Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. Lightning strikes to overhead transmission lines (OHTL) are a major contributor to unscheduled supply interruptions and power system tripping. The lightning flash density, defined as the number of flashes of a specific type occurring on or over unit area in unit time, is commonly used to describe lightning activity. Based on the statistical, analysis, 90 % percent of lightning incidence are, negative lightning. The system combines the advantages of the n-tuple sampling technique and fuzzy inference system. Hybrid Because of symmetrical electric structure, the treble-circuit transmission lines suffer from lightning trip-out for more than one circuit in a lightning strike. The new formulation algorithm is expected to give confidence and promote Malaysia herbs internationally. transmission lines also increases the total flashover rate when it reduced the double-circuit flashover rate. The results cast doubt on the validity of the ESE hypothesis. This is about 3.4 times the mean global total flash density over oceans. Since self-affinity of such maps is an indication of multifractality, percolation models and complexity measures such as the Renyi fractal dimension spectrum (RS) and Mandelbrot singularity spectrum (MS) are utilized. The information of this paper can be useful to decide a suitable lightning protection system before installing a solar PV system. The analysis was carried, sfully demonstrated the ability to mapping and, Lightning Strike, Classification, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Network, Neuro-Fuzzy, Bjarne Hansen, Dr. M. E. El-Hawary, State. All rights reserved. inefficient and wasteful of resources in terms of time and money. The data have been characterized by both the RS and MS. such as physical, mental health, fatigue and other body conditions will highly influenced the classification and H��WMoE�ϯ�c��qW�������B�Z�%�K���W�3��ؖ�XAı;o����^Uu��`M�n�H�Ɖs4o�����|8��gk^^�R��r��Wc��č�Rr�����c�E�Y�ߝZs�f������C�Y]���bu6K>8v@�9~1$����Xc4 ���l�O����'�1��%�������'k�����0eߍ�a��_�zw����i��љG��z����{r�x�j",[L��q���EJ�[ �ࡒ�g9�ʩ����'��>;��<=���ѡ���!�. The outputs of the n-tuple unit are fed to a fuzzy inference unit that applies a set of fuzzy rules on the feature vectors and aggregates them to generate its classification response. Lightning data provided by the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network. • There is enough energy in a typical flash of lightning to light a 100-watt incandescent light bulb for about three months or the equivalent compact fluorescent bulb for about a year. Many overhead lines trip because of back flashover of lightning and shielding failures of the grounding system. Features have been extracted using the RS. fuzzy logic on mapping the lightning strike area around 500 k-v Grid station based on; level of strike (high, medium, low) and category of lightning (positive cloud-to-ground, negative cloud-to-ground, flash).Predefined areas around 500k-v Sheikh muhammadi Grid station Peshawar is chosen as a case study. accurate number of hidden layers for the system. The data pixels are 0.5deg on a side (720x360 pixels globally). Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, such as expert system (ES), fuzzy logic (FL), and artificial neural network (ANN), and genetic algorithm (GA), techniques can solve complex engineering problems which are difficult to solve by traditional methods. The effectiveness of this design was simulated in a 220kV four-circuit transmission line in EMTDC. For each classification method, 50 tests have been utilized, and classification performance for 2 to 15 classes has been investigated through Davis-Bouldin criterion. While at the international level, we are working closely with several institutions such as University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, TARA Bangladesh and WSI Corporation USA in sharing the information and expertise to improve the awareness strategies to be conveyed to the public. This research will be helpful in risk management and lightning protection analysis by determining the area and characterizing the lightning strikes around the Grid station. )Ӎ��Nm�c�>k��Y��#}֙����x�~�1k*E�K�#����w�965�k��%�W� In October 2009, the, (S) with 15764 strikes. Her research interests include, artificial intelligence, process control, control, in Electrical Engineering from Universiti, Malaysia, Malaysia. conducted to study lightning activities in the Peninsular Malaysia starting May 2009 until June 2010. Despite the sample is biased towards educated layers of the society, the concepts of a sizable fraction of the sample are in contradiction with accepted scientific norms. %%EOF To overcome the problem and improve transmission line performance, a detailed lightning study is required to analyse the corresponding lines and determine the best location for transmission line arrester (TLA) installation. method has many advantages compared to conventional method that requires botanists. Three AI techniques such as fuzzy logic, neural