For instance, openness to experience is correlated with a preference for “intense and rebellious” and “reflective and complex” music while extraversion is correlated with a preference for “upbeat and conventional” and “energetic and rhythmic” music [5,15,16]. ([10], p. 705) argued that “individuals use music to satisfy and reinforce basic psychological needs.” Further, the uses-and-gratifications approach—introduced into music cognition, for instance, by Arnett [19] and Larson [20]—holds that people actively used media such as music to attain specific goals. Second, the patterns of goals (self-awareness: M = 4.5, SD = 3.1; social relatedness: M = 3.2, SD = 2.9; arousal and mood regulation: M = 6.2, SD = 3.0) and effects (M = 4.6, SD = 3.0; social relatedness: M = 3.2, SD = 2.9; arousal and mood regulation: M = 6.2, SD = 2.8) remarkably mirror the pattern of the importance of the three fundamental functions of music listening found by Schäfer et al. Mean differences between goals and effects were analyzed using t tests. Mindfulness is the practice of paying purposeful attention to the present moment, without making any judgments. Journal entries are pieces of writing, which come individually, that will take and fill up a journal or even an ordinary notebook. In terms of psychological theorizing, most of these influences are exogenous or can simply be considered random. To make a halfway reliable prediction about that kind of music, one would have to identify and measure a host of variables. Music listening appears to lead to specific effects to about the same degree as these effects were intended or desired. In contrast, individuals who have rarely had such positive experiences in the past will exhibit a comparably weak association between goal attainment and MP. Those related to self-awareness and the regulation of mood and arousal are relatively important to them and those related to social relatedness less so. In the Western hemisphere, people deliberately listen to about 18 hours of music per week [1]. Bard College Conservatory of Music, 2017 “Using Modacity has made it so nice to be able to listen to my practices and fix things on the fly. | The Journal of Music This type of listening approaches a musical example almost like a sculpture or a painting, in which you point students toward particular moments and see the ways in which those moments are the culmination of particular trajectories. For full functionality of this site, please enable JavaScript. Fourth, there may be many more control variables that would be worth including in the estimation models. Results show that, first, listeners who had had more positive functional experiences with music in the past were more likely to attain their goals when they turned on their music. Appreciative Listening -listening for pleasure and enjoyment, as when we listen to music, to a comedy routine, or to an entertaining speech 6. Timbre in this piece was dark. Introduction. Analyzed the data: TS. Anonymity of participants and confidentiality of their data were ensured. The mean preference for the music that was listened to was 7.8 (SD = 2.2). The investment of temporal and financial resources indicates that listening to music must exhibit some kind of usefulness that manifests itself in the strength of MP [6,8,9]. Prediction 4 refers directly to the influence of individual differences, but this requires explanation. This new variable should be incorporated in existing models, for instance, as a new subfactor of the “characteristics of the listener.”. In the words of my colleague Marc Weidenbaum listening journals help us move “ from source to sound, from sound to description, from description to meaning…. Oct 10, 2019 - Explore Emily Quezada's board "Music Journals", followed by 606 people on Pinterest. Existing models [33,34] usually start “too late;” they begin with a given piece or style of music for which a preference decision is to be made. The intercept of this variable was predicted by past functional experiences (means as outcomes model; see Path B in Fig 1). It goes without saying that this overwhelming presence of music in the lives of so many people will affect their way of life profoundly—how they feel, how they perceive, how they think, and how they behave. The Listening Guide: A How-To Approach on Ways to Promote Educational Democracy Christine Woodcock1 ... and innovative examples of creative, interdisciplinary uses of the LG. Individual differences in the strength of music preference are among the most intricate psychological phenomena. The predictability of musical style/genre preferences is also discussed with regard to the present results. be conducted in conjunction with keeping . Music is of great importance in the lives of most people all over the world. For each situation, respondents were also asked if they were free to decide about the music they listened to or if it was preselected music (such as a radio broadcast), if they were alone or with others, and for how long they listened to music. Types of Listening • Appreciative Listening • Emphatic Listening • Comprehensive/Active Listening • Critical/ Analytical Listening 5. The rest are open observations on the sounds you experience. Individuals who score high on sensation seeking, for instance, are more likely to actively seek music with a higher energy potential to attain their goals [12,13,14]. For the other person, in contrast, there might be a weak correlation between goal attainment and MP: Whether the goals of this listener are attained through the music or not is barely reflected in the strength of preference for this music. Very slow tempo. Preview. Specifically, the following predictions were tested (see Fig 1): (1) The strength of past functional experiences can predict the strength of the effects of music listening (Path A); (2) the strength of past functional experiences can predict the mean strength of MP (Path B); (3) the strength of the effects