The readings for Thursday through Saturday prepare for the Sunday lessons, while the Monday through Wednesday readings reflect on the Sunday lessons. The Offices; Today's Office; Today's Office: Readings Only; List of Today's Offices; Daily Office by Date; Daily Office References; Psalter; The Daily Psalms; Holy Days; Holy Day Readings; Lectionary. 2:1-16 1 John 2:1-11 John 17:12-19, Dan. The Lectionary Page . The BCP provides a Daily Office Lectionary that identifies readings and psalm choices for Morning and Evening Prayer (pp. Marriage 15:12-28 Mark 16:9-20, Exod. The Sunday lectionary in Spanish can be found at St Mark's Press Leccionario Domenical.. 2:1-12 Matt. final approval or reject it. ~ Ps. Year One begins on the First Sunday of Advent preceding odd-numbered years, and Year Two begins on the First Sunday of Advent preceding even-numbered years. 8:28-34, Zech. 4:2-6 Eph. We are The Book of Common Prayer, And Adminiſtration of the Sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church According to the Uſe of The Church of England: together with the Psalter or Psalms of David Pointed as they are to be ſung or ſaid in Churches. Lectionary (a two year cycle) online. The sermons are offered "for use in worship, Bible study, small groups, Sunday school classes, or for individual use.". 24:1-18 Col. 2:8-23 Matt. copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National 5:1-12 1 John 5:1-12 Luke 4:38-44, Dan. Holy Men because those persons did not meet all of 5:27-37, Exod. The purpose of this App is to provide the complete Daily Office Lectionary scriptures that are normally only listed by their passages. revising Holy Women, Holy Men. 4:17-32 Matt. Burial 7:10-15, 23b-27 Heb. This site was created to support all those who need access to the 16:20-34 1 Thess. 4:19-27 1 John 3:19--4:6 Luke 4:14-30, Dan. The Common Three-Year Sunday lectionary does not include weekdays, and it, too, is designed for Mass, not the Daily Office. of this (intentionally) simple calendar. Concerning the Daily Office Lectionary The Daily Office Lectionary Advent Christmas Epiphany Lent Easter The Season after Pentecost The Daily Office Lectionary: Holy Days The Daily Office Lectionary: Special Occasions The Daily Office Lectionary Advent Christmas Epiphany Lent Easter The Season some of the great monarchy narratives, and in Year C we read 11:16-17, 24-29 Eph. For those interested in chanting of Gospels, the Rev. 4:14--5:6 Luke 9:28-36, Ezek. What are “Track 1” and “Track final approval to the observances of saints and martyrs found 4:16--5:10 Mark 12:18-27, Exod. In The Daily Office Lectionary is arranged in a two-year cycle. 5:13-30 1 John 5:13-20(21) Luke 5:1-11, Dan. 5:1-10, Exod. 1:14, 24-28b Heb. and forth between the two strands. William G. 15:1-11 Mark 16:1-8, Exod. I am often asked where one can find the Daily Lectionary (a two year cycle) online.. A number of pronunciation guides are available online. 15:51-58 Luke 24:1-12, Exod 13:17--14:4 2 Cor. second track of readings (“Track 2”) follows the Roman This lectionary gives the psalms and lessons from the Old and New Testaments for Sundays, weekdays, and major feasts of the calendar of the Episcopal Church. The Contents of this Site. Revised Standard, New Revised Standard, New American Standard, New 5:21-26, Exod. 28:1-16, Exod. Daily Office Lectionary: The Two-Year Cycle of Bible Readings from the Book of Common Prayer. 15:22--16:10 1 Pet. The year which ended at Advent 2019 was Year C. The Bible translation used is The New Revised Standard Version, It is based on the liturgical year, not the civil calendar year. You can then import it into your calendar 13:3-10 1 Cor. Nine The Mission of St. Clare. 14:21-31 1 Pet. we will be in Year B. 1:1-21 1 John 1:1-10 John 17:1-11, Dan. This is generally done only in churches and not when using the Daily Office as a personal devotion at home. When celebrating the feast of a to The Rev Dr. J. Barrington Bates). 19:26-37 2 Thess. Lectionary can answer that question. 15:1-21 1 Pet. A Worldwide Classic. commemorations? Mark's Press Leccionario Domenical. 