network and neuro-fuzzy techniques are selected to be explored in classifying the characteristics of lightning strike which are based on; level of strike (high, medium, low) and category of lightning (positive cloud-to-ground, negative cloud-to-ground, flash). Difference performance and accuracy was found for the evaluation of the work and the highest accuracy was found to be 92.6 followed by 85.27, 84.82, 82.81, 81.72, 80.18 and 79.75 for various architectures of the network. All three AI techniques have successfully demonstrated the ability to mapping and classify lightning strikes. A high level of, possibilities to cause a flash flood. A, The attachment of a lightning flash to a lightning conductor (or to any other structure) takes place through a connecting leader that rises from the structure towards the descending stepped leader of a lightning flash. Click the image for a larger version of the map. during November 2009 until February 2010. The proposed neuro-fuzzy is, able to classify the data. The global maps shows the average density of lightning strikes per square kilometer based on data from 1995 to 2013. An effective lightning monitoring system is crucial to ensure the reliability and sustainability of the electrical energy supply. The, 73.5% accuracy. Tropical countries with extensive lightning activity, such as Malaysia, encounter numerous problems on their electrical transmission and distribution systems. This paper proposed a new unbalanced insulation design method with a high insulation level using in multi-circuit lines, which can reduce the multi-circuit flashover rate with the total flashover rate not increased. Where does lightning flash most frequently? It is necessary to protect the power apparatus from over volts in electric system caused by lightning over voltages. Since Malaysia is one of the countries with the highest number of lightning strikes in the world, the number of deaths and injuries are quite high due to low level of awareness of lightning safety and its dangers. several parts of Australia, experience heavy annual lightning occurrence density [1]-[12]. Despite its frequency of occurrence lightning electricity could not be transformed into a useful quality. In this paper, an analysis model for lightning performances of treble-circuit transmission line was established. To help readers understand the material the presentation includes more than 50 examples, more than 150 exercises, over 300 illustrations, and more than 150 Matlab scripts. United State National Lightning Safety, Institution reported that Malaysia has highest, lightning activities in the world whilst the, average-thunder day level for Malaysia’s capital, Kuala Lumpur within 180 - 260 days per annum, ground flash density is about 15-20 strike per, voltage and transient electric discharge. Free access to maps of former thunderstorms. All rights reserved, techniques on mapping the lightning strike area in, re chosen as a case study. In particular, the authors put equal emphasis on theoretical aspects of covered methodologies, as well as empirical observations and verifications of various applications in practice. This is because flash, occurred between the clouds and do not strike, each month are analyzed corresponds to their, region. Thus, a, Figure 10: Mapping of the lightning strike, desired characteristics. networks for Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Malaysia’s electric power provider. Based on the results, the installation of the TLA at the optimum quantity and at appropriate towers have reduced the number of lines that trip. Buildings may face physical damage and internal electronic equipments damage when the lightning air terminals (LATs) placed on top of them failed to intercept and direct lightning to ground to provide necessary protection. A much, patterns in the training set. The Low strike recorded at. The models selected for detection in this work are the duplication of real buildings such as schools, hospitals, factories and other skyscrapers. The effects of lightning on electrical/communication networks and structures Malaysia is located near the equator having approximately 200 thunder days per year. startxref Jersey: Prentice Hall, Upper Saddler River. Meanwhile, there are no flash occurred. According to satellite observations, it occurs more often over land than over the oceans. Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing provides the first comprehensive treatment of the constituent methodologies underlying neuro-fuzzy and soft computing, an evolving branch of computational intelligence. 0000039153 00000 n The proposed real-time model which is implemented in Simulink represents a LV distribution system that includes two simplified, This paper proposed an unbalanced insulation design to prevent the multi-circuit flashover of multi-circuit lines. 0000002123 00000 n This The classification accuracy of the n-tuple neuro-fuzzy system and the classical n-tuple classifier is compared using handwritten numerals from NIST database. *����HʼnLX����AS�H����;��o��}f��cw�9 ���:�b��џ�����n~-�ݥ��ܯ����i̚��?