of music listening can predict the strength of MP (Path C); and (4) the strength of past functional experiences can predict the strength of the relationship between the effects of music listening and the strength of MP over different situations (Path D). Thus, past functional experiences with music are a significant predictor of both the strength of music’s effectiveness in helping listeners attain situation-specific goals and the strength of preference for the music listened to in these situations. The first question can be answered easily. This finding may come as no surprise but music psychologists have not yet incorporated it in their models of MP. They were advised to carry a memo pad to make notes about these situations, if possible. Yet, anyone who has had few or no functional experiences with music in the past is unlikely to develop a strong preference later on. Music, Writing. Copyright: © 2016 Thomas Schäfer. Obviously, for this to be possible, it is necessary to predict which styles or pieces have so far proved useful in an individual’s lifetime. Second, as with most online studies, the present study was done with a convenient sample. His situation–functions–preference model states that listeners focus on intended effects (goals) of music listening that emerge from the actual situation and the listener’s learning history; since a specific music is capable of fulfilling the listener’s expectations, the listener is likely to establish a habit of listening to this music again in the future. Which of these possibilities is used likely depends on the social, cultural, and economic circumstances. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND . Well, yes…and no. The intercept of this variable was predicted by past functional experiences (means as outcomes model; see Path A in Fig 1). It’s really helped me be more effective during my practice sessions allowing me to address my habits sooner rather than later.” The data validated this prediction (see Table 2, Part A). If the functionality of music listening determines MP, higher values in past functional experiences should result in higher values in the mean strength of preference (see Path B in Fig 1). Hello friends! When people listen to music they usually try to attain specific goals. The more listening to music is able to fulfill specific functions consistently—so that the intended effects really occur—the more it will become a habit, and there will be an increase in the involvement in and enjoyment of music listening or, in other words, in the strength of MP. When investigating musical engagement, Bonneville-Roussy et al. The present study ties in with those results, revealing that much of the variance of the strength of MP can be explained through the degree of goal attainment (i.e., the effects of music listening). What Is Mindful Listening? Let us again distinguish between the strength and the type of MP. MUSIC APPRECIATION LISTENING JOURNALS SELECTION COMPOSER STYLISTIC PERIOD LIBRETTIST (if Listening examples Provide listening journal entries for the following songs: "Got a Few More Days" performed by RC Red Hains No instruments were heard in this song. A strong preference indicates that a person is highly involved in listening to music and actively seeks music by, say, turning on the radio, buying music, or attending concerts. See more ideas about Teaching music, Elementary music, Music journal. Some of the more prominent findings refer to personality traits such as sensation seeking and the Big Five. Later in life, there is an increasing influence of peers on the consolidation or reshaping of preferences [18], mainly because music becomes a means to express social relatedness and define one’s identity [19,20]. The Big Five personality traits have been shown to correlate with very general musical style features. Data were collected with a diary study, in which 121 respondents documented the goals they tried to attain and the effects that actually occurred for up to 5 music-listening episodes per day for 10 successive days. Keywords listening guide, feminist, qualitative research, democratic educational research ... International Journal of Qualitative Methods Music is a human universal. I have a listening worksheet that I used to use with my students.Does that count? You are responding to the regular pulse of the music. [10] arrived at the same conclusion. In addition, there is interindividual variance in both the strength of the effects music evokes and the strength of MP. Data supported the first two predictions but not the last. Music teacher Arthur Sealy takes up the issues raised by Raymond Deane in his recent article on the use of his composition Seachanges (with danse macabre) in the Leaving Cert. The four predictions refer to the above learning hypothesis: In actual everyday situations, (1) the strength of a listener’s past functional experiences can predict the degree of goal attainment, that is, the strength of the effects of music listening (effects); (2) the strength of a listener’s past functional experiences can predict the strength of preference for the music that is listened to; (3) the strength of the effects of music listening can predict the strength of MP; and (4) the strength of a listener’s past functional experiences can predict the strength of the association between the effects of music listening and the strength of MP. When the same listeners are asked how effective listening to music actually was in attaining their goals the same pattern emerged: Goals related to self-awareness and arousal and mood regulation were attainable whereas goals related to social relatedness not as much. In Model 2, the dependent variable was the strength of MP. For each music listening situation per day, they were asked to remember the goals and effects of music listening—always keeping in mind the three fundamental functions of music listening identified by Schäfer, Sedlmeier, Städtler, and Huron [28]: self-awareness (self-related cognitions and emotions), social relatedness (social bonding and affiliation), and arousal and mood regulation (background entertainment and diversion). I’ve got some exciting news: due to the world-wide enthusiasm for this database, I’ve teamed up with W.W. Norton to produce a new book, the Anthology of Music for Analysis, the most comprehensive collection of music theory examples ever published.The Anthology consists of 850 musical excerpts organized by theoretical topic. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151634, Editor: Urs M. Nater, University of Marburg, GERMANY, Received: July 10, 2015; Accepted: March 2, 2016; Published: March 17, 2016. People who maintain a certain interest in music over their lifetime typically prefer increasingly complex music [2], whereas people who hardly engage in music typically prefer easily comprehensible music when they get older [10] or music that was popular when they were in their adolescence [10,11]. Department of Psychology, Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany. Some scholars have also conjectured that in the following years young people are confronted with issues of identity, personal relationships, love, and other concerns [19,37,38,39]. When working on a … Music is of great importance in the lives of most people all over the world. Nevertheless, this measure might be prone to recall bias because people who have a stronger MP at the time of the study may attribute more importance to the functions of music in the past. Asking instead about the strength of MP reveals much about the actual engagement and involvement in listening to music [7]. Formal approval of the study by the Ethics Committee of Chemnitz University of Technology was not mandatory, since the study adhered to all the required regulations. One day she falls in love with a boy she meets there—a love story she will never forget. It is concluded that the functional effectiveness of music listening should be incorporated in existing models and frameworks of music preference to produce better predictions of interindividual differences in the strength of music preference. The present research was intended to clarify the relationship between the functionality of music listening and the strength of MP. The first aim of the present research was to quantify the significance of goals and effects and answer two exploratory questions: (1) How significant are intended effects (goals) in everyday music-listening situations and (2) to what degree can music really help people attain these goals (effects)? The goals of the first . Listening Examples Week 3 - West Africa Seckou Keita (voice and kora) - “Dounuya” ℗2002 Courtesy of ARC Music … I can’t relate to this piece because it was so depressing, sounds like they had nothing to live for. But in this case, too, most of the variance remains unexplained. And the way that this music hits everybody can be in a completely subjective and different way. I love listening to music while I create my art journal pages, and I find many songs to be very inspirational for page theme ideas. Follow. The data validated this prediction (see Table 1). Third, the instruction to pay attention to music-listening situations during the day might have altered participants’ usual behavior and experience of the situation. (For the complete dataset of the study, see S1 and S2 Tables) The data reveal two main results. Some journal entries will consist of specific listening assignments (one of your three). It turns out that children lose their open-earedness and start establishing concrete MPs around the age of 7–10 years. (2009). Studies demonstrate the tremendous amount of time that we spend in listening within our communication time. examination. Consequently, they will exhibit a strong association between goal attainment and MP. The strength of MP—which has rarely been the focus of past studies on music listening—is central to the fascinating question of why humans listen to music at all. The girl likes this place because she can hang out with her friends, meet new people, and have a really good time. Model fit was estimated by comparing the conditional model (containing all predictors and controls) with the unconditional model, resulting in a difference in deviance, which in HLM is inferentially tested using a χ2 statistic. The point I am trying to make with this anecdote is that we can imagine an infinite number of such stories. These functional experiences may be the most reliable variable with which to predict the strength of preference for music in general. Let us now turn to the second question. D. Wolvin . The present results can also help refine models of musical style/genre preferences. At the age of 14 years, she starts going there every Saturday night with some of her friends from school. Mean intensity of goals and effects of music listening, calculated from 1,502 everyday music-listening situations. Regarding the effects, respondents were asked (1) “How strongly did the function of self-awareness actually occur through listening to music?” (2) “How strongly did the function of social relatedness actually occur through listening to music?” (3) “How strongly did the function of arousal and mood regulation actually occur through listening to music?” All questions were answered on a scale of 1 (not at all) to 10 (very much). To minimize retrospective bias, they were asked to use their notes when completing the questionnaire in the evening. The same variables that predict musical style/genre preferences can be used to predict the strength of MP. Discover a faster, simpler path to publishing in a high-quality journal. Regarding the potential functionality of music, he further suggested that “individual characteristics of music appreciation must be interpreted in the context of individual history as individual ways of coping with life” ([22], p. 154). 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