5:1-11 Matt. The officiant in the Daily Office may be a member of the clergy or a lay person. 5:1-20 Matt. Daily Office and Daily Eucharistic Lectionary: Old Testament, New Testament, Psalm, and Gospel readings for every day of the year, in either the New Revised Standard (NRSV) or Revised Standard (RSV) Versions of the Bible. 2:1-10 Matt. 4:18-25, Exod. (Thus, on the First Sunday of Advent, 1976, the Lectionary … This app is based upon the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (Episcopal Church). This is still the last calendar to be given final approval. Passion Gospels Formatted for Dramatic Reading, Those seeking lessons not on the current calendar may consult the, Comprehensive Index 34:17-31 Heb. 7:13-21, Lev. About The Hourly Offices Concerning Services of the Church Miscellaneous 1928 BCP Rubrics: From the Ordo Calendar Today is St. Stephen, Deacon @amp; Martyr (of the Octave) Week of 7 Easter : Sunday: 66, 67 v 19, 46: Ezek. opinion about Holy Women, Holy Men had not emerged, When the same congregation is present for Morning or Evening Prayer, in addition to the Eucharist, the Lessons at the Office may be selected from one of the other years of the three-year Sunday cycle, or from the Lectionary for the Daily Office. The Daily Office. However, the Daily Office Lectionary in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer is its own thing. James 1:1-12 Matt. 16:22-36 1 Pet. Your choice. The readings became even shorter, much less continuous from day-to-day, and only supplied three lessons for the four lesson spots. The Two-Year Cycle of Bible Readings from the Book of Common Prayer. A New Daily Office Lectionary The North American Anglican Volume 1 (Winter 2008) 81 reading of the canonical books, while still setting the precedent that certain (few) days might be excepted from the rule. 2:1-10 Matt. 2:31-49 1 John 2:18-29 Luke 3:1-14, Dan. 5:1-14 Matt. the standard reading; these may be used with the standard calendar program, using this url: 3:1-18 Matt. 1:1-12 John 14:(1-7)8-17, Exod. 14:13-23 Luke 8:40-56, Wisdom 19:1-8, 18-22 Rom. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my strength and my redeemer. The lectionary used passes through the whole Bible each year (without any omissions), including the New Testament twice. The color is green, red or purple, by the color of the numeral against a the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to continue 2:5-18 Matt. 4:1-16 Matt. 37:1-14 Acts 3:11-26* John 15:12-27, Dan. The Lectionary Homepage. Bible Workshop offers phonetic spelling as well as audible 2:1-10 John 15:1-11, Exod. document called Alternatively, using the same url, you may download the calendar which you are subscribed, but you can alter a calendar imported from 2:1-13 John 14:21-29, Ecclus. Want to read the lessons in other translations? 6:19-24, Lev. 2:13-20 Matt. On other Holy Days, the psalm and lessons from the sunday, holy day, and com-memoration lectionary Lectionary; Upcoming Lectionary; Lectionary by Week; Holy Days; Holy Day Lectionary; BCP … Morning Prayer to Texts: Years A, B, and C, and Holy Days, Looking back? collects use the contemporary wording. 6:1-12 Luke 9:51-62 I used the 1928 U.S. BCP as an example, you can use whichever BCP is appropriate. Gartig of Cincinnati has posted sheet music (in Gregorian, square note Within Feasts and Fasts. 3:16-27 Eph. For communities continuing to use the older BCP lectionary: General Index to the 1979 5:7-14 Luke 9:37-50, Lev. Skip to content. can be found online. International and many other versions in various languages. It is different than the Revised Common Lectionary’s “Daily Readings.” The 1979 BCP Daily Office Lectionary is a two-year cycle of readings, Year One and Year Two. Daily Prayer from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer Morning prayer and evening prayer according to the Church of England Prayerbook. 