�����iӏG����b��������l��m�����)�zmzJA_��k{�&_����t~��/iͿ���ɛj9. Details of dataset construction are in the Albrecht et al. An appreciation also goes to CELP, researchers in Faculty of Engineering, Universiti. Moreover, our human sensory system’s limitation artificial intelligence method will be exploited for the classification and optimization of various odor patterns. The lightning flash density here is similar to the average lightning flash … This is due to, the locations which is situated in the center of, The obtained results are then mapped into the, the lightning strike and Figure 11 shows the, respectively. After ten years of operations, the network was upgraded to include sensors with better location accuracy and sensitivity. The map units are number of strikes per square km per minute multiplied by a scaling factor of 10^3. • A typical lightning flash is about 300 million Volts and about 30,000 Amps. The algorithm of the Widrow-Hof, Figure 8: Percentage of lightning’s level, incidence corresponds to the types of lightning, From the results, 90% of the lightning incidence. Furthermore, the data collected from lightning events can be analysed using artificial intelligence techniques (AI), which consist of fuzzy logic analysis, neural network analysis and neuro-fuzzy analysis, The ability to classify distinctive odor pattern for aromatic plants species especially for herbs provides significant Classification employed the regular and fuzzy K-means methods. typical treble-circuit transmission line with abundant operating data was taken as analytic target. In December 2003, the network consists of five IMPACT ESP sensors and two LPATS IV sensors were successfully commissioned. The areas with the most strikes are bright pink (as many as 150 per year per square kilometer. If you are not in the United Kingdom and you know the flash density figure for your location, then … Step#1: Lightning Flash Density Few areas in the United States are free from thunderstorms and their attendant hazards, but some areas have more storms than others. In the proposed approach, the classification of buildings has been carried out on the basis of various states of terminals of different buildings. households. After all, lightning is a form of electricity. Her research, interests include artificial intelligence, process, Putra Malaysia. The lightning flash density maps of the world show total lightning activity, that is, Cloud to Ground (CG) lightning plus In-Cloud (IC) lightning. From this we can calculate the lightning flash density value for your location. 2B. It is, to re-establish electrostatic equilibrium within a, storm environment [1]. A hybrid neuro-fuzzy system applied to the classification of handwritten numerals is presented. strike (high, medium, low) and category of lightning (positive cloud-to-ground, negative cloud-to-g round, flash). The first and foremost goal is to develop a new application which is using CAN-bus protocol for monitoring normal CAN packets. Lightning Flash Density (see map atongs.del The collection area of the The intended use of the structure The type Of construction What is housed within The location of the the topography ot the area Co This map is based on data cottected prtor to 1999. sance then the climate has warmed and strike density witt have increased. neurons and gradually increasing the number if, the network fails to reduce the error. This paper is about a simulation model developed in order to indicate the optimal choice and connection of Surge Protective Devices (SPDs) in a domestic electrical installation according to their performance when a direct lightning flash strikes the distribution system. 0000000016 00000 n This paper investigates optimal classification of lightning strike maps (LSMs), using regular and fuzzy K-means classifiers. The n-tuple unit is used as a preprocessing unit for extracting the feature vector from the input pattern. / 2018 ANNUAL LIGHTNING REPORT 2018 Top Ten States by Cloud-to-Ground Flash Density Top Ten 2018 States — Flash Density per square km 1 Florida 9.34 2 Louisiana 7.13 3 Arkansas 5.65 4 Mississippi 5.50 5 Oklahoma 5.30 6 Alabama 4.71 7 Georgia 4.54 8 Iowa 4.46 9 Nebraska 4.45 10 Kansas 4.37 0000033260 00000 n In this work, ANN is applied for automatic building detection process for the application of smart-city infrastructure, which has drawn very little attention of researchers due to unavailability of standard data sets and well-defined approach. species has a unique physicochemical and a distinctive odors. A high level of lightning activity, N t >10km 2yr 1, is observed in the northern parts of Australia, and a decrease in total flash density occurs southward to N Calculating the distance between a person and the nearby lightning strike can determine whether an individual is in a safe distance from it. This project emphasizes on the formulation of new algorithm to distinguish distinctive odor pattern for herbs. The Lake Maracaibo Lightning Hotspot has a lightning flash rate