Before the students leave class, ask them to write down an answer to a question relating to a key concept learned in the lesson that day on a piece of paper or index card. The more ways that students have of representing the knowledge they’ve acquired beyond writing and oral explanation, the better their comprehension and recall of the information will be. Educators can determine how effective the lesson was and see if they need to revisit the subject matter again, or can confidently move on to the next topic. When students struggle in school, it can be for a variety of reasons. The next step in Diagnostic Teaching is to differentiate the assessment based on any number of factors–assessment format (MC vs essay, etc. Same complexity, depth, etc, just a different kind of assessment. When students have problems, you need to be able to systematically identify and fix them. The second step is a bit more narrow and wasn’t necessary nearly as often as step 1, and so on until step 8 which was necessary for very few students. Independent study projects usually run anywhere from three to four weeks. You need a daily snapshot of how the student is interacting with the content. Hand out blank index cards at the end of a class session and ask students to use them to submit a response to a question about the day’s lesson. The most Further reading. The most critical thing to remember with assessments is to try and stay focused on evaluating the concept that’s most important for the student to grasp. ASCD Customer Service. “Cubing” is a version of the above. Coaching can build will, skill, knowledge, and capacity because it can go where no other professional development has gone before: into the intellect, behaviors, practices, beliefs, values, and feelings of … Then, assess their prior knowledge on the subject, and get a feel for how interested they are in a topic. Instructional strategies like these work as a structured form of argumentation. But together you set goals and monitor progress daily or weekly–and hopefully in a way that the student and family at home can either support or handle on their own. If they did not or could not complete the work, You need to know which it was–couldn’t or didn’t. That's why reviewing information regularly is so important. Like a number of other instructional strategies in this list, It also gives the teacher an idea of where students stand on a topic or issue so they can use this information to help better prepare for the next lesson. If this isn’t enough as you diagnose the problem? ), background knowledge, etc. After presenting a lesson, pause the lecture for a moment to ask students to pair up with a partner or two. If students don’t complete the work–the ‘practice’–they can’t improve. Organization instructional strategies And it makes good use of downtime by allowing students to combine workout or commute time with further learning, when it’s most convenient for them. And since grades have already been given, it reduces after-class grading time for teachers. Use it to help students who need to be challenged by providing a specific assignment and list of directives that they must complete within a set period of time. The idea, though, is for every student to complete every assignment. Assessment of effective teaching at all levels as a function of student learning outcomes has become a major focus of discussion across the U.S. Graduation rates among African- American, Hispanic, Native American, and low-income students are lower than other so- The school year is a marathon, not a series of curricular sprints. Study the knowledge base of teaching and learning. In general, there are various ways to run assessments and different ways to adapt them to class time. And you don't have to hear from everyone; calling on a few groups at random to report works quite well. Once the contract and timeline is set, put students who are working on the same parts of the assignment at the same time to work together. Conclusion Effective Communication Techniques in the Workplace Your work is your livelihood, and it plays a role in your overall well-being and happiness. 6. 3. This year’s tour will kick off in New York and make stops in Connecticut, West Virginia, Virginia, Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, and Missouri before wrapping up in Indiana. Then get each student to select a term from the list they feel they can explain to the rest of the class. The objective of using instructional strategies beyond subject comprehension is to create students who are independent strategic learners. If that’s still not enough for the student to be successful, step 5 may help. : 1 CONTENT : CONTENT Teaching Teaching Techniques Teaching Methods Learning Pyramid Choosing Teaching … Learning by teaching makes you a better learner because it makes you work harder to understand, remember and apply what you've learned. You’ll be ready to tackle any kind of classroom setting with this collection of teaching strategies to guide students towards success; plus, putting a few of these techniques into practice will do wonders for your professional development. You’re trying to find the barrier to student understanding and remove it. Get equipped to implement instructional strategies that are appropriate for your course in order to become more effective at teaching and engaging students. But this is a good thing. When the class starts, or there’s a pause between concepts or topics, you can administer a quick quiz to get an understanding of how far along students are in their learning. They’re often concise, posted to sites like YouTube, or presented in the form of a podcast they can listen to at home or during their commute. Set up three or four activities of varying complexity for students to participate in. We remember things best immediately after we've read, heard or watched them. Teachers can use the responses to determine how well students understand the material. Independent study But it also helps students immediately correct something they’re doing wrong. If they couldn’t? It involves writing a command or question on each of the six sides of a cube, then having students roll the cube like a die and respond to the question or command accordingly. They can also work on a separate but related topic for which they’ve expressed an interest or passion, making this an inquiry based learning exercise. It is important to keep in mind the goal of this process–diagnosis. But it can also help recapture student enthusiasm near the middle of a term, reminding students that they aren’t alone in their learning and that others share their