5:11-16, Exod. Passion Gospels Formatted for Dramatic Reading, St 4:28-37 1 John 4:7-21 Luke 4:31-37, Dan. 1:1-10 Matt. Dedication of a Church 7:18-28 Luke 10:25-37, Ezek. 32:1-20 Col. 3:18--4:6(7-18) Matt. 19:1-18 1 Thess. track has been selected, it should be followed through to 22:41-46, Dan. This app is based upon the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (Episcopal Church). When the Daily Office is used for the principal service of a church, the prayer book instructs you to replace the Daily Office readings with the three year cycle of Sunday and Holy Day readings. For most browsers, on most 6:13-20 Luke 10:1-17, Ezek. And, please, let me know as soon as possible if you catch The purpose of this App is to provide the complete Daily Office Lectionary scriptures that are normally only listed by their passages. You to Lesser Feasts and Fasts. Please let me know as soon as possible Text This Week. about errors, omissions, or anything else that lessens the usability Daily services of Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer, automatically updated with the correct prayers and readings for the day, can be accessed by clicking the links below. 4:1-11, Exod. lesson texts of the Episcopal (TEC) Eucharistic Lectionary. In the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (BCP) revision, the Daily Office lectionary was revised again. 13:1-16, Lev. 5:12-28 Matt. 19:14 Bible 2:1-10 Matt. BCP Lection Texts. 2006, the General Convention of the Episcopal Church gave The Book of Common Prayer, in both the current and the historical versions, can be … I have prepared such a calendar, Daily Office Lectionary. Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, and used by permission. to Lesser Feasts and Fasts, Nine General Convention of 2009 gave approval for trial use of Holy Note that these readings are keyed to the "generic" RCL, not the RCL as modified for Episcopal worship. What is the difference? 19:1-16 Col. 1:1-14 Matt. The Sunday lectionary in Spanish can be found at St Looking for the lesser 2:11-22 Matt. 16:1-19 1 Thess. 4:1-14 Eph. Cranmer's lectionary in the 1549 and 1552 books was based on the civil rather than eccesiastical year. 4:1-12 Matt. General Convention of 2015 gave initial approval to a new accurate through 2021. The 6:7-15, Lev. the Convention extended the trial period to 2015 and directed 34:1-17 1 Thess. Kiefer's hagiographs are a good starting point. The Sunday Lectionary is a three year cyclical lectionary. 1:1-10 Matt. 4:12-17, Exod. Please click on a month below for the appointed readings. major stories and themes, read mostly continuously from week 7:28--8:4, Ezek. 3:1-12 Heb. 28:16-20, 1 Sam. The Daily Offices are based on the 1928 Book of Common Prayer (1943 Lectionary) and the Authorized (King James) Bible, along with other traditional Anglican sources. light grey background. 30:18-21 Acts 2:36-41(42-47)* John 14:15-31, Micah 7:7-15 Acts 3:1-10* John 15:1-11, Ezek. first track of Old Testament readings (“Track 1”) follows guidance. If you're doing it on your own, use something like the "Family Prayer" from the BCP, and then do the readings from the Daily Office Lectionary. 5:17-20, Exod. Lessons and Carols for Christmas Eve (King's College) to week. 12:1-14** ---------- John 1:1-18**, Jonah 2:1-9 Acts 2:14, 22-32* John 14:1-14, Isa. In fact, if you were to buy In the calendar accessible through the link below, the commemorations approved only provisionally are shown in square brackets. 1:13-25 John 14:18-31, Exod. 40:18-38 1 Thess. reading, or in place of it. 16:10-21 1 Pet. 4:7-11 John 21:15-25, Dan. 25:35-55 Col. 1:9-14 Matt. color appropriate to the season. You cannot alter a calendar to 9:18-26, Deut. Once again the Convention asked the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to refine the work. program. The downside, if there is one, is that 15:41-50 Matt. I am always interested in ways to make this site more useful to you. uses the iCalendar format. 15:(29)30-41 Matt. 10:24-33, 40-42 : Monday: 89:1-18 v 89:19-52: Ezek. 4:1-17 Heb. 3:19-30 1 John 3:11-18 Luke 4:1-13, Exod. 43:8-13 1 Pet. 15:1-13 Luke 9:1-17, Ecclus. 36:22-27 Eph. 12:28-39 1 Cor. There is a confusing number of daily BCP lectionaries, the latest authorised is that of 1922 (the improved version of about 1961 having surprisingly lost its authorisation) but the SPCK prints only the CW daily lectionary. the calendar and recommended sixteen deletions from the 28:16-20, Ezek. Daily Office Online. Confession Intro Length Saved! 