density of 232.52. It is important to note that the analysis is … Modelling and classification of the LSMs can lead to prediction of their time-space behaviour, and enhance the protection of the existing and new power systems and transmission lines. A solar PV system was modelled and the effect of lightning striking different parts of a solar PV system was studied and the results discussed appropriately. classify the test sample is subjected to it, generalization ability. This single image is equivalent to the final frame of animation #3143, but at a spatial resolution that is 5 times better. The book places equal emphasis on theoretical aspects of covered methodologies, empirical observations, and verifications of various applications in practice. H�\�͎�0��y Lightning Frequency Maps are unreliable because lightning varies considerably from year to year. The related benefits of this kind of work are highly significant, as such overvoltages are a threat not only for the household equipment but, most importantly, for the human residents. minimizing line harmonic currents and improving line power factor. Overall the mobile application has the ability to calculate distance between lightning strike and current location and nearby city, store the records online, and mark circles on map to show possible lightning strikes area. Analysis of lightning data provided by the LDN and the use of lightning data collected for transmission network reliability improvement will be presented. occurred are negative lightning. The map on the right shows that lightning is not distributed evenly around the planet. It is evident that lightning has enormous energy which is nothing but electricity, but the challenge with lightning is to suggest a storage device to slowly transform and distribute the lightning power storing the massive power block such that it can be extracted later. The constituent methodologies include fuzzy set theory, neural networks, data clustering techniques, and several stochastic optimization methods that do not require gradient information. Understanding lightning helps us to learn about electricity. artificial intelligence (AI) technique for aromatic plants classification is relatively a new research area especially for The study focuses on over voltage at critical locations that have been reported in the literature as having high probability of lightning damage. However, the, The level of lightning strike has shown that, Peninsular Malaysia has received a relatively, because it has a well balance of lightning strike, level distribution. Lightning has been a major cause of power interruptions in Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), one of power utility in Malaysia as this country is among the countries with the highest lightning activities in the world. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. It is known to be among the highest lightning activity country worldwide. Most of the, states in the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, are catogarized as a developed states. University Putra Malaysia, 43400, Serdang, This research focuses on artificial intelligence (AI), Peninsular Malaysia. 94 18 However, these maps provide a general indication of lightning activity. 0000000656 00000 n Tropical oceanic regions near the equator, such as Malaysia, Singapore, Brazil etc. Bhd. The lightning strike towards the surface, on earth has been estimated at 100 times every, fatality to humans and animals. Each technique has shown very good percentage of accuracy in term of determining the area and characterizing the lightning strikes. The data is classified into nine regions as, The system stops at 250 epochs with MSE of, at the Central region with an average of 5172. strikes during September 2009 to October 2010. Nine predefined areas in Peninsular Malaysia we re chosen as a case study. They, are trained and tested to classify lightning, characteristics. It caused a lot of damage electrical equipments in Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) power system [1]. Smart city infrastructure for lightning detection is one of the most important parameters for building protection. It is Herbs have been used for medication and food production. Lightning is one of the most beautiful displays in nature yet it is the most deadly natural phenomenon known to man. Lightning Ground Flash Density (GFD) of Singapore varies from 5 to 36 flashes per sq km with an average of 16.0. This image shows the global lightning flash rate density for the entire observing period. LATs are tested under conditions with and without ionization to simulate the conditions that will prevail in real lightning condition. Thunderstorm day and ground flash density in Malaysia Abstract: The frequent occurrence of lightning related accidents in Malaysia is a major concern to the public and the utility companies. Since the LSMs are highly nonlinear, nonstationary, and stochastic, ordinary models and analyses are incapable of simulating and characterizing these phenomena. This region is located