views or concerns, and that there are different perspectives to support an issue that are worth considering beyond their own. If students are able to choose which group they join, the teacher will also get a feel for the comfort level of each student. Examples include: designing a model of a roller coaster to understand slopes, angles and speed; using a hard-boiled egg to demonstrate Newton’s Law of Motion; or building a model volcano to understand what makes them erupt. Once they identify the mistakes, they can translate that learning to subsequent questions, instead of completing the entire assignment incorrectly. A key feature of effective teaching is the selection of instructional materials that meet the needs of students and fit the constraints of the teaching and learning environment. The following 8-step process is a valuable tool for me as a teacher, so I thought I’d share a version of it here in hopes that it might help you. She holds a Bachelor's degree (with honors) in Communications and Psychology from York University. What’s wrong? 5.1. The first step is the broadest and most powerful and worked for the largest number of students. Instructional strategies serve as a backbone for teaching, and, when applied correctly, can help students gain a deeper understanding of course material and encourage critical thinking, beyond basic retention and surface understanding. Once completed, discuss and compare the results. 3,412 students grade the Fall 2020 semester. Present a couple of rubrics (scoring guides) to students, based on their current level, so they have the skills needed in order to better focus and be successful in class. 4.2. Agendas Fill in the brief form below to get a customizable, easy to use exit ticket guide that will help you to assess your students at the end of every lecture. The big idea behind Diagnostic Teaching is to illuminate and remove barriers to student understanding. It’s best to do these kinds of student-led instructional strategies at the beginning of a class, so students can teach one another about what they know, sharing their knowledge and experiences that relate to course material. Nearly as bad is the practice of rereading, a common exercise that is much less effective than some of the better techniques you can use. Learn about the powerful active learning features of Top Hat Pro and our new, free offering, Top Hat Basic. Questions and quizzes It helps prepare students for when they enter the workforce, where problem solving on the fly is an essential skill. On the other hand, some teachers believe that it’s more effective to present and explain the grammar directly by using English at all times. Of course, they need to be able to do those things, but remember, this is a troubleshooting process. You have chosen to teach in higher education because you are a subject-matter specialist with a tremendous knowledge of your discipline. To use this effectively, assign homework based on the student’s skill level, ensuring it aligns with the areas they need more practice in. Coaching is an essential component of an effective professional development program. 6.2. It is associated with various philosophical positions, particularly in epistemology as well as ontology, politics, and ethics. Then, administer the same or a similar quiz at the end of class, and compare the results. Too often people imagine that long hours of studying are the best path to being a model, straight-A student. Instructional strategies include all approaches that a teacher may take to engage students in the learning process actively. Tiered rubrics What’s the hang-up? His mother is trained as a nurse, but because of language difficulties and certification problems, she works as a nurse's assistant at the local hospital. With the teacher’s guidance, students can prepare and present course material in class, encouraging interaction with peers. 3.4. Be specific with exactly why you’re calling home; you don’t want student ‘in trouble’ when they simply need help.). These include: asking certain groups of students to only complete specific parts of a test, allowing students to respond orally versus in writing, or asking students to demonstrate what they’ve learned in a more hands-on way, like building something or drawing a diagram. If students appear to be ahead of the class, assign them independent study projects. 3.6. However, there are three caveats to meshing strategy and content area instruction. In a classroom setting, working on case studies encourages students to think critically about what they’ve learned, not just recite points back to the class. This will help you see if the issue is motivation, organization, or something entirely academic. Another benefit? This is where referrals, tutoring, school-level RTI, or other functions may need to come into play. The hope is, with time and practice, students will be able to select the right strategies on their own and use them effectively to complete tasks. Power standards, spiraling, transfer, and Bloom’s Taxonomy are all tremendously useful in teaching and learning. Knowledge charts, as instructional tools, can also be used at various times to see how students are progressing, and if their interest in the topic is waning or growing. Do it well and the results can be stunning, like having a whole new class. This teaching technique is motivational because students instantly know if they’re on the right track, allowing them to gauge their achievement level. Tiered activities Case studies can help prepare them for life after college or university. Once this is realized, both students and teachers can identify and address weaknesses. Count this as formative, rather than summative, assessment. Active learning instructional strategies If relevant, you can also emphasize any rubrics–make sure they saw it, read it, and could make sense of it. From their grasp of content and literacy skills to their engagement level to behavior and organizational issues, to teacher actions, to the proverbial ‘stuff going on at home,’ the possibilities are maddeningly endless. Informal checks of student progress throughout the year can be included too. Students will inevitably worry if the quiz is going to impact their overall grade for the class. This is where differentiated instruction and a balanced mix of teaching styles can help reach all students in a given classroom—not just the few who respond well to one particular style of teaching. Whether you use Bloom’s Taxonomy, Depth of Knowledge, the TeachThought Taxonomy, or any other, the idea is to be able to scaffold and frame instruction for a diverse