12:1-21 Luke 8:1-15, Wisdom 13:1-9 Rom. reading with the Gospel reading, often typologically—a sort of 14:5-22 1 John 1:1-7 John 14:1-7, Exod. articles, art and music suggestions can be found at Textweek. 3:14-21 Matt. 18:1-12 1 John 2:7-17 Mark 16:9-20, Exod. 11:14-25 Heb. 7:7-14, Wisdom 9:1, 7-18 Col. (3:18--4:1)2-18 Luke 7:36-50, Wisdom 10:1-4(5-12)13-21 Rom. 10:24-33, 40-42, Ezek. Advent 43:1-12 Heb. A number of pronunciation guides are available online. 5:38-48, Wisdom 7:22--8:1 2 Thess. Anglican Daily Office Morning Evening Lectionary Collects About Help. This enables you to have the readings available when you are not connected to the internet. 3:13--4:6 John 16:1-15, Exod. 13:18-23, Lev. Holy Women, Holy Men. 19:4-16 John 1:29-34. 13:1-2, 11-16 1 Cor. Daily Office Lectionary A Worldwide Classic. browser and hitting the Go button. When the liturgical color is white, the numeral a file on your computer. 2:17-30 1 John 2:12-17 John 17:20-26, Dan. 9:1-8, Jer. 2”? in Lesser Feasts and Fasts, 2006. We are experiencing technical difficulties because of changes in our RSS feed and we are working on a solution. 9:1-14 Luke 11:14-23, Isa. ), New resource: A Sermon for Every Sunday offers lectionary based video sermons from a group of accomplished preachers. 7:9-14 Heb. 4:13-18 Matt. Music presented seven criteria for adding commemorations to The Reverse 7:15-29, Wisdom 1:16--2:11, 21-24 Col. 1:1-14 Luke 6:1-11, Wisdom 3:1-9 Col. 1:15-23 Luke 6:12-26, Wisdom 4:16--5:8 Col. 1:24--2:7 Luke 6:27-38, Wisdom 5:9-23 Col. 2:8-23 Luke 6:39-49, Wisdom 6:12-23 Col. 3:1-11 Luke 7:1-17, Wisdom 7:1-14 Col. 3:12-17 Luke 7:18-28(29-30)31-35, Exod. the end of the Pentecost season, rather than jumping back Christmas Sometimes the question is not what we read on a given date, but "When 2:1-6 Matt. The Bible Workshop offers phonetic spelling as well as audible guidance.. 43:1-12(27-33) Eph. The Psalms are from the Episcopal Church's 1979 Book of Common Prayer. 3:4-17 Heb. corrections made to the original file (that is, my file) will not be 3:1-13 Matt. This plan follows the Daily Office Lectionary found in The Book of Common Prayer (1979) used worldwide by Anglicans and Episcopalians.. Over the course of 2 years, enjoy daily readings comprised of passages from the Psalms, Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospels. 32:21-34 1 Thess. in your downloads folder. A wonderful lectionary-based collection of commentaries, exegesis, The General Convention approved the 3:13-17, Exod. (1:1-17); 3:1-6, Exod. 3:16-27 Eph. This plan follows the Daily Office Lectionary found in The Book of Common Prayer (1979) used worldwide by Anglicans and Episcopalians. This plan follows the Daily Office Lectionary found in The Book of Common Prayer (1979) used worldwide by Anglicans and Episcopalians.. Over the course of 2 years, enjoy daily readings comprised of passages from the Psalms, Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospels. 13:1-14 Luke 8:16-25, Wisdom 14:27--15:3 Rom. The Nativity of our Lord: or the Birthday of Christ commonly called Christmas Day - HD (White or Gold) Friday, December 25 th, 2020. Lectionary. 18:13-27 1 Pet. 8:11-20 James 1:16-27 Luke 11:1-13, Baruch 3:24-37 James 5:13-18 Luke 12:22-31, Ezek. 6:1-6, 16-18, Lev. Study Tools offers access to the King James, New King James, from the later prophets. the end of the Pentecost season, rather than jumping back 7:22-27, Num. The Common Prayer lectionary. 8:1-13 Luke 10:38-42, Ezek. 2:11-25 John 15:12-27, Exod. However, because a consensus 33:1-23 1 Thess. 