in a lake-breeze convergence zone, where a lake air mass meets a land air mass, between Lakes Huron and Erie. A lightning monitoring system is used to observe, collect and analyse lightning activities so that a preventive measure to protect power equipment from severe damage can be planned. In this paper the striking distance of stepped leaders is derived as a function of conductor height, conductor radii and the prospective return stroke current. @ 1996 1 -year Flash Density Map 2000 1 -year Flash Density Map 200 Miles 400 Kilometers 5-year Flash Density Map -— U.S. 400 800 (1996-2000) The transient response is obtained by applying the lightning impulse current to the equivalent circuit under several values of grounding resistance and several cable sheath grounding methods with different lightning strike waveforms. lightning characteristics using Google Earth. This research focuses on (AI) technique i.e. Benjamin Franklin was the first to prove electricity in lightning in 1752, yet, we still remain in awe of lightning which flashes in its mystery. trailer It has been estimated that lightning strikes somewhere on the surface of the Earth about 100 times every second. Back propagation method, consists of 2 input neurons which represent the, longitude and latitude as it input, hidden layer, represent the 9 output regions that need to be, hidden layer and output layer has a bias which is, connected via weight matrix to the previous, the performance index of the system. It also included the design of a, software tool suitable for the training and testing, considerable degree of confidence of 97% of, accuracy in classification by referring to the, certain parameter been initialize first. In the data labeling stage, the data collected are given labels according to the types of buildings. Areas of low lightning strikes are shaded gray and purple. Table 5 show the sampled of classified, the analysis results, October 2009 has the highest, 2009 with 7056 strikes. When multi-circuit transmission lines were struck by lightning, two or more circuits may flash over in the same time, which would bring a serious impact on the power grid. Source: NASA Trial and, error approached has been implemented to get an. According to the analysis result of lightning performance, setting lightning protection devices selectively can improve its lightning performance effectively with lesser cost, which has a good technology and economy. Based on these results the validity of the early streamer emission (ESE) hypothesis is discussed. The buildings have been categorized on the based on lightning air terminals installed on it. This in turn calls for more experimental data and field validations before using the ESE hypothesis in standard lightning protection practice. Initially, classification is carried out based on the object characteristics into different categories. Prediction requires the classification of the simulated results and physical data, and comparing them together using characterization. The data of the LSMs have been obtained through the Canadian Lightning Detection Network (CLDN) for Manitoba in the year 2002. 0000002402 00000 n And lightning seems to happen more often closer to the equator. About 70% of lightning occurs on land in the Tropics, where the majority of thunderstorms occur.The North and South Poles and the areas over the oceans have the fewest lightning strikes. 0000035910 00000 n The lightning, may affect almost every organ system as the, There are 25.9% of lightning strike occurrences, for victims who have sheltered under trees or, shades, whereas 37% at open space area. Malaysia lies near the, equator and therefore it is categorized as prone to, Meteorological Services indicate that thunders, Thunderstorms have been suspected to have, caused between 50% and 60 % of the transient, tripping in the transmission and distribution. Nine predefined areas in Peninsular Malaysia were chosen as a case study. The mean global land total flash density is about 8.3 km -2 yr -•. The purpose of this research is to observe the transient current and voltage that appears in a solar PV system when struck by lightning. Data is from 1996 through 2016. All three AI techniques have succes, classify lightning strikes. Map is for general informational and educational purposes only and is not indicative of current or future lightning activity. 0000001571 00000 n Lightning photograph: A night-time photograph of multiple cloud-to-ground and cloud-to-cloud lightning strokes. Object detection follows the lightning strike pattern of the lightning flashes on different air terminals installed on multi-geometrical scaled structures. … Areas that are situated in the west coast of, There are some limitations found in mapping the. However, the current practise to identify and distinguish each species is heavily dependent on botanists. By changing α and η, the authors tried to search for the most suitable values for the learning. 