set of learners would work. They offer an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and course correct on their own when needed. A student who continually exhibits an unacceptable behavior (e.g., out of his/her seat) might profit from an "individualized" contract pinpointing the "desired" behavior (e.g., remaining in his/her seat) and delineating the consequences (e.g., if goal is reached, then student will receive designated reward or recognition). These strategies help students to walk on the path of independent learning and become strategic learners. You can explain a grammar rule directly using the students’ mother tongue. Educators, too, can benefit by using different strategies throughout the semester to determine the efficacy of lesson plans, and how each student is progressing through each concept. The next step if steps 1-6 aren’t enough is to establish individual goals–whether these are content-related or not is up to you and the student. To use case studies, put students into groups and task them with finding a way to apply the knowledge they’ve acquired from reading course materials and listening to lectures into real-world scenarios. Whereas above you’re simply providing an alternative form of the same assessment, step 4 allows you to break things down … Peer instruction This helps them set their own learning goals and practice time management skills—both of which are useful in the real world. For example, the two languages might use past tenses in different ways. No matter what process, model, system, or flowchart you use, as long as you have something designed and documented, you can use and refine it accordingly, keeping you from knee-jerk reactions to non-mastery like repeating yourself, talking louder/faster/slower, holding students after class, calling home, issuing poor grades, having them partner with ‘good students,’ giving them the majority of the answer, and so on. 6.1. Use that information to devise more instructor-led sessions on the concepts that most students are confused about, or that require more clarification, to eventually complete the entire list. Online Teaching Initiative by Dr. C.V. Raman University : Online Teaching Initiative by Dr. C.V. Raman University Topic: EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES Course :Teacher Training Module: Effective Teaching and Instructional Techniques Slide no. Assessment The added benefit is that having students express these thoughts on paper can result in better memory retention. Students themselves can gauge their own progress and see where more work is needed. At this point, the student will benefit from outside support to help you diagnose what’s happening. Some research even indicates that highlighting can get in the way of learning; because it draws attention to individual facts, it may hamper the process of making connections and drawing inferences. Know-ing that having one or two students working together at a com-puter is the most efficient use of the technology directs teachers 10—Effective Instruction for … Assess same standard(s) with different assessment. These include: active learning, group-based, assessment-based, organizational (or classroom management). Students are then free to do more interactive and collaborative work in class, including discussions and tasks with their peers and teacher. Active learning instructional strategies, 4. Contact us to book a product tour. The questions/commands can relate to describing, comparing, contrasting, applying, predicting or imagining concepts. Questions can be simple, like asking them to highlight what they want to learn more about, or what they found most interesting about the lesson. Think pair share Resources For Teaching With Bloom's Taxonomy. Students either need to finish the work so you can diagnose, or you need to clarify what to do and why so they can indeed finish it. Instructional strategies for advanced students, How Online Educators Get It Done: A Conversation with Andrea Hendricks, Remote Teaching: When and How to Use Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Methods, 7 Ways for Professors to Manage the Transition to Online Teaching During COVID-19, Learn what instructional strategies are, and the various types educators can use to teach more effectively, Gain a deeper knowledge of how methods like assessment, case studies, debates, flipped classrooms and more play into the overall student learning and instructional experience. Diagnostic Teaching: Pinpointing Why Your Students Struggle; image attribution flickr user woodleywonderworks. Three ideas? Educators can then utilize the responses to determine where extra instruction is needed and adjust lessons accordingly. You’re not teaching here, you’re diagnosing. Anchor activities might include the student revisiting a question posed in the previous day’s class and composing a response to it, or presenting and discussing an answer out loud to a partner. The rubrics should all contain the same basic categories, but the point value or required elements should be adjusted based on the student’s readiness. Use technology like clickers to administer things like multiple choice quizzes that can be tabulated immediately for large classes, with questions that challenge or check an assumption before a lecture begins. Have them discuss the material they just learned. In filling out these charts, teachers can get an idea of where students are. Try to do this without the use of slides as an aid, so students have to communicate more with classmates and discover more creative ways to present the material. Rather, the goal is to establish a pattern of diagnosis–of diagnostic teaching–so that you shift your focus from teaching & reteaching to systematic, guided diagnoses of academic performance barriers. Within each of these pieces should be built-in devices to automatically–without any action on your part–respond to students that struggle. Obviously this concept probably deserves a post of its own, but in general if students don’t ‘master’ a standard (or learning objective) in November, that was okay because they’ll likely see it again in December, February, and April as well. instructional scenarios where the learner is placed in a \"world\" defined by the teacher At this point, you may need to involve yourself, the student, and their family in a bit of minutia. This active learning technique is another of the best-known instructional strategies. 7.3. For classroom management-related instruction, the most effective teachers rely on modeling more than any other strategy. 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