull together as a team. Here are your take-aways from this lesson: #1: Have the proper mindset. The Coast Guard requires a minimum of 54 points on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test, but you should do better in order to be competitive with fellow recruits. During peacetime, the Coast Guard operates under the Department of Homeland Security and can be transferred to the Department of the Navy when needed during war. The list of accusations against Libya’s coast guard is long: human rights violations including torture, violence toward and hindering rescue operations of volunteer rescue groups, being made up of a number of groups that were often formerly militia as well as being involved in smuggling networks. The sooner you improve as a company, the sooner your overall treatment will improve and the group beatings will get less intense. While on active duty, Coast Guard members are also entitled to free medical and dental care. Some Coast Guard assignments, such as patrol duty, can stretch over weeks at a time. The Coast Guard's primary responsibility is to secure U.S. shores and assist in rescue operations along the coast and in the high seas. With that being said, your Company Commanders are still paying very close attention to how well each individual does during the exercise and how well you function as a team. Let me give you a little fact about RAMP so you understand how much it sucks. Everything from when you eat, sleep, and even go to the bathroom will be done when they tell you to and how they tell you to. 2. The main thing to consider about a Coast Guard career is that it is a long-term commitment. Photograph: Hazem Ahmed/AP Embarking on a Coast Guard career has many pros and cons, and the success of your time in the service depends on your level of commitment. At one time in United States history, the US Live-Saving Service was a government agency designed to rescue people (both sailors and passengers) from wrecked vessels. The Legend-class national security cutters are unique among the Coast Guard fleet because they have a sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF) on board to meet new post-9/11 requirements. Can I Join the FBI as a Special Agent After Military Service. You won't be able to avoid the group punishments, but if you impress your Company Commanders during the various exercises they make you do, they are going to turn their individual focus away from you and onto your shipmates who aren't performing as well. This is what I refer to in the title as "failure by design". Nathan McGinty started writing in 1995. For those looking to further their higher education, tuition assistance and other military benefits are available to current and former Coast Guard members. walked into a Coast Guard recruiting office, met with a member of coast guard, discussed my ASVAB score (which was above average). Everything from when you eat, sleep, and even go to the bathroom will be done when they tell you to and how they tell you to. You can request your copy here. By August 28, evacuations were underway across the region. Navy vs. Coast Guard (Intelligence Specialist) Enlisted Question I had been planning on going into the Navy for Intelligence Specialist but the more I think about it the less I like the idea of being on a ship for 6 plus months at a time. While serving in the Treasury, Hamilton helped found the first national bank, the U.S. Mint and the Revenue Cutter Service, a tax collection bureau that would later become the U.S. Coast Guard. So even though you will all outwardly fail as a company, you can score individual and team victories inside their head. 6 Things You Should Consider Before Joining the National Guard . Use all of the information I give you, purchase the Coast Guard BootCamp Survival Guide and then make sure you take advantage of the current promotion to get your custom 8-week fitness success program for free (normally $19.97). I was an Army Infantry man, and miss the adrenaline rush and I thought that joining the coast guard would be pretty awesome. Understand that many of the exercises you will do will result in group failure regardless of how well your company does them. What this lesson is about, is the day-to-day failures that will inevitably happen to you and your shipmates. If you're one of the ones who excelled, this will help you in the long run. For more tips on how to prepare for Coast Guard Boot Camp please check out some of the other lessons on by following the site menu at the top of this page. The dangers of falling overboard are amplified when the water temperature is below 60 degrees. Remember that it's on purpose. All members of the National Guard are also members of the U.S. militia. The Coast Guard operates as part of the Department of Homeland Security, enforcing the nation's laws at sea, protecting the marine environment, guarding the nation's vast coastline and ports, and performing vital life saving missions. This will help you immensely as the days go by. You're on this website right? You do NOT want to be sent to RAMP. While initially there will be some of those scripted failures, if you all pull together as a company, you'll be able to avoid the genuine failures. Some Coast Guard reservists feel that the best part of the job is being able to serve their country without having to be stationed overseas, as can happen in the Navy, Air Force or Army. The Army Guardsman, you can score individual and team victories inside head! States military weeks at a time the father of the United States Coast Guard career is that it a!, can stretch over weeks at a time which can be bad things about the coast guard for! The FBI as a company, the NSC is the day-to-day failures that will inevitably happen to you your... A year USCG is headed by a Coast Guard ranks and ratings are identical to those of the Guard. Recruit Attitude and Motivational program ) to college, be an officer and then.! 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