0000003342 00000 n The Vaisala National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) detects more real-time lightning events than any other network with unrivaled location accuracy and detection efficiency that covers the entire continental U.S. To get outcomes within a short frame of time having high accuracy Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a better choice to be used. This data is saved independently from the other stroke data. Currently, she is a, Senior Lecturer at the Universiti Putra Malaysia, (UPM), Malaysia. Lightning Detection System (LDS) consists of eight sensors. 0000002811 00000 n The lightning ground flash density is about 15-20 strike per km2 per year. The implementation of TNB as the main power supply utility in Malaysia has made an effort to reduce the power interruptions via installation of Lightning Detection Network (LDN) in 1994. More lightning occurs near the equator than at the poles because not only the latter’s frozen surfaces are not effectively warmed by the sun to produce convection but also there is very little moisture in polar air. The combinations α and η behave under the constant rule, which is represented by η=K(1-α). The state which included, in these regions are Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala, Sembilan, Perak and Pahang. (MAP: Current U.S. By clicking the icon, a dialog box, also the region its corresponds to. In an effort to reduce the impact of lightning in TNB, TNB Research Sdn. According to the ESE hypothesis, the striking distance of a lightning conductor can be increased by the artificial initiation of streamers from a lightning conductor. Southwestern Ontario sees some of the highest lightning flash densities in the country. The analysis was carried out according to twelve months lightning data strikes which had been made available by Global Lightning Network (GLN). Outcomes of a comprehensive survey on the public beliefs in Malaysia with regard to the nature of lightning and lightning safety have been presented. By setting insulator parallel gaps and surge arresters in one circuit of a treble-circuit transmission line to break the electric balance, the average lightning trip-out rate for more than one circuit flashing can be reduced by 50%. It is ulness of herbs remedy in medication In the data collection stage, data is collected from different scaled buildings by switching on and off states of different terminals. The geographical distribution of lightning incidence is described by a map of total lightning flash density, N t (i.e., cloud-to-ground and intracloud flashes). Some hints: The data displayed here is not standardized, so the results can not be compared over longer time ranges or bigger regions! 0000002288 00000 n The fuzzy K-means classifier identified 6 optimal classes with a confidence level of 0.78, while the regular K-means algorithm could not distinguish the classes. Based on the, west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. For the validation of the methodology, other types of classifiers have also been applied for the discrimination of different categories of the buildings. The following lightning maps are displayed in two different references ~ Thunderstorm Days per Year (TD/YR) and Flash Density per Square Kilometer (FD/KM). His area, of interest includes; control system, automotive, in 1998 and 2002, respectively. It also found that the blunt configuration has the lowest breakdown voltage in both conditions. By and contributors. Appropriate surge protection devices for avoiding dangerous over voltage are proposed to reduce harmful effects. It presents laboratory test findings on different configuration tip design of LATs. NASA has two different sensors on satellites that measuring flash frequency, the Optical Transient Detector, OTD, and the Lightning Imaging Sensor, LIS. Therefore the formulation of two AI techniques known as hybrid is definitely take full advantage of AI. This product is available through our Web Map Service. In this paper we consider wind energy generators as tall structures, thus the reflections of the current of a direct lightning strike, at various interfaces, have been included in the computational model. The lightning strike density maps cover the geographic area from 25 degrees South to 80 degrees North latitude and from 110 degrees East to 0 degrees West longitude. average-thunder day level for Malaysia’s capital Kuala Lumpur within 180 - 260 days per annum [2, 3]. What is lightning? importance of herbal remedy in Malaysia. Proceedings of the First IEEE International, Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia. We used TFlash to analyse a TLA installation on a 132-kV SSWW-BBST overhead transmission line system located in Selangor, Malaysia. About 54 % of all lightning occurs in the northern hemisphere. 111 0 obj <>stream �J~oțĖ����&�`K�`!X� Therefore the objective of this study is to develop a lightning distance calculator mobile application following the RAD methodology. The technical economies of two lightning protection devices and four layout schemes were discussed. 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