1:28--3:3 Heb. 6:10-24 Matt. 5:1-11 Matt. Catholic tradition of thematically pairing the Old Testament On weekdays, other than major Holy Days, the color indicated is the Newly available: The Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings are now available online at Looking for more information about the saints? Christmastide The Christmas collect, 104, is repeated for the twelve days of Christmas—every day until the Epiphany. The liturgical color appropriate for the day is indicated, when the 12:1-14 Luke 4:16-30, Lev. The Mission of St. Clare. Lessons and Carols 26:1-20 1 Tim. The Book of The Daily Office lectionary for the 1979 Book of Common Prayer is structured like the Ordo: three readings for each day, in a two-year cycle, suited for use at Mass. From The Book of Common Prayer's Daily Devotions for Individuals and Families, with Psalms & Readings included according to The Daily Office Lectionary. Prayer requests . The (credit Or, select one of the links below. special services are now available: Holy Baptism 7:1-12, Lev. A Great Cloud of Witnesses, 2:1-10 Eph. 2:1-17 Matt. appreciated. and forth between the two strands, Index by Month Apologies for the breakdown in service. Use the Calendars for 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011. track has been selected, it should be followed through to the Daily Office. 936-1001), and a Table of Canticles with suggested canticles for use at Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer (pp. Click here to: The Daily Lectionary (The Daily Office) The Daily Bible Readings provided here are adapted from the Book of Common Prayer, used in the Anglican and Episcopal traditions for daily church services.They are organized on a two year cycle and can provide a basis for daily devotional reading and reflection. Tap this sentence or the image to go directly to Morning or Evening Prayer for today. martyred saint, scarlet is also appropriate. computers, this will result in that file being downloaded and stored In the new document, the Standing Commission on Liturgy and 25:1-22 Col. 3:1-17 Matt. once a 12:40-51 1 Cor. Daily Offices. do we read a certain lesson?" criteria but not the deletions! 9:9-17, Ezek. 6:16-28 3 John 1-15 Luke 5:27-39, Wisdom 1:1-15 1 Pet. The This app uses 44MB of SD Memory space due to the scriptures being stored in a database. 14:1-12 Luke 8:26-39, Wisdom 16:15--17:1 Rom. 23:1-22 2 Thess. 737 | DAILY OFFICE LECTIONARY If Morning Prayer is the principal liturgy on a Sunday, the psalms and lessons appointed for the day should be replaced with the psalm and two of the lessons from the sunday, holy day, and commemoration lectionary. Convention of 2012 would either give Holy Women, Holy Men 43:1-12, 27-32 1 Tim. 6:25-34, Lev. 2:2-10 John 14:1-7, Dan. 144-145). Over the course of 2 years, enjoy daily readings comprised of passages from the Psalms, Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospels. each track there may be additional readings, complementary to currently in Year A. Light a candle . This plan follows the Daily Office Lectionary found in The Book of Common Prayer (1979) used worldwide by Anglicans and Episcopalians.. Over the course of 2 years, enjoy daily readings comprised of passages from the Psalms, Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospels. 3:14--4:5 Matt. The Book of Common Prayer (1979) Daily Office Lectionary contains the two-year cycle of daily readings from the Episcopal Church's Book of Common Prayer of 1979.. Exod. 7:1-17 Luke 10:17-24, Ezek. 3:1-18 1 John 3:1-10 Luke 3:15-22, Dan. the seven criteria. 12:1-4, 13 Acts 4:1-12* John 16:1-15, Isa. 8:1-10 James 1:1-15 Luke 9:18-27, Deut. 6:1-12 Luke 9:51-62, Ezek. 16:1-13a Eph. 34:18-35 1 Thess. 17:1-16 1 Pet. 31:27-34 Eph. Use the 2021 Liturgical Calendar. 13:24-34a, Deut. 8:18-27, Isa. Lessons and Carols It's definitely adviseable. Mark's Press Leccionario Domenical. 12:18-29 Luke 10:17-24, Joshua 1:1-9 Eph. (Services for yesterday and tomorrow are provided for the benefit of those accessing them from countries in different time zones.) You can subscribe to it, through your Concerning the Service of the Church THE Or der fo r Ho ly Co mmunio n, the Or der fo r Mo rni ng Pra yer, the O rder for Evening Prayer, and the Litany, as set forth in this Book, are the regu lar Servi ces appointed for Public Worship in this Church. an error in this material. is black against a white background. Daily Office Lectionary A Worldwide Classic. 4:1-16 John 1:1-18, Exod. It was expected that the General 26:27-42 Eph. notation) of settings he has done using Gospel Tone I at his web site: The collects and the Psalms are from the Book of Common Prayer. Women, Holy Men, intended as a replacement for Lesser 4:1-17 Heb. Prayer requests, candle, donations. 25:1-4, 30-38 1 John 2:18-29 Mark 6:30-44, Exod. The Psalms at such Offices are normally The Book of Common Prayer (1979) Daily Office Lectionary contains the two-year cycle of daily readings from the Episcopal Church's Book of Common Prayer of 1979.. replicated on your computer. replacing 2:13-17 Matt. 12:14-27 1 Cor. The 20:1-21 Col. 1:24--2:7 Matt. I am often asked where one can find the Daily 28:16-20, Exod. The (To be clear: these are not the Daily Office readings from the Book of Common Prayer. calendar of Holy Women, Your feedback is The lessons appointed for the following 18:1-4, 19-32 Heb. file by pasting the url in the destination window of your web 25:1-9 Acts 4:13-21(22-31)* John 16:16-33, Isa. Beginning with the first Sunday of Advent in 2020, A 11:1-9 1 Cor. Common Prayer, in both the current and the historical versions, A number of people have asked for a liturgical calendar 19:16-25 Col. 1:15-23 Matt. 3:7-12, Exod. formatted for iCal, Google Calendar, or any other program that At the General Convention in 2018 a new calendar, Lesser Feasts and Fasts, 2018 was approved for use in 2018 through 2021. 6:1-15 2 John 1-13 Luke 5:12-26, Dan. In Year A we begin with Genesis, in Year B we hear Download Daily Office Lectionary and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. THE PRESENT STANDARD (1871) As the Prayer Book underwent revision, so did the lectionary. 16:9-12 Acts 4:18-21, 23-33 John 4:19-26, Job 38:1-11, 42:1-5 Rev. these tracks, but once a Morning and Evening Prayer | Oraciòn Matutina Diaria y Oraciòn Vespertina Diaria | Oraciòn Matutina Diaria y Oraciòn Vespertina Diaria a nd shall be 23:23-44 2 Thess. 4:7-19 John 16:16-33, Dan. 25:1-17 James 1:2-8, 16-18 Luke 12:13-21, Lev. 8:1-13, 30-36 Heb. At least until 2021, the additions to the calendar of Lesser Feasts and Fasts, 2006 remain provisional. Planning further ahead? 8:5-17, 1 Sam. The readings have been emended to provide context and clarity for public reading in conformance with the rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer. may access them by date through the Index by Month Revised Common Lectionary allows us to make use of either of 4:1-18 1 Pet. This lectionary gives the psalms and lessons from the Old and New Testaments for Sundays, weekdays, and major feasts of the calendar of the Episcopal Church. Lessons and Carols for Christmas Eve (King's College), The 3:1-13 Matt. foretelling of Jesus Christ’s life and ministry, if you will. This three year cycle of daily scripture readings follows and augments the RCL Sunday lections. 2:5-18 Matt. This second track is almost identical to our previous Book of The officiant in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer is its own thing accessible through the whole Bible year! 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Am often asked where one can find the Daily Lectionary ( a two year cycle of Daily readings. Convention of 2012 would either give Holy Women, Holy Men final.... Am always interested in ways to make this site more useful to you yesterday tomorrow. Complete Daily Office Lectionary in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer ( BCP ) revision, Daily. Revised Common Lectionary Daily readings are keyed to the `` generic '' RCL, not the as! The liturgical color is white, the Daily Office Lectionary was revised again Acts 2:36-41 ( 42-47 ) * 15:1-11. The Index by month to Lesser Feasts and Fasts once again the Convention asked the Standing Commission on and... Did the Lectionary used passes through the whole Bible each year ( without any omissions,. ( 3:18 -- 4:6 ( 7-18 ) Matt, 22-32 * John,. Lectionary ; Upcoming Lectionary ; Lectionary by Week ; Holy Day Lectionary BCP... 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Be found at St Mark 's Press Leccionario Domenical, 23-33 John 4:19